Dude white women are like sooooo beautiful! blonde hair and blue eyes, this is my favourite!

>dude white women are like sooooo beautiful! blonde hair and blue eyes, this is my favourite!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yet Euro's call us mutts... they all be sucking on them kebabs...

European flags are the ones who are the most obsessed

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I prefer Mongolian women tbu

what does that even mean and how does it make sense as a a response to the op?

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> blonde hair and blue eyes
I prefer meds.

sup reddit

Probably time for an update. DROP AFTER DROP

Get yourself a HAPA girl with an asian dad and a mom with blue eyes.

Fuck off, I'm brown and I'll get a brown girl.

You guys are kind of obsessed with what others like.
Have sex.

I saw a very light skinned woman yesterday in the mall, she wasn't European (most probably Levantine) and she was FUCKING HOT.
White = beautiful.

>brown/black women
>they're so curvy and will cook for you

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Whiteys lusting after other women are cringy too

>White = beautiful.

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> NO you have to like people from your SAME RACE

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the proper answer is women from the balkans

>tfw no ebony gf

>i love race mixing!!!

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Why do you feel the urge to include religion, Christcuck ?

Very false.

I only like white or white-ish women

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All of your people are mixed


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>race mixing makes superhumans

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>imblying beauty has anything to do with race
If you're attractive, you're attractive. End of story

I realized the most degenerate white women are bl*ndes, so I'm going to get a nice brown hair/black haired blue eyed gf

>blue eyed gf

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no, you are not white

yes i obsess over white girls. no i don't care. i even support white nationalism just to potentially increase the amount of qt white girls.



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>i even support white nationalism just to potentially increase the amount of qt white girls.

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>thirsty freak diasporascum are one of the main reasons why we real turks are despised when we just try to travel abroad
I hope you die in the most painful way possible.

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It has been statistically proven in countless studies that all non-whites wants to be white.

OP is either a butthurt shitskin who wasn't born as a white person or he's a psychopath. Or he's both? Who knows.

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Gorbonism is the superstitions that revolve around the calendar and seasons. What you wear that is appropriate is based on your hair and eye color and ethnic group and sex. You should not talk to people who are not compatible with you. Every culture around the world has their own variants.

>It has been statistically proven in countless studies that all non-whites wants to be white.

Are there more people immigrating to Germany or are there more people immigrating from Germany to non-European countries?

>all non-whites wants to be white.
what do you mean here? all-nonwhites want their lovers to be white?
that's blatantly false
even blacks significantly prefer their own people over whites, contrary to all the memes

>immigrating to a european country = wanting to be white
lmao, this is pure retardation, but once again

>It has been statistically proven in countless studies that all non-whites wants to be white

>OP is either a butthurt shitskin who wasn't born as a white person or he's a psychopath. Or he's both? Who knows.

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ITT: Seething brown females.

Yes and no.

Non whites wants to be reborn as a white person. Why do you think Asians go out of their way to gain Caucasian traits? Why do you think non-whites move to European countries? Why do you think non-whites consider white women to be the most beautiful?

>even blacks significantly prefer their own people over whites, contrary to all the memes

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So it's a shitskin behind the British flag. It checks out because he doesn't have any arguments.

Fun fact: Genetic engineering in China has started and they've been trying to give Asian fetuses and Asian babies blue eyes, green eyes, light-brown hair etc. Non whites are OBSESSED with becoming white.

Like half of Caribbean Black males in your country marry white women

OP is fpbp

The ones in pic related are newer and it's from the same source, also "Caucasian traits" aren't uniquely white

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Lmao, Euro bitches is eazy!
Can’t get enough of Big Muslim/Arab cock!!

>using the word caucasian unironically

Explain, Ameri-fren.

Dalofaelid and Borreby are ideal female phenotypes. Can't argue with that.
Dalofaelid men look good but borreby men are a big yikes. The future will be Dalofaelid men + Borreby women.

He's the one using it, I wrote it between quotation marks

first of all,whites,blacks,browns dont exist

but tanned/olive women with brown hair are much more warmer to blonde with blue eyes, for exemple

i dont know how to explain this

Based and redpilled

Forgot to add the pic.

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Fair enough

White Women LOVE Indian Men, especially Sikhs!

>"Caucasian traits" aren't uniquely white

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Sikhs usually aren't as grotesque as the other poos.

Ahhhh, yesh!!

> with an Asian dad

Hello r/asianmasculinty

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Roasties are pathetic, lol.

Regular pajeets are undesireable. Sikhs aren't a race, you could find a half-Balochi looking Sikh who would basically look like eastern MENA and you can just as easily find some native Indian looking Sikh.

Keep projecting, gook

You’re right. Indian Men FTW!

Muslimcels/Pajeetcels are pathetic, lol.

Sikhs are ugly and as undesirable as the rest of the pajeets

Hahaha, those CanadianPoos are soooo pathetic!
Praise Allah, I’m Somali.

Like this ?

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Yes, more, please!

How does it go from 81.5% to 49.7% in 80 years?

>Latinos/Mexicans used to be classified as white just as many native Americans were
>open immigration to the whole world rather than Europe/whites
>abortion is legalized and women are made to work and encouraged to have their own lives and careers and education rather than being a housewife pumping out 50 kids.

White population is decreasing since 2017

>immigration = sexual preference
Emberassing post...

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>Fun fact: Genetic engineering in China has started and they've been trying to give Asian fetuses and Asian babies blue eyes, green eyes, light-brown hair etc.

No, I'm not a non-white, amerimutt.
> Genetic engineering in China has started and they've been trying to give Asian fetuses and Asian babies blue eyes, green eyes, light-brown hair
From where did you pull this out of your cavernous sharthole? Genetic engineering has a LONG way to go before it can be anywhere near viable for humans.
What that mutt is referring to is was a geneticist (supposedly) messing with human embryos with the CRISPR gene editing tool to make the babies develop resistance to HIV infection. Though he presented the results, he never presented anything else, like if the experiment actually was done or any papers published on the experiment.

Experts also suggest the babies will develop health complications later in life. As for the scientist, he defied ethical conventions and has been held under arrest by chinese authorities.

I would race mix with south americans.

>Hey, mutts! time to take a whitepill

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import 50 million rats and make it hard for europeans to immigrate here.

I would have sex with a white girl if it were easy, but they're like any other female, so it's not worth it to me.

I'm trying out the gay community. White men seem to be extremely attracted to me.

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You are white, you probably just look like a Spaniard or a tanned portuguese person.

>You are white
What the fuck is wrong with you?

do you have a Portuguese last name

la creatura..

Beans and bread, user. Beans and bread.

Brazilian girls are lightyears ahead of white women desu.

Wtf do they even do to their women to have big ass and big tits, I wonder

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surgeries and cherry picking

All going according to plan

>Implying we even have the money to these surgeries.

White girls are the best

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she looks like a coalburner

aren't they fairly cheap in brazil?

Now post some actual valid statistics.

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I'm part black, so....