How many of you post on Reddit?

How many of you post on Reddit?

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Occasionally I will find a Reddit link through Google search, make a throwaway account with 10minutemail and leave one post. It's basically the same as being anonymous.

used to a while ago. still check in every now and then but I no longer post and deleted my account

I only post on r/T_D. Everything else is cucked

Only visit r/dota2

I mostly lurk

not since Jow ForumsChangeMyView became an independent website

You really asked for this picture

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I only browsed Osu! and some other subreddits a few years ago and it was boring as fuck. It lacked the soul that you find on Jow Forums or 8ch.
Btw, does anyone know what happened to 8ch?

go back

especially you, faggot you're ruining the site

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Never ever posted on reddit. I have used it before to look at FQAs on certain games but that is it. The format in which shit is posted is enough to make me not want to post there.

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It was shut down for being racist

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not since i made rage comics in middle school

i posted something once and got downvoted into oblivion and banned

The thought that I have wasted my time having arguments with anons who are actually the people in that pic makes me want to kill myself.

I was banned for a year on r/europe for insulting Romanians

i was banned from oldschool cool, it was a picture of some nigger in a tribal clothes and the caption said ''my great great grandfather in kongo (or ghana) who used to trade with europeans''
and i said ''traded what, slaves"
and got banned

I think you asked a fair question

I drop redpills on norwegian normies there just to piss them off and expose them to alternative viewpoints.

I regularly browse Jow Forumscumfromanal :^)

I've lurked there for many years, but I rarely post or discuss anything there.
Most times posting anything always leads to a an interminable chain of replies, everything there is 'internet serious business'. Sometimes these chain of replies go for literally thousands of posts, what the fuck, why, who the fuck even read those?

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>expose them to alternative viewpoints.
I'm guessing that means you drop an autistic rant about le niggers in every unrelated thread

Been there for nearly 7 years. Only found out about it from here though

Nah, mostly about jews, international finance and that sort.

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Found out about Jow Forums from Reddit desu

logic and truth are a big no no if they imply black people can be bad too.

Tried to, but couldn’t stand it. The passive aggressive/overly sarcastic manner they speak in is far more obnoxious and annoying than the shitty upvoting/downvoting system, excessive moderation, and the leftism

so edgy

The upvote/downvote system just destroys any form of alternate viewpoints and create drooling retards who cannot comprehend a different opinion than that which is presented by the majority of the website

tl;dr: it's full of retard

give us an example of a financial redpill

Not just that, but they also have a karma system, which fellates their ego even more. Redditors will even use it as a gauge of how good of a poster you are (i.e. how well you conform with their ideals), which probably varies from subreddit to subreddit. Subhumans, the lot of them.

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i fucking hate reddit but it's better than this board for anonymous language exchange because it has dedicated boards for specific languages. that's really the only use i have for it

That's one of the reasons it's so popular, because it's pretty easy to people to circlejerk there with this down/upvote system.
Of course, Jow Forums is no haven for discussion, but I picked my poison and here I am.

I like reddit because it's easy to find OC and fresh stuff there, but for serious discussion I'd rather go to a decided forum or something.

I used to have an account and rarely post on a very specific (non-political) sub years ago and got downvoted to hell for making a slightly controversial but objective point. I never really liked r*Ddit, but that's when dislike became hatred.

reddit is an incredibly american centric Jow Forums where everybody wears merit badges on their shoulder so the plebs know to listen to vaguely authoritarian sounding posts and who to downvote

Terrible site. Garbage layout, awful thread design, shitty vote system, power hungry mods, cringy circlejerk, a bunch of clueless ideologues and shills, mob mentality/moral superiority driven identity politics, etc. Not to mention most users are hypocritical as fuck. It only makes people stupid.

Why is that even an offense. We are doing that here everyday.

>american centric
In terms of thread focus, I suppose. In terms of smug condescension and general attitude, it's much more like Canada or Europe.

That's pretty much how all namefag forums are though.

as a european lefty I'd say the american left/democrats manage to out smug even us

Do they really?

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>all these upvotes

Have to try a little bit harder than that.

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Me on the middle right

oh no

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If I am honest I do regularly visit anime, certain game, hentai, science and mgtow subreddits

>inb4 go back

I made a account to fuck with people once. I got -99 karma on the same day. Which is he maximum negative karma you can have.

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I can't figure out Reddit with all the comment threads and comment threads within comment threads. It's part of the reason why I'm here.

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Never posted, but my googling habit has changed from googling X to googling X + Reddit at the end since there are a lot of knowledge people on Reddit.

