Why did they stop being belligerent?

Why did they stop being belligerent?

What happened?

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png (1024x640, 1K)

when were we ever belligerent?

They ran into black BVLLs on one of their conquests and got sissified

Reminder that punching Danes in the face is not ok, not a sport and not a subject to be taught to children.

You mean Norwegians and Danes.


Until 1900.

You Russians put us in our place and ended our sperg outs

Make it 1809

We got tired of it so we decided to rest a couple o hundred years.

wtf did they do after 1809?

thanks friend

Second Napoleonic war and capturing Norway. Some proxy wars like the Swedish Brigade who murdered the Estonian prime minister during the Finnish civil war and fought in the battle of Tampere. Some interventionism like invasion of Åland. Not much other than that unless you count sending soldiers to fight meaningless battles in Africa and the Middle East.

Slavs became irrelevant

norway was given to u in exchange for Finland and u lost Swedish Åland to us, faggot sissy cunt. You're nothing without us.

>in exchange for Finland
No, it was given to us because Denmark fucked up in the Napoleonic War. We didn't lose Åland to you, we lost it to the United Nations or rather their predecessor who determined it should be given to you, lol. No need to act so agressive little Pekka, it just makes it silly when you have Swedish People's Party in your government and try to act tough here.

Norway was compensation for Finland.
And that wasn't even a real war, only a few hundred dead.
You lost Åland fair and square. Don't seethe about it. You've been cucks at peace ever since you lost us.

>compensation for Finland
No. It was because Denmark chose the wrong side and lost, simple as.
>lost Åland fair and square to the UN
Sure. I don't mind, Åland is doing very well right now and will keep their Swedish culture and language so I think they're being treated fairly.

>it just makes it silly when you have Swedish People's Party
They are coming down constantly. 5.34 % and dropping lol. Finns won the language strife and now all that is left is to wait for rest of Swedes to go extinct.

They met black and med BVLLS observed their masculinity, realized there was more to life than being villains, tried their hand at being cuckolds, and they've been happy ever since. Black BVLL dick saves lives.

Attached: 64752991_147630149627534_1494667055290823798_n.jpg (1080x1080, 356K)

always an American with the ethnic cuckold fetish


Is there a picture that better emphasizes BLACK BVLL than this one, her face looking at him, his stance and non-expression, holy shit

they let women took power now they r third world pussies

Norway wasn't given to us. We were permitted to invade without any intervention from others.

>And that wasn't even a real war, only a few hundred dead.
As opposed to the real wars when you lost against russia with thousands of dead?

when were we ever belligerent before 1900?

Finns are so incredily butthurt it’s funny, stay mad

t. wh*Toid