grimes a.k.a. /ourgal/ edition
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Sure she is but I don’t want her over
remember when grimes fucked up the best song she ever recorded because she's a smelly retard?
why not? don't you wanna see her?
make steak and french fries
Not really
Racial nationalism is perfectly just and moral.
what song? the demo version of realiti?
ok, have sex
for LUNCH?
@109487175 (You)
dinner lunch
kinda like what im doing i guess
Premarital sex is immoral.
ok, don't have sex
>playing siege
>literal 12 year old is using meme arrows in chat and spouting Jow Forums memes like "sloppy job mossad"
I’m a pure Aztec warrior
sounds cringy but so is being a weaboo and gamer
have sex and tell him to have sex
have sex before premarital situations with incels and trannies and social construc of the mass shooters because chads and virgins and guns and violence of trump maga leftists soybois gayfags!!!
That's why I hate mexicans man!
Based 12 year old
what exactly is the point of posting this?
file sizes really stirred my autism.
what is the 7% you are hiding?
i came while thinking about you
I need a little help.
Where is the US is the "s" often pronounced as "sh"; like "promish" for example.
It is a dialect thing, isn't it?
yeah what she did to that song was worse than her dating elon
I won't tell you to have sex.
wish this was me desu
i like both versions
Building this castle
Its turning out much larger than I wanted but it’s too late now
thinking about going down south and becoming a narco
el gringo has a nice ring to it
the bigger, the better
Isn't that under european
>playing siege
>not reading siege
This happened irl before
however I plan to do the same and am not a gringo so if I meet you we will have a pistol duel
wish i had frens to play minecraft with
you added him as a friend right
“Greek”roaches aren’t European lole
ok amerimutt
Yeah but That first result isn’t mine lol
I’m a Slav who’s 7% Gayreek somehow
I only add girls.
Everyone that plays this game is a retard or child. Myself excluded of course.
are you from russia or ukraine?
If you're such a pussy come move here
we can switch houses
maybe it comes from pontic greeks
are you the gaynosa?
More like Pontiac Greeks amirite lol
no. who are you?
i think i have a drinking problem
I've never heard that specific example
stop then
Italian-American Mobsters with a cigar in their mouth
this is why autists need handlers like the rest of the tards
Toothless boomers can’t make the S sound
I'd like to beat her until her eyes were bloody then cut the skin off her face and throw her in a ditch to die
Everyone in the video is a tard.
>women with guns and authority
This is why I don't go outside often.
eating freeze pops
You know who this guy reminds me of? The burger king autist lol
v nice. finna make some poopcorn
it was mcdonalds not burger king rofl
those arent healthy thoughts my friend
everything ok?
I edit Wikipedia articles of trans people who are misgendered
>healthy thoughts
based and redpilled as fuck
was diagnosed with autism lads
my day has been kinda slow
too much work and boring as fuck
i'm sorry user :(
don't worry about it, you still be you
>using user outside of chans
congrats. you can probably get gibs for life now.
Hate niggers.
Hate spics.
Hate kikes.
Hate women.
have sex weaboo loser
>This is why I don't go outside often.
literally too scared to go outside, what a pussy
Day's been okay so far. Did housework, voice practice, a bit of piano practice, and a bunch of reading. Should do more homework and piano though
thats wat i'm hoping for
very racist user
i am very hungry
what do you plan to eat? huh?
gonna watch a movie on the 100% free app Tubi
what movie?
something extremely light that will only satiate me for max two hours
>"I have a helmet on"
do Jow Forums users really
oh, like what? a candy bar?
>a fucking autist who spergs out over a hotdog
Just shows how retarded the west is
I want to bring my salty liquorice vodka with me and drink with some Americans and shoot guns with them
says the guy using an anime girl reaction image
especially pistols, I haven't shot with pistols
one (1) sandwich
i want to insult your vodka and watch your reaction
sounds fun. ever shoot clay pigeons?