Is your country democratic?

Is your country democratic?

Attached: g01urlb6twe31.png (3152x2320, 544K)

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Free Catalonia!

republics are better

What sort of meme criteria did they use to get this?

Thanks god no

1.) Electoral process and pluralism
2.) Functioning of government
3.) Political participation
4.) Political culture
basically "iF uR a RiGhT wiNgEr uR nOt dEmoCraTiC"

Amount of muslims multiplied by feminists

How is the uk democratic , they have a queen


So does Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
More than half of the world's full democracies are monarchies, republishits btfo.

>How is X country democratic, they have [monarchy figure with no power]

Attached: 3a8a1e78c4941c4d.jpg (532x540, 104K)

If you can call being Germany's little bitch democracy then yes.

Pretty retarded criteria, apparently if people distrust their government, they're less democratic than yes men.
Oman (a literal absolute monarchy) scores higher than Russia. Fucking CHINA scores higher than both. Morocco, another strong monarchy with some democratic elements, is apparently more democratic than multiparty republics Turkey, Armenia and Bosnia. It's random.

israel is pretty much the only democracy in the world.

>country that invented democracy is not a democracy

Germany is a republic and a democracy. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Greece was a military dictatorship until halfway the 70s

>greece dictatorship ends at the same time than Spain's
>Spain is still obsessed with teh dictatorship and lefties use it politically while greece isnt obsessed in dirty fights and talking about the past

it's not but it larps as one

we're obsessed with things from the past, even ww2

most of the countries in that map are monarchies lmao

pay debnts

paga las deudas

but I didn't even mean things like the reparations and your invasion
I meant right people here hate commies because they fought in the side of the soviet union against Greece and commies hate right people for the opposite reason

Americans don't know what democracy and republic mean

Only leftist countries are actual democracies. If you're ruled by right wing politicians, your population is dumb and acting against their own interests.

>Political culture
The fuck does that even mean lmao

orange man bad

How is China not having a functionning government?

Its a democracy index not a government function index. Fucking party shills on this board I swear

the you are not a full democracy, you are a democratic republic

>no America

based jew and future ally


>while greece isnt obsessed in dirty fights and talking about the past
Nigga wat
The whole leftard ideology in Greece is based on the false-dilemma fallacy that since commies lost the civil war and Junta ruled for 7 years, that means that what the country is in dire need of, is MORE leftard policies and more leftard economics to amend the transgressions of the past.

So, where are the rankings?

>worst of nordics
>even worse than sweden
ugh. fake ranking.

>"Whether national elections are free and fair";
in Finland they are
>"The security of voters";
as secure as can be
>"The influence of foreign powers on government";
we remain purely uninfluenced.
I do not understand why shitholes in NATO would rank above us. Only thing influencing us is EU, and I'm pretty sure Sweden is more influenced by them than us. This is bs.
>"The capability of the civil servants to implement policies".
As capable as any.