OK be honest, how much LINK do you really have...

OK be honest, how much LINK do you really have? It’s not possible that everyone on this site somehow has like $5K worth of LINK at least after the market crash. You guys are lying.

Really makes you think S M H.

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Other urls found in this thread:



16K Linker reporting in

bout 50k

Only 27k

11415 linkies here.
You bet your ass I am going to accumulate more.

Got over 1m, and I proved it last week.


around 50k in total user.

401k, i have 401k in everything i just don't give a 401k ass about anything aint 401k gone stop me

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7k linklet here
I could have more, but I think REQ will perform better in the short to medium term.

25k, was 30k last week

20k Link here
will not sell and will not buy more for the next 2 years.
lets see...


zero, link is a mental disorder kek

prove it again stinkie

About 270k.

About 7500, tryna get to 10k within september

10k almost exactly

139. I'm poor

OK, I guess its time to finally join everyone else and filter out LINK posts.



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a measly 350M

25.5k would buy more if I had any play money left

11k here. Continuing to pick up more little by little.

>tfw only first lt
im not gonna make it am i?



only Jow Forums meme coins I put any $ into were HOT and 0xBTC

S-Sergey sama?!

Steadily accumulating, but only have 1.5-2k usd left over to put in each month. I picked up a second job which should net me another 2k usd/mo. Starting Monday if all goes well, waiting on background check and compliance bullshit. I want 100k link minimum, if we ever see $0.2 again I will all in with my 1.2btc.

100k is alot user, whats your price predictions?

sup cunnies

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30K stinkies all in, bought 2K yesterday for 31c now it's 26c.
Also >

Remember to diversify, also pic made me lol

101k. accumulating upto $12

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enough to make it if the singularity is real
not enough to neck myself if it drops to 0.0

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Accumulated up to 30k links, reaching my end goal. Plan on selling 1 k at 10$, 1k at 50$ and finally 13k at 100$. The other 15k are for staking.

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Can someone change his shirt so that it's LINK?

Bull in mind(not saying the other B-word) that I am an Esoteric Kekian, but some of my work with tarot is very optimistic. I have a feeling we'll see another dip but $5 sometime late October is all but certain at this point. $1k eoy is a total meme, but also a laughably lowball figure for 2019 pirces.
I am lazy af, not cut out for this wagecuck thing at all. The fact I'm willingly taking on 60hr work weeks when 24hr weeks would more than cover all my needs and wants should tell you something. Look for parabolic greening this spring.

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I got demoted

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Deluded Linkies

~340 Link

10k and am a top twenty contributer to the LinkPool crowdsale.
only 100,000 people can own 10k link and thats assuming there is none tied up in nodes.

don't you dare change my shirt. I know what I like and like what I know.


God I was that was me.


20k here

Staff Sargent with 6k reporting. Will make it 10k by eom hopefully

I’ve always been curious to know how much LINK Jow Forums collectively owns. I wish there was a way to know

Sub 1k bought at 22 cents.
I'll be happy even if it goes above 5€.

I assure you I have a constant feeling of dread that It can't be this easy to make money and that I will be stuck underemployed my whole life.

It's Sergeant. Think Sergey-ant, aka your messiah, you'll never forget the spelling

10k reporting in, bought in November, still on the green with CL.

Also top 10 contributor in Linkpool's crowdsale reporting in

>wow i have 114471
How's it going fellow 114k marine? Hope you get to accumulate more, but don't think it'll go down much further right now.

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Same. I'm under a self-destruction process since 4 months. I've known Jow Forums since 2008 but I never browsed it that much. Ibcould triforce at the time.

Anyway... it is a true torture to have to wait that much without anything to ease the anxiety. It's all crumbs and dots. Any announcement is about crypto related project. Swift or Microsoft are speculation. Even if there is a lot of clues. What if cryptlets were a completly different product? What if Swift was using it's own solution. Even if it was developped with the LINK team. Nothing official says that this is it. I'm sucking the tits of clues since 6 months. My life has become darkness. I don't go to parties, take anti depressants and snort my ritalin. My life is playing videogames and muh-dots.

What am I? What will happen? Please LINK help me because I need strength to help this world. I've become desperate.

You meant 11471

Somewhere between 285k-290k I don't know the exact number.

130k but I'm just swing trading this dip, been accumulating since 4200 sats. Only 30k of that is my 1000EOY stack that I've ben hodling since december.

