The good guys of the story

The good guys of the story

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Israelis say they are the chosen people, but chosen by who? I didn't vote


>only civilized country in the region
Why does Jow Forums hate it again?

I admire their resilience. People should try to imitate the jews


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Jews are pretty much as close as you can humanly get to "pure evil".

The more I hear about ''the other people '' the more I like Israelis

god not filthy frogs
t. jews twin lookalike brother

They were chosen by God? Did you hear him say that?

yea its in the bible

Did God write the bible himself?

if you pronounce it in Japanese way , it means "korea" in Japanese
what a coincidence ! bitches call themselves exactly same way lol

its the word of god

So someone else wrote the bibles, jewish priests, and oh look! The bible gives them a right to expand and take profit from others! There must be a link here

they are gods chosen imbecile

I love you Japan, you are so based.

The only chosen people now are Christians (catholics).

fuck off chink

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.


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Fuck off kike, can't wait till we outlaw circumcision just to hear you insects scream antisemitism.

Jesus Christ. We could have a fucking thread about apple pie and you Japs would still find a connection between something bad and Korea. Can't you relax for 2 fucking seconds. The whole of Jow Forums got the memo, you hate Koreans, thanks for sharing. Move on and stop being obsessed with them

Attached: God's chosen people.jpg (1942x1131, 340K)

>you Japs would still find a connection between something bad and Korea
What ?
You dare dare say I connected korea with something BAD ?
what a racist you are . kim lol

I knew I liked them

Imagine if Israel were held up to half the standards of the rest of the international community. Not only would they be wiped off the map and sanctioend it would be America doing it. Too bad conservatives are obsessed with some jewish fairytale so they have to bomb brown people for an illegitimate colonist state.

they have been removed from every place they have been because reasons, they claim that they free themselves from Egypt but I think they kicked them from there too, they are the bad guys of the history.

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>Too bad conservatives are obsessed with some jewish
its not only conservative ; its also Demon-crats .

Israeli's be like, wow you murdered all those goyim women and children praying in that mosque, just like the torah told you to, you are israeli national hero.

This. Both sides in JewSA are obsessed with zionists.

You have to go back, Chaim

Kinda hard to believe there is a good guy in the world in the form of a country, especially so aggressive as Israel, let alone a very mint ethnoreligious state that’s only known for its conflicts. No offense but I hate jews and palestinians, both as people, politically and culturally. These threads need to stop though they shit Jow Forums up, I rather have the off topic threads about Jow Forums posters’ small penises than these ones as they’re rubbish. It’s just a way for people to be pro *insert kike/muzzie shithole* but I doubt that does anything, fags.

they care about this shithole way more than we do

>HURR DURR you criticize mE yu musT be korean, kim

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The thing with Jews is that they are either excessively hated or overly beloved

Try writing 'goyim' on JewTube in the comments and update the page.

Come on . you appear only when jap flag said something korean , or only when you criticize jap . know your own . kim

>you appear only when jap flag said something korean , or only when you criticize jap
wtf does this even mean?
how can you possibly know when i appear and disappear?
I've seen you j*ps call anybody who says anything you don't like for "kim". Jesus Christ, how fucking obsessed can you be?
I only ask that you stop behaving like an annoying cunt ALL THE TIME. Nobody cares about your butthurt over Korea.
Literally 90% of all jap threads are about Korea. Will you just stfu for 5 min? Can't you make a fun thread or something that makes us all laugh? All you fucking do is post about Korea, 24 fucking 7.
Just post anything that doesn't have anything to do with Korea

take meds kim
you appear to be on another level of Hwabyeong .

Decadent girls deserve a proper discipline and teaching.
Would like to give her my uncircumcised cock the name of Jesus.

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You are a schizo my man, not everyone that responds to you with anything but weeb dick sucking is a kim.

whatever dude

Are you ok ?
No one blames me , even if I call others john , kike or whatever I said .
only kims get mad at it .
chill kim .
