Do you love Russia? I love Russia!

Do you love Russia? I love Russia!

Attached: Russian_flag.jpg (1920x1280, 152K)

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No, the opposite

As always BBC, you forget to show what I’m replying to. What a nice manipulation

they're alright. they stand for what they believe in which is commendable although different from what we believe in here in the usa

He's got a point...

you wouldnt love them if you were their neighbor, they like to invade and subjugate their neighbors you see

Why resist then? Russia is superior

You are discount Russian. You all speak Russian anyway. The only thing different about you, is that you like to hold SS parades every year, which is core European values of course.

so let them invade that's just their culture bigot

no thanks i prefer being part of the EU
wait till the boomers die, the zoomers already dont know russian
id rather USA invade desu

they speak Russian with a cool accent

I could stand them as a people but holy shit everytime the mafia government spergs out the shit spills over to our lap as well. Like could you actually be normal and just focus on trade and the welfare of your people

hell no , them niggas oughta be genocided

I have few zoomer friends in Liepaja, they all speak Russian, even though they aren’t of those 25%.

this is actualy based

It's for lesser countries, without ambitions.

>*buys all of your cheese*
Haha lmao enjoy your cheese-less pizza.
This is exactly why Finns now have to resort to kebab pizzas.

The russian girls here told us Russians do not often eat out for steak. Is it true?


Oчeнь пoнpaвилocь

Do you love meat?

Nobody would invade good country and non-inferiour country.
Also your shithole tried to destroy Russia which was less powerful back then, you are not better than any other savage country.

Yes, but not the steak.

Yes, there men are fit and masc as fuck

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steaks are not popular, but we enjoy shashlyk at warm days

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>good country
ah yes be slave to russia or get invaded, no thanks
>Also your shithole tried to destroy Russia which was less powerful back then
when? during the PLC? good joke

You definately visit Japan once to try eating steak restaurant like that, It will change the world I promise, Japanese steak restaurant is the best. I am not joking. IT is expensive but it worth it.
Meat once you ate outside Japan and come and eat it, you would never want to eat meat outside of Japan.
I am flattering it because I am Japanese but based on my experience.

Some of them are racist, but they generally nice people

During golden horde and yes, PLC. We destroyed interventors in our trouble times.
>ah yes be slave to russia or get invaded, no thanks
you remind me hong kong cocksuckers

Yes. You are based.


я люблю вac

whine whine whine
cry cry cry
Ive never seen a good post from your country its either whining about russia or whining about EU not even ukranians are like this

He doesn't know shit about Spain because France and UK destroyed and erased Spanish legacy
El Imperio Donde Nunca Se Pone El Sol

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except unlike hong kong youll never invade us with military :)

as long as the whining gives you butthurt ill never stop, also truth hurts doesnt it?

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i like rossiya

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Russia good
Putin bad


sorry mister but this is a thread about russia, if you don't like russia feel free to click on the red cross located on the top right of your computer

If Russian minority in Latvia will decide to separate from Litva, you will give them a chance, right? You give them land and if they decide to join Russia, they will join and you will have no right to disagree.

soviet union was the best thing that ever happened to you though

you want to be the last league in EU except being elite in post-USSR

look on Belarus, they don't need EU to stay European.


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That kind of high end steak restaurant offers best Japanese beef, but we have now something like fast food steak restaurant.

My recommendation is ikinari steak, where they offer good meat from USA and Aus and it is cheaper and still taste good.
I often go there alone agter working out to obtain protain. My recommendation is called wild steak, which cost you $20 for 400g steak.

It's meh

one song in Latvian sounds like someone sing in Russian, but with misheard lyrics (I literally hear "from me" phrase) or you just can't understand

cannot honestly tell you how i feel about russia because a certain janitor will ban me

Is it your quote?

>Pic related is me, I think about suicide every single day because of this.

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russians in latvia might not be the brightest of people but even they know its better to be in EU than back in Rossija, plus why seperate when the trains are free?
im pretty sure 99.9% of people were fine being independent and ''miserable'' before 1940
being last league in EU is better than elite in USSR

Wow, /int turned into such a pro-russian board
Thank you, janny.

and what's wrong?

Thank you, based Japanese. Someday I will definitely try it. My relative has a small business related to Japan. He suggested that I go with him to Tokyo, but unfortunately I was damn busy.

>being last league in EU is better than elite in USSR

no it's not

even Poland has problems (migration from country)

Love Russia, Pannonian boy

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>plus why seperate when the trains are free?
why not?
>im pretty sure 99.9% of people were fine being independent and ''miserable'' before 1940
were they independent before USSR, how they were before?
>being last league in EU is better than elite in USSR

Пoшeл нaхyй c бopды выблядoк

no i would never post myself here and not suicidal the slightest

i don't love russia

That's your problem, not ours

it was more pro-russian before janny

I hate Russia. The country of faggots and morons

oh wow emigration truly sad, who cares, russians emigrate too, such is the state our country was left after communism
>why not?
what do u mean why not? are u stupid, there wont be any donestk and donbass here even if the population here was 100% russian, nobody will leave EU for Russia not even the russians
>were they independent before USSR, how they were before?
learn history
ignorance is bliss, putinganda must be very good in your country

Why do you hate yourself so much, faggot and moron in the same time?


