You live in a shithole if your cunt is not dark green

You live in a shithole if your cunt is not dark green.

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Mongolia is a shithole for exampl but it is peaceful.

>america more dangerous than Brazil
This timeline is getting interesting bros

Brazil has like 6x our homicides lol

nigga you only need like 3 day of shootings to equal Brazil's homicides in a year lmao

>russia bad

We are a shithole but we no longer have wars and terrorism is very low

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why do you have internet? I thought terrorist wanted to forbid you.
do you support them btw?

why greenland is not included?

Because we can afford it but it is not good quality
ISIS is dead they don't control us

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Lmao 146th get dabbed on

Right after you , kike

I love you too Leb-user

not a real country

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The other day I was walking through my city at 3AM and I realised how lucky I was to live in a place where I can do that and have absolutely no fear of getting mugged. Thought about it again last night when I noticed there were a lot of women walking at night alone.

That's nice , you should stop importing "immigrants " if you want to keep that
But I don't love you


not my choice bro. luckily my city doesn't have too many, maybe 5% are non-native at the most

Yeah, yeah, Russia bad. If you're not ''''democracy'''', there is no doubt you're evil.

I walk daily in the night and have no fear of being mugged

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Hello Iraqi user.
Why not

How are you and how is life doing for you user ? is Israel good ? Do you really mistreat the Arabs of Israel ?

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Can someone explain to me how does one objectively determine than Japan is more "peaceful" than czechia?

How does this map fucking works???

No wars or terrorism
Low criminality
Stable internally

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You live in a shithole country if you spend your days posting weeb bullshit on a Malaysian wood carving board.

Belarus is much safer than any nigger infested western euro shithole

>How are you and how is life doing for you user ?
Alright and meh.
>is Israel good
Compared to neighboring countries kinda.
>Do you really mistreat the Arabs of Israel ?
I don't I had a classmate named Mustafa in HS and he was nice

Do you use anime as coping mechanism for being born in iraq?

How do you feel about games which realistically shows your own country such as

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>If you're not democracy, there is no doubt you're evil.

That's unironically true.

>maybe 5% are non-native at the most
95% Inuits?

that's why poland wants to invade belarus? Or remove Batka anyways

> tfw red
Feels cool to be the villain

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UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Monaco, Belarus?

south korea i peaceful, still you mess with them

How is malaysia more peaceful than us

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Judging the USA's crime stats as a whole isn't fair though. Niggers in the USA are literally a slave race, what the fuck are we supposed to do? Just magically infuse them with good DNA to raise their IQ? They don't get anywhere near the good areas as well.

>we suck because niggers!
Every single fucking time
And as long as you think it we will continue to suck

13 50

At least we aren't a shithole

We don't suck though, we just suck when you average the nigger's numbers with ours. The white parts of America are good. Like I said, they're a literal slave race. There is absolutely nothing to be done about it.

their entire culture literally encourages gang mentality.

My city probably has the highest amount of immigrants and I walk around at night all the time.

>Syria red
>Israel orange


Don't care but sometimes sad

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>new zealand

I agree

Malaysia is very peaceful tho.

you shout at each other and bump each others cars all the time

lived in red when very young but dark green now :)

Why is Greenland always “unavailable data” for nearly all these similar studies?

I've been doing that in Paris for years and nothing ever happened to me or even close to it, doesn't mean anything

Venezuela or any other country with motorbike gangs like Malaysia are very peaceful compared to us. Or you can look at that peaceful heaven such as Iran and Jordan, no shit they are safer that us

Exactly, the map is weird and wrong

Don't confuse militarization and criminal rate


Well it's a good thing I wasn't born in a shithole then haha


Why is Croatia such a dangerous shithole?


>infuse them with good DNA to raise their IQ
Yes. Genetic engineering. Just turn them into a bunch of shy prudes.

this isn't about how safe a country is