I really feel identified with you, BUT just take a couple advices.

Don't give up your social life for Chainlink or when you are rich you will struggle to find friends who don't want you exclusively for your money. Therefore don't stop going to parties, you don't really know when will the singularity happen. It might be in two months, it might be in two years.

Do sports, be fit. Money doesn't worth a shit if you are unhealthy and can't enjoy life to the premium level, in the worst case, if singularity doesn't happen early enough, at least you will be fit.

Leave your home at least once a day, even if it's to walk your dog or to buy bread. Fresh air and sunlight can make miracles to your self steem.

If you really really want to make sure that you'll make it. Gain knowledge about smart contracts, its architecture, how are they built, current projects working around the concept... etc. That way you'll be able to identify future opportunities and seize them. Don't let all this time be in vain. You are investing your most valuable asset, youth and time.

8k now.. was 12k but sold 4k and bought OMG

Got 100k, which I is super dangerous given that the price would be much much lower without the demand coming from Jow Forums.
Don't believe me? Look at a "similiar" project with the same token supply: coinmarketcap.com/currencies/tierion/

That would be Link's price without Jow Forums.

lol. just wow. buying OMG instead of LINK

55k I just want to make it to $3.00 so I can pay off a rental property.

Man antidepressants are meant to be a temporary crutch so you can function enough to eventually not need them. Join a gym or do something to get you out of the house for an hour a day. I don't see anything wrong with playing video games all day and spent most of my day off today playing Cannon Spike on Dreamcast but not getting any exercise or socializing causes mental health issues. Start getting your life on track before Link moons

this is actually funny. i bought tnt before i swapped it out for LINK. almost lost a good chunk of money because of that shitcoin. LINK has 10x the potential.

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this. i just wanna pay off my house and thats it. not too much to ask for. with some passive income coming in i can funnel that into other investments and live comfy af

50,000 stinkers and 1 ETH in linkpool

Buying more silver bullion with my next wage stipends

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Thank you fren. I understand why you identifx with me as your answers are all that is going through my head these last months. I try to not cut social contacts and warned all my friends that I am depressed. They have all been very nice and overly comprehensives. I also try to stay a little in shape but the ritalin is giving me such a high heart rate that I don't have a lot of stamina. My biggest problem right now is that my landlord wants to do renovations where I live and I'm going to have minions in my home from 8am to 5pm to do renovations about thermal isolations and air vents. This is devastating for me as I was taking the sporty road. That id why I feel desperate. Like a "finale torture" before LINK allows me to be free from that. In the meantime I should go back to work where my lovely coworkers appreciate me. But I just don't have any strenght left if I have to fight that landlord. I've become so weak :(

Note : the renovations will last two months. And that's all without my consent. These workers already stole stuff in others appartments they renovated. I feel so anxious!

you can do it man. nothing worth having comes easy. look at this as a test.

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Thanks, Just bought 100k

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nice try irs or pnd group

Thank you. Will do. I'm going to try to take this as a challenge and not a chore.

>warned all my friends that I am depressed.
I'm in the minority of people who would call that a bad idea. Just go back to work, it will suck at first but you sound like you need to do it. Leave your valuables in a friend or family members house if you are really that concerned.

>let's go boys

My whole appartment is full of valuable. I'm a 30yo geek-kid with lot of stuff

Also I'm nit the first one with that affliction. My friends are kind of a private "from time to time in depression" club. There is only one of them who doesn't know the taste of depression but he respects it. About the other normies I don't say anything. My koworkers know because it's been 4 months without work. I feel ashamed.

We all do. I was talking about being in the Linkpool

6k :/

i got a little over 250k and im the guy who got the 7 seven's
im hoping for another crash so i can get up to maybe 500k+ stinkies

what else are you holding?

i own a shit ton of stuff just as suicide insurance but have big bags of:

10k stinky


While I am cautiously optimistic LinkPool is even more speculative.


>literally the biggest Chainlink shill site on the internet right now

T/N: soon chainlink will be number one

51k stinkies- will be running a node with some other frens with 50k and 100k stinks

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can you remove cigarette replace it with a BTC coin

>wow I have 1144711
How's it going fellow 1.14m marine? Hope you get to accumulate more, but I don't think it'll go down much further right now.

dubs confirm, is sergy

Yes, good goyim, diversity is good for you!

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255 I'm a poorfag as well.

How much link do u have mango damu?