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Ok real talk I fucking hate Russia. But, russians have a talent for learning complicated things such as math (see Kolmogorov, Verbitsky), programming, art. But, the government is far from far-right dream of Jow Forums mutts, it is corrupted beyond saving and needs to be destroyed with their families hanged. But, most importantly, Russia contains eldritch demon inside it which devours everything in its path, which is why the whole country is just hellish shithole. It even has a name.
You might think I'm insane or something. You just don't know. Look for old maps, you know why Russia depicted as an octopus? Because demon looks like that. It is inhuman, but it exists inside humans, it is like a language virus, something what exist inside language itself, not in culture - russians don't have a culture, they steal it from other races, what makes them multicultural in some sort, but this evil - this is something 90% of russians have by default, ingrained from the day the were born. The only way to kill it is total genocide.

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It's like being into Anglos or Swedes, except Russian blondes look less cuck/look like they will fuck your shit up and aren't massive fagets. I love them. Russians are a treasure. Once you go russian, you never stop blushin'

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> faggot and moron IN the same time
kek. Fuck off faggot and never reply to me anymore

>what do u mean why not?
latvia separated from USSR as a nation, so russians can separate from latvia pretty easily
>learn history
you were under Russian rule, tell me
>ignorance is bliss, putinganda must be very good in your country
yes, yes. So much sciencific accomplishments was made, but you tell us

This and no amount of Yous from angry vatniks and western/new world useful idiots will change that

but japanese girls love russian men

Sorrow and sadness itt and in Russia.

Libshits get out from my country, filthy scum

Is this why I feel so attracted to Russia? Is the demon trying to lure and corrupt me? Should I stop learning Russian and worshipping Russia on Jow Forums?

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He is a degenerate filthy scum, just like poles and other subhumans.

I do not care for Russian rodents.
I believe they are all pests.

Black women too

>latvia separated from USSR as a nation, so russians can separate from latvia pretty easily
reread what i wrote after and youll know the answer
>you were under Russian rule, tell me
and? not anymore, also latvia was free from 1918-1940
>So much sciencific accomplishments was made, but you tell us
did u enjoy those accomplishments? or did u send a dog in space and worked in mine and died at 50? freedom is the greatest accomplishment

Get the fuck out of here, you disgusting vatnik-motherfucker

>and? not anymore, also latvia was free from 1918-1940
fucking retard, i asked before USSR, under russian rule. How were those times?
>did u enjoy those accomplishments? or did u send a dog in space and worked in mine and died at 50? freedom is the greatest accomplishment
yes, something like freedome I will give to progress

Eбaлo зaвaли cын гнили. Чтoж вы выpoдки coбaчьи нe выpeжeтe ceбя нaхyй вмecтe c пpoвaльным и нe oтпpaвитecь в выгpeбнyю ямy вмecтe c хoхлaми, ты cын cвинины.

t. japanese steak restaurant owner

Пoтyши cвoй aнyc, лaхтинcкий выблядoк

lmao just get shot dummy

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>Should I stop learning Russian
Now listen, when you learn language that differs from your first, not only you learn language itself, but also you learn culture alien to yours. When you think, you think on your "default" language, which is Spanish, I presume, but when you learn other languages, you think on their languages. And when you think on russian, the demon starts to take over.

This, by the way,
is not a human. It is a demonhost. He is foaming with rage that I'm talking about it while he was praising the demon in this thread.
And of course, you worshipping the demon, not "Russia" on Jow Forums.

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and how were the times during polish times and swedish times and german times and courlandian times and tribal times? fuck off
wheres your progress now? too much freedom? clearly you need to bring back serfdom and youll become a technocracy

Haхyй cвaли из cтpaны, cын coбaчий.
Fucking scum

We are the most of advanced coutnries in the world right now, but you would notice it.
IT is full of russian developers and soft.

seething the thread


In America lots of our programmers are Russians, Ukrainians and other slavs. If you were to look at the credits of Microsoft Windows or other software platforms you'd see lots of russian/slavic surnames.

Damn even his voice sounds masc


I think Russia sucks major dick. US should’ve just nuked them after they nuked Japan and be done with it.
Was a mistake for them to give soviets time and to let Beria basically steal their automic bomb plans which resulted in the Cold War. I think eventually and hopefully Russia will be disintegrated into smaller shitholes that constantly fight amongst themselves.

Fuck Russia! And fuck this Janny!

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Oh god, this whole libtards vs vatniks thing makes me cringe. Is this what americans feel when they reed republicians vs democrats shitstorms?

the eternal a*glo would rather eat his own foot than be truthful for once in his life


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Not too much, no.


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>be russophobic
>become poor