
No thread edition.

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Hey frens. I was just trying to create one but I'm banned from it. Surprising right?

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>no milkies gf

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Damn ....
she look like she love BLC(BIG LEGIONNARIES COCKS)

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I want a med gf but I don't want med kids.

I made one but it died

mfw an american is being fat near me

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I wasn't home so I couldn't post.

ornella looks a lot like my cousin

that album is actually fucking fantastic. i'm sad to learn that i listen to it alongside twitch strippers and their teenage fans.


I met this Portubro today. The highlight of my birthday desu.

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i want a gf

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>my birthday
Bon anniversaire

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happy birthday

I'm 24 now. Thanks.

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qt time?

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are you the valerie poster ?
and happy birthday

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Fren, why are you posting Christmas apus?
Yep. Thanks.
>that ass

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how is malta ?
i think one day i should visit the island

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I don't have birthday apu, so I post christmas ones for you

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Small, crowded, dirty, but has some nice parts too. I recommend Gozo.
Oh, okey fren. I appreciate.

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Happy birthday lad.
Here is a shaky drink to you.

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Thanks fren.

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Did you drink anything on this fortuitous day?

never stop posting med qts, thanks

I haven't actually. Maybe I'll get a beer from the fridge later. I don't really drink much, you know?

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As a man of high sophistication, I prefer Latinas, but they are not so far from meds

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happy birthday fren
I drink sometimes to sleep better

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I prefer meds, but big latina bundas are welcome on my face.

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>I don't really drink much, you know?
Good man.

This, a small drink before sleep is best.

Thanks fren. Yeah I usually just drink something light before going to bed.
What a qt that girl is. How is it possible?

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looks like my cousin with bigger tits and worse face

Hot af.

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Oh fuck yes!

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i would not question his greco-pheonican-roman heritage if you ask me

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How long until this seeps into Hitman threads?

How can meds compete with Atlantic bull pyramid?

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Are you guys really going to let me post qts alone?

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You contributions are appreciated.

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Sophie Mudd?

of course

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fingered her outside a nightclub in Catania in 2014

Huge divine milkers like those are hard to not recognise.

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finished the last two korca beer bottles i had in the fridge
what local beers are worth trying in your cunts

Cisk, I guess. They got a berry flavoured one which is nice.

Cisk's pretty good. I'm not that into beer at all, but I enjoyed it when I had it there.

There's a rivalry between the two main brands, Super Bock and Sagres. I prefer SB.


Sophie Mudd

>what local beers are worth trying in your cunts
Bohemia, Eisenbahn, Antarctica Original
we have several others but they're usually piss water and it's going to get even worse since our retarded congress approved a law that removed ALL restrictions on beer brewing - companies can now add whatever the fuck they want in their beers. Motherfuckers can literally just add alcohol/water to achieve the desired ABV.

thanks :*

same shit here
some of them taste like straight water

i'm planning to get a beer from as many cunts i can and do a ranking
we don't get much outside of dutch beers here sadly

>we don't get much outside of dutch beers here sadly
same here, AmBev dominates the market.

Time for Tunisian gf?

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>an incel gave me a death stare in the gym
it's over, isn't it? I'm going to die soon

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I sold weed and amphetamine in bathroom of my local mosque. AMA

i literally never saw a mosque from the inside

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I'm not gonna talk about pulverizing MDMA using Quran for pressure though.

Persians are not meds

Basically nothing easier than making people who frequent mosques a lot drug addicts
since they pursue religion for the same cause as people consume drug

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fucking hate hijabis thots

either wear hijab or either be a thot
not both

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>be me
>half anglo half catalan moor
>still whiter than you niggers
sucks to be med, fuck catalonia

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god it's so gross and brown in this thread. I swear I can smell garlic.

>fucking hate hijabis thots
Been knowing this chick who wears hijab during ramadan and then sucks off some random dude in nightclub immediately after ramadan ends.

>t. pic related

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Your mom was pumped full of MED genes. And then created you, a little mongrel insect who's neither med nor nord. Perish.

i know that thot that wears hijab irl but don't wear hijab in ig

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