wew, lads. all the clowns defending this move by NIKE are getting JUST'd. down 3% in after hours trading. can't wait for the dump when the market opens specifically, calling out this guy where is your god now?

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wow, it's fucking nothing

3% is huge for traditional markets, kid.

I’m unfamiliar with this happening. Can I get a quick rundown?

well deserved for a company trying to ride the sjw fad

boomer tier gains

>world's richest blacks hate on America
>nike backs anti-Americans
And that's if you believe the "black" lie about Colin Kaepernick. He's Arab. Look at the nose. His biracial parents that gave him up for adoption dont exist.


this is only the beginning for NIKE. it may not dip that hard right now but it will not blow over.
sjws, when will they learn?

CNBC stumbling over themselves trying to justify this move. fucking kek.


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>nice get
thanks for the bump.

I don’t care. Adidas is down 2% today too. Whether this will impact price in the long term or not, misusing JUST’d and linking to all this shit shows that you can’t intelligently interpret information on your own and you’re way too eager to buy into and peddle news stories that fit your chosen narrative.

>damn, you're on fire. nice digits
>misusing JUST’d
got your attention, didn't it.
>shows that you can’t intelligently interpret information on your own
the irony

The quarterly report will be amazing when sales tank. This is only the beginning

What i just cant fathom is the guys thinking. So his black dad gave him up for adoption not giving a shit about him. Then hes brought up by two white parents in a christian upbringing affording him opportunity and success and then he turns on white people as some kind of fucking voice of Black America.wot the actual fuck. This guys needs to be shot soon by a black guy so everyone can be crystal clear about what a dumb fucker he is.

KEK. Bitch ass whitey thought he could move the market but didn't do shit. 3%?!!! HAHAHA. Cry harder next time faggot

typical short-sighted sjw. the big boys play the long game, this 3% dip is just the start.

After the nuclear holocaust and giant ants rule the earth, a brother will still get shanked for his nikes.

People are that dumb.

your dumbass really think nike cares about the sensitive white bitches in America? Pro-tip: you aren't their market. You buy the cheapest version of their athletic wear and shoes. Go to that pathetic under armor brand with tom brady and stop crying

nigga this companies lives on hype and perception of the brand in order to sell your black ass some overpriced plastic shoes made by some indonesian children.

you are making it about race. only brainlets think it's about race. race isn't the issue, even though you're so hung up on it. this is the issue and i'll reiterate the point here: basically, marketing firms trying to tell people how to think. people don't like it and call them out. stock down 3%

I don't have a lot of blacks that live near me, so it's always interesting when I see one chimp out in the wild. How stupid and bitter about your shortcomings do you have to be to behave like you do, I wonder? This is a pandering SJW move for a nonexistent market. Everyone who has pulled this shit seems to be reaping when they sow, so here's looking forward to that.

------> go to under armor or sketchers then you lil biatch

oooohh oooh ahhh ahhhh. gib me banana peckerwood

Actually only brainlets cry over a non-issue such as this because they believe a race issue is being push on them. Hmmm...whites thinking society is racist towards them. Wew chile, the cope

>what is marketcap?

My god is cursing me with weak nike stock at the moment. Everybody here except for my dumbass should invest in some underarmor stocks for the long term. That'll show those Nike boys whats what.

you couldn't be more wrong, bro. it proves you know nothing about business. it's nothing personal, but you are taking it that way. just sell shoes and shorts and keep the politics out of it. it's ok, the market agrees with me, because people like me actually participate in it.

>Nike boys

>Be racist whitey
>Pick a non-racial issue to get offended over
>Set alarm at 8AM to sell Nike stock and "stick it to the man"
>Stay poor for the rest of his life

Are honkeys really this retarded?

more race drivel by sjw. you're falling for the divide and conquer meme. do you really think they'll keep giving you gibs once your usefulness to them is exhausted?

Never buying Nike products again!!

the issue is literally to keep political propaganda out of business. now, is it Nike's right as an American company to do this? of course it is, i'm just pointing out that the majority of Americans, who actually participate in the markets disagree with this tactic. how can you not understand this has nothing to do with race, but just poor business practice?

markets open at 09:30 bro.
fucking kek. get outta here, kid.

It's literally racist white crying and don't pretend it's anything else. Stop watching conspiracy videos on youtube...it's obvious you're one of them

>imagine being this programmed to think life is only about race
sucks to be you, bro

If he can't cry about race he might have to take responsibility.

why did i post this link, then, if it's about race? target did the same thing and it had nothing to do with race.

this guy gets it

3% happens all the time for stocks

Nobody ever claimed niggers are smart user

>just a normal day
>nothing to do with ad campaign announced yesterday and stock dropped in after hours trading right after
ok, guy

>twisting words to win the discussion
Obviously it's related to the ad campaign but 3% is nothing to be alarmed about.

sure, but a 1 day drop for a company included in the DJIA, 3% is huge and it will only get worse for them. 3% for a company of NIKE's size doesn't happen often, for small and mid caps it is normal

Am i arguing with a wall?

Crackers only make a scene when society doesn't back up their racist views.

You do realize no one is buying in on your crocodile tears anymore right? Your numbers are dwindling and you feel threatened. Your reign of terror is closing and that has you up in your feelings. Maybe move back to Europe where you're from in the bitter cold since your skin doesn't react to well with sun lol

Buy the dip

>crocodile tears
you're the same troll from the thread last night. and guess what, you're still wrong. the market proves it. when will you learn? your political views are fine, but when they enter into the business realm, the market reacts. no one cares about your issues, only results. sack, up bro.

