Why do white people of European descent turn out to be sexual predators and sick fucks?

Why do white people of European descent turn out to be sexual predators and sick fucks?

Attached: Jeffrey_epstein_2019.png (1000x1103, 1.25M)

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>Send all your criminals and retards to a specific colony
>Several generations later, they still act like animals

Who could have known?

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haha long

I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck


isn't he jewish?


>Epstein told scientists and businessmen about his ambitions to use his New Mexico ranch as a base where women would be inseminated with his sperm and give birth to his babies


>bla bla stein
he is jewish

Joos are white or sometimes pink

Why bring Australians into this?

maybe. but it's certain kikes are not even homo sapiens.

And that's just the guy who got caught, imagine what the other oligarchs do

probably hunt people for sport in private islands

Not just. France force-matched common criminals with women who were either prostitutes or mentally ill and sent these cute couples to populate the new world

lol retard

Attached: 6399B02E-BEE4-40FE-B3F9-0F731819B277.jpg (800x800, 127K)

tall heda

name fag kys

Make me

Attached: 76D7F65F-303B-4355-AFFE-4F44632D341C.png (210x255, 96K)

I would imagine they make some homemade cheese pizza.

hahaha OP, yeah, epstein sure looks "white".... not like a semitic desert rat pedophile from the middle east at all!

okay, who taught niggers how to create threads?