
Russkiy mir edition.

Thread for the discussion of Eurasian civilization. It's based on several formations: Slavic countries, Orthodox countries, ex-Socialist countries of Warsaw Pact and ex-USSR, as well as Turks from Rumelia and the Aegean Coast.

Hub for /rus/, /bel/, /ukr/, /balt/, /balk/, /ex-yu/, /v4/, as well as splitoffs such as /ro/, /hell/, /polska/, /hun/ etc etc


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Other urls found in this thread:


Tiho ve mangal.

prwtos gia veloppoulo

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i love russia

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gia ligo re pousth moy

I feel it will be our last thread. That's was fun guys. Thanks for the good time.

Have faith, Rusfren. We are /east/ and /east/ is us.

Also, you should shill it in the /rus/+/ukr/+/bel/ thread.

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8elw th pousth sou. Th pousth sou 8elw na gamaw

thread music

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get a life nigga

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kiss me

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pidor mir

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Business idea: gonna start a betting site where and when the next amerishart shooting will be

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I already made a thread like that, we are still waiting to see who will get it right

Chill, Pshek.

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чмoки чмoки

Dunno why apuapustaja always makes me sad.

Literally me

Dr. Pavel, I'm FSB

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The map has been updated. Look at these changes.

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Based Rusfren added Nistreniya.

>Янкo Цвeткoв, извecтeн и c пpякopa cиalphadesignereбългapcкихyдoжникгpaфик.
>is also a fag
Why are out faggots so powerful, bros?!?

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Do you want a Russian gf? youtu.be/Ps-hiTRL6RQ

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Cpпcки brothers

No, my grandma was russian.
She was an utter bitch, tried stealing my grandpa's apartment and ran away to Ukraine.

I'd rather marry a gypo, at least I could start making money by selling our kids or prostituting the

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My waifu:

Штpoшepep нeмчypa, бpo.


Is mecha acceptable in this board ?

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why is Syria red?

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Oхи. Инaй пapaнoмoc

moja zhena devstvenica

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let the janny decide, he is the protector of /east/ afterall

> my grandma was russian.
> and ran away to Ukraine.

Arlighty then, say have you encountered any of these t**rists in your country ?

нaјлyђe глaвe cy cpби и pycи

Syrians aren't hardcore Arabs, they have a lot of Christians who admire Russia for protecting Assad regime.

Seems janny left our general.

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good one

I even included Republika Srpska for the sake of Russo-Serbian brotherhood.


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Ethnic russian, her family was from hoholand

eating this atm

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Ah, un om al culturii.

t. urist

Make the finished map the next OP post.

Ce te-a dus tocmai în Litva, bre?

Why is he so powerful, bros...

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I need a Bvlgarian gf

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very nice

Can we get an /east/ poster ranking? Its been a few hours already.

If I'll still be awake, I'll do. Otherwise it falls on you to carry /east/ forward, Rusfren.

kako je krasna

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Grigor Dimitrov couldnt stop the eternal s*rb Djokovic, but Boiko can
Prove me wrong

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M-a impresionat Lituania de cand am vazut monstrul ala de tag in EU4, si asa au inceput sa-mi placa tarile baltice.

Axa balcano-baltica ar trebui sa existe, de ai sti ce seamana cu noi la cultura si urbanism. Maine ma intorc acasa din pacate, gata cu berea putin cam scumpa dar foarte buna.


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This general looks cool, shame I didn't look at it during the day. I really do hope that it won't be a "twice a year general" like /slav/ always is

>Hello t**rists what are you doing in my house ? Shouldn't you be staying in a nice 5 star hotel ? Have a drink, swim in a pool and also go to many landmarks ?

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Based. Add Lebanon too then, since they are like 50% christians and ARE NOT arabs

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I live much more eastern than you so I'll probably be the first to sleep.

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Got any good movies about Stalingrad. It would be good if they are in Russian since i would like to learn the language

i.e. buzzword for russia and russian pawns
never talk to me or my v4 again


Good movie about Russian bogatyr who fought Mongols.

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E, oricum Bielorusia ii urmasa istorica a Marelui Cnezat al Litvei. Totusi iti dau dreptate ca merita cutreierate tarile baltice, au si o bogata influenta nemteasca si se vede in arhitectura oraselor vechi.

Asa in Lituania ce ii cel mai fain de vazut ar fi festivalele pagine care le fac anual de ziua nationala (parca).

/V4/ is shit


You are one of us, Pshek. You'll come home sooner or later. :^)


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There are lots of Syrians here. They came during commie times in the 70s and 80s for some reason. I had the weirdest experience 2 months ago. Went to visit my aunt that lives in a small town at the other end of the country, and they invited guests. One of their friends was some Syrian boomer named Hacho(or rather his nickname, not recalling his real name.) Everyone got drunk and we started arguing about football cos I'm a Levski fan and he was a hardcore CSKA fan. Then, he started crying and started explaining to me how much of a hardcore Bulgarian patriot he is and told me his live's story. Shat on both Assad and NATO for an hour
All in all, pretty nice guys, Syrians are

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Works everi tiem

Stiam ca se fac de midsummer (solstitiu). In fine, ai auzit de Menuo Juodaragis? E ceva festival gotic/pagan cu muzica industrial si neofolk, era anual dar anul asta nu se tine, si o sa fie la anu. Natura Lituaniei e extraordinara, cu toate ca e campie cu ceva dealuri, are multe paduri.

Klaipeda iese in evidenta cand e vorba de arhitectura (eu am facut backpacking, am fost in 4 orase si am dormit la airbnb-uri). Oamenii ori sunt ostili ca dracu, ori foarte primitori. Orasele sunt pline de nebuni si betivi, ca la noi. Blocurile comuniste sunt neintretinute, dar babustile au grija de pisicile dragute din cartiere.

Syrians are based.

>Sees Azerbaijan as part of /east/
Anons I need help I'm armenian I can't stand with these *z*r*s please help

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Makes sense.

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Hmm, vad ca au venit citeva trupe faine gen OTWATM si Sol Invictus. Nu stiam de el, dar multam fain de sfat.

Fain cu backpackingu', da' nu stiu daca io as face asa ceva de capu' meu. More power to you, cum ii vorba.

Calm down άχπερ everything will be fine

consider inviting them if there's a /me+na/ up

In Russia they can treat each other well. Russia unites ex-soviets.

Kek. Syrians are based, I had this Syrian kid in my class back in high school. His family came here exactly around the 80s and they owned a pharmacy. Dude looked Irish as fuck, he was a ginger, pale as fuck and pretty nice guy. He had the unfortunate fate of his parents naming him "Jihad" tho, so he got lots of memeing early on. We just started calling him "Jujo" later on, I think hes studying medicine now. What the fuck is with all the Syrians and becoming doctors