Why do women do this?
What does Jow Forums think about it?
Why do women do this?
Women crave attention in the same way we men crave the pussy.
For attention
It makes my peepee hard but my brain dislike their behaviour
Ass > tits
why women were allowed to live the kitchen
white and black """woman"""
also they need attention as much as they need oxygene
My tastes > your tastes
>Why do women do this?
>Women crave attention in the same way we men crave the pussy.
>For attention
>It makes my peepee hard but my brain dislike their behaviour
>why women were allowed to live the kitchen
Very random and brainlet post
Wrong again
>It makes my peepee hard but my brain dislike their behaviour
So women r attention whores?
>google image search
>Suggestion: Fun
rotted brains from exposure to american culture
>american culture
Some of them looks like trannys
These aren't women. This is am*rigoblin goblin
the same thing
capitalism is the system of the female, the us is the nation of the female
Lmao XDD
>rotted brains from exposure to american culture
American culture is brainwashing girls
It's true though
The darker the skin the better btw
Ok that will be a based from me, don't know about the swede tho
Double cringe
>He doesn't like a big titted latina/arab/persian goddess
It's like you want to suck dicks or something
yeah im gonna need a sauce on this pronto
T. Not white
So you believe women dont display such behavior before usa was a thing?
Basically yes.
No, I'm more into japanese women and white women
>T. Not white
How does it feel to shag one of these plastic monsters? I don't find it attractive but I am curious
my countrymen sicken me
I imagine pure animal instinct takes over
ugliest "girls" and asses of all time, ruined my lunch
Her boobs are bigger than her ass, she just masked her tits with tight black top and optically made her ass bigger by wearing high heels.
Tldr you posted titcow like true white man.
All of them r whores, don't waste ur time user
It's like to fuck a doll
how thicc british girls look like?
That image is older than 2014. The stats today would favor ass
Absolutely based
>Why do women do this?
Because they love to get railed by big cocks, you weak pussy.
An erudite, I see
This is probably one of the only times to use “ she looks like she fucks black guys “ and it would actually be accurate for once but no said it