This or stay poor wypipo

2/10 too obvious

we all know who is really posting this shit. i'm only engaging so the newfrens will see that we are not affected by the divide and conquer attempts.

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>pic related
>no actual arguments
yep, thanks for outing yourself. now, reset your IP and come back later. i will keep this thread going until market close today.

Lmfao who the fuck do you think is buying this shit? A company worth that much doesnt have a market cap that high cause Jamal is their only customer. This is going to kill nike, mark my words. Parents who buy their children athletic gear for sports will not buy this trash. Onions boys like yourself are not buying Nike either. They buy puma and berkenstocks.

Nike loses $3.75 Billion

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> 3%
Elon musk farts and Tesla drops 10%.
Claiming ideological victory after a minor move like this is silly.

>yep, totally normal day for DJIA company
can't wait for earnings eom

Are we seeing a reversal on the white guilt market lads?

"Mark my words" *shakes fist*

Puma hired Jayz as creative director, yes, a blackie that hates Drumph

It's also spelled birkenstock so you sure as hell never bought a pair in your life lol.

I don't have to reset my IP cuz I'm not a scared lil bitch like you. Keep this thread alive for as long as you want. You're just going to look even more foolish as your plan of tanking nike stock will never come to fruition

you may be right, fre. we'll know more end of month when they report their numbers. generally speaking, companies that attempt to propagandize their customers end up losing in the long run.

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>plan of tanking nike stock
>projecting this much

>plan of tanking nike stock
fucking lulz. nike did this to themselves and the market agrees. i don't have to do anything but sit back and watch the show.

Are you trolling or literally this dumb?

they gained 24% YTD and lost 3% of that in 3 hours. yep, nothing to see here.

> the nothing actualy IS something!
But, it's not.

They're gonna miss earnings in three weeks, wigger

basedboy here looking to go all in on NIKE

i'll agree to disagree with you on that

Larry, Curly, Moe


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Lol my name is Gert

I wish I had a bunch of Nike stock to sell, how can i aid in bringing this company down?

3% for a company of NIKE's size doesn't happen often
yes it does

cool. 3% after releasing a controversial ad all the while losing market share to UA should be concerning to anyone holding NIKE stock. you may be right, that this is nothing. earnings report eom will tell the tale.

>thinks Nike is losing market share to UA

Kek the delusions of you crackerbarrels

Join the #BoycottNike movement on twitter

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markets are forward-looking. NKE is up roughly 21% for the year; UA is up over 45% for the year. the market sees the writing on the wall.

Honkies, crackerbarrel.. LOL. There are literally no anti-white racial slurs that hurt at all. They all sound hilarious to me. Keep them coming larping retard, like a nigger would come to Jow Forums.

lmao is this really down because they made an ad about some guy who kneeled and doesn't even play football anymore? lmao

Adidas dipped too...this shit isn’t a race thing....it’s a “people don’t have money” thing.

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kaep is a half jew you idiot

haha, yes. because they are propagandizing their customers. no one like to be told how to think, the stock drop is evidence of this fact.
not quite, UA is up 2.25% today

You're right I've never bought a pair of those fag slippers and dont plan on buying any. Thanks for admitting to being a onions sipping fag. Youre only proving my point.

wow consumers are such cucks if they care about this shit.

>cucks for thinking for themselves
imagine being this cucked

But you aren't thinking for yourself. You're letting an advertisement influence you. One ad where we see some alleged civil rights activist who didn't even vote in the last election lmao

what? nike is an apparel company, they make shoes and shorts and shit people wear. they are not a political think tank. just sell shorts and shoes and keep your political opinions out of your business. if you want to bring in political shit to your business, that is your right as a company. most Americans hate that shit and this stock drop is evidence of that.

dropping hard the last few minutes of trading (when smart money trades). anyone defending this move by NIKE is a sjw who doesn't understand business or a race-baiting troll. true business people only care about gains, not fucking political statements.

well you can buy some nike stocks. then sell them

I don’t see why this is a big deal. The only people with real skin in the game know that people will forget after a week or two. If anything they’re taking advantage of this commotion by buying more at a discount. You think a couple of small fry investors are going to hurt Nike’s stock performance?

Exactly, being this influenced by an ad means you're cucked. lol political think tank. it's an ad of some meme's face.

look what it did in the last 10 minutes (that's when the big boys trade - smart money)

you are too retarded to understand what you're talking about. look what happened with target when they wanted to try and force transgender issues onto the American public (transgenders are less than 1% of the population). it shows a lack of business acumen to mix your personal political views with your business. you can keep saying you shit. the market agrees with me.

I'm not saying it's a good business, I'm saying you're a fucking sheep if you are influenced by a fucking advertisement.

LOL, the absolute state of lefty mainstream media. Shill harder boys, the denial is real.

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for the brainlets who don't get the point
from the article: "Nike's campaign will generate both attention and discussion which is, arguably, one of its central aims," wrote Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData Retail, in a report Tuesday. "However, it is also a risky strategy in that it addresses, and appears to take sides on, a highly politicized issue."

"However, it is also a risky strategy in that it addresses, and appears to take sides on, a highly politicized issue."
have you ever heard the saying, "it's not personal, it's just business." NIKE made it personal and they are paying the price.

i'm not influenced by it, moron. i'm showing that by them engaging in this type of rhetoric through their ads they are hurting their business. learn to read.

Nike is taking a hit now, I understand that. But what about a month from now? 6 months? Are you implying Nike won’t recover from this?