>I'm very curious to hear what you have to say
what kind of response is she expecting? "Yes, this picture is specifically meant to make you feel depressed and inadequate"

Why? I visit the antifa one, several communist related ones, rick and morty and blacked subreddit. Very cliche isn't it?

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>someone gave that post a gold cookie
Imagine seething this hard because someone isn't a fat bucket of lard like you.

I only ever use it for porn

Its like deep in their mind they speak the truth but they just can't admit it.

Lol, next day and another 9 shot in Walmart

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r/de is the best subreddit evur ecksde.

Na but some subreddits are cool. Ofc only retards and faggots visit subs like r/dankmemes or r/europe

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What do you think

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5+ years ago, never again.
i do look at the naughtynormies though.

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You screech out over Jow Forums and MAGA for no reason, you seem like a massive pussy, yea you fit in perfectly in reddit.

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I have never been to pol in my life

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Yet you screech over it. By the way, are you not worried about that karma system at all?

what the fuck is reddit gold?

I have no idea what this means

The karma system is what kills any discussion on that website
If I ever discuss something it's in small communities (small enough to have yesterday's threads up on their front page still)
In other cases I just don't give a shit about other's opinions or whatever, I just post some edgy shit because I'm an autist

Karma is also farmable if you care enough. There's a very clear pattern some retards follow: determine the popular direction of the thread and the common opinion -> find a comment with -1 to -10 karma that apparently goes down -> leave a comment to it that says some shit like "no, this is wrong" in a demeaning tone and also points to the general opinion of everyone else in the thread. There you have your 50-500karma depending on the size of the subreddit
I don't do that but I have had it done to me dozens of times until I stopped caring about voicing my opinion there

It's equivalent to the amount of times somebody said "based and redpilled" to me, except it on a different website and not here

Sounds like shit. What benefits does having a lot of karma have?

Wait, people go hunting for karma? Why? Can they exchange it for money?

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They can sell accs on ebay

I tried googling it to see if it was true and ended up discovering r/ofcoursethatsathing instead. Pretty cool sub if you ask me.

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Unless you're involved in account selling, it gives you literally nothing
So it's just self esteem and shit like that

Account selling is a big thing because there's many corporations that offer you "exposure on reddit" and they just upvote your shit with those purchased accounts massively.
There was some story from some dude who was involved into this, but I can't find it. Basically he said that it's an insane business and at least 50% of product-related posts on reddit are boosted that way. That includes memes, for example like having some twitter/instagram crop "meme" that mentions your brand boosted to like 50k upvotes so that it appears on Jow Forumsall.

Ah I wish I had powerade now

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I often post reddit content on Jow Forums(nel).

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only browse it for obscure topics through google
any sort of mainstream sub just makes me rage, the retardation widespread there makes me a misanthrope

I went on Jow Forums ironically but visiting reddit for a few months made me unironically classist, racist, and sexist. Also, it made me hate white trash.

People are just way nicer here for some reason, while reddit exposes all kinds of social pathology.

I saw someone made a thread with anime fan art I drew

I'm too smart for Reddit, Jow Forums and most people in general.

I only use Reddit for some porn subs, they are usually good

Reddit is so feeble. They love "hot takes" on shit as long as it's posted once and amounts to basically making fun of the "reddit hivemind". They eat that shit up, because they don't think they're part of said hivemind. Post the same opinion literally a day later in another thread as its own standalone thought and you get downvoted by those same people.

Just admit your society is shit and country is shithole.

I only browse r/math since /mg/ is full autists

Put Putin on the line and tell him to get Yang in as president next year, Ivan

I don't have an account but a few years back i went to the OSRS page from time to time because that's what the mods use to communicate with the playerbase.
If leddit really is such a lefty shithole it must be one of the more redpilled subreddits.

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I have no fucking idea about Yang, user.

actually kinda funny as far as twitter screencaps go

I used to but the amount of virtue signalling, pandering/circle jerking/hivemind, attention whoring and SJW-ness going on there is fucking annoying. First went on Reddit on 2010 and it's gradually become a cesspit, the amount of straight bullshit that was accepted as truth on Jow Forumstifu was telling.

This. Got down voted to hell for saying that HK cannot realistically be an independent state. Fucking liberal faggots.

I have over 200k karma. Mainly posting porn.

lol same here. I got banned for replying "lol.. women" to a blathering ww1 100 year later post 'thanking all the brave men AND WOMEN who gave their lives'.

-100 votes. Done.

and anything related to JAV

Jow Forums self-image: Radical, superior, above all social conventions

Reality: cries about losing imaginary Internet points on R*ddit
