What is your favourite soda pop?

What is your favourite soda pop?

Attached: 1280px-IGA_store_in_Quebec,_Limoilou_13.jpg (1280x991, 534K)

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for the sake of ((globalization)), we have same shits in OP's pic

Purple Fanta, otherwise full sugar Pepsi or Coke.

for me, it's lilt

Attached: file.png (251x445, 278K)

Attached: rio.jpg (137x500, 20K)

Attached: iu[1].jpg (1500x1500, 320K)

>not ES Energy

Attached: 7fe.png (514x352, 32K)

Pepsi max

Attached: 916cMnp6MYL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 335K)
