A message to wagies from a rich guy

The system is designed to keep wagies slaving

being rich is not normal. it's an anomaly and most people end rich by luck/mistake

also I personally believe in the serfdom gene


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Moreover, the children born to a serf inherited the status of the parent, and were considered born into serfdom at birth. By taking on the duties of serfdom, individuals bound not only themselves but their future progeny.

So go against your nature and gamble safely, with a sprinkle of intelligence and you may have a chance?

ive actually read about serfs and they had it way better than we have it now (other than dying if you got a disease or at childbirth)

they worked half of what we work today, plus when economic times were though their bosses the lords would actually give them shelter and food for free (imagine banks giving that to people during the recession). "Free" people were often less well off than serfs

here is a good article on it

OP here. no chance

also if i were you guys i'd forget all about crypto and coins and blockchain. no one needs it.

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Brilliant film OP

Is it really ?

I can vouch for that. Absolutely superb film. Watch it, you won't regret.

I miss those kind of movies

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Blessed thread. Inspired me to join law school and make it. I will not be denied my birthright I'm gonna make it.

Goy, you are born to be a slave, don't fight it!!! And stop it with that crypto nonsense, it's bad!!! STOP NOW!!!

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>Serfdom gene
Lol this board has gone to shit.

Slaves work, kings eat
The neet is a king, second only to god himself


>most people end rich by luck/mistake
fuck off, you must be fuckin poor! Do you not know any self made millionaires? You are demonstrating the mentality of a poor person....the victim card

fuck of you uneducated kike, no wonder why your poor

Stop getting gets on your redpill coloured id plz, you're scaring people away and we won't have people to offload bags to


2mil is the bare minimum to retire and live a middle class lifestyle in bumfuck Midwest US, let alone not work and drive your lambo in NYC.

What James Bond?
I don't remember this scene.


Retarded fud. Tons of people. Made money in crypto, it's not the lottery. Is there an element of luck? Sure. That's a long way from "not a chance". You're just some Jow Forumsbuttcoin faggot aren't you? Kys nocoiner.

fuck off i know someone with 50MM+ they were born poor as fuck! they even had a fuckin kid @ 16 while being poor! You are just playin the victim card cause your poor & lack a imagination on how to improve your life.

>2mil is the bare minimum to retire
deffo agree, esp. in the states with that expensive healthcare. my retired parents (not living in the states anymore) are spending about 100k/year on just holidays at the moment!...2 mill is fuck all to enjoy retirement. FYI my dad was not born into a rich family, very middle class....

>everyone lives in the JewSA

>taking the bait
You’re correct

because they are poorfags. anyone that only has 25k a year shouldnt even be having a good time desu. should be working to get more.

>my retired parents (not living in the states anymore) are spending about 100k/year on just holidays at the moment!
Your retired parents are materialistic normies. How come most people can have a good time on 25k/year but your parents somehow need 100k just for holidays

Oh man I just love it when poorfags try to LARP as richfags to convince other poorfags that striving to be rich isn't worth it.

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Well most people in europe have around that much to spend, even when they all have masters degrees and work good jobs

None of them have any problem enjoying life, and there is nothing they need that they don't have. You americans are just extremelt brainwashed it seems

>I personally believe in the serfdom gene

So the opposite of this is true as well? My family has been cycling between upper middle class and elite status from the 1685.

I am going to make it.

You're irrelevant altogether

>Your retired parents are materialistic normies.
Fuckin a they are! it won't be for much longer, my dad has WAY to much in longing the stock market RN.....won't listen, arrogance...
I fuckin keep talkin them out of buyin expensive cars when their cars are already fuckin sweet....their plan is to die broke...its going to happen before then i would say....

Its fuckin disgusting...hey, poor ppl with money...what do you expect

I don't have to be rich, i have to be stable, Hard times are coming and those that are financially stable are going to be considered "rich enough".

>plan to die broke
This is the real reason why most families can't create generational wealth. All the old people in my family see your advances to try and help them as a threat or "you're only after my money" bullshit instead of just looking out for family. They literally go into debt or give away their money to spite their children.

My great grandad was kerosene mogul who owned entire streets.
So this is good i guess

yes, you're right: the system is rigged. fucking socialists with their welfare policies made it near impossible for the poor to escape poverty. yet it's still a miracle for any of us to not be poor. look, some simple math:

300 event, each giving you on average 4% profit on your capital with a starting balance of 25 euro-dollar? how much is that?

probability and compounding are your friends.

>This is the real reason why most families can't create generational wealth.
The worst part is they are on at me to get a gf/wife & make some babies (34 now)....I tell them i can't this world is fucked & they are the symbolic of the downfall of the system...they don't like that.
Look i am not spiteful about it, it is their money, my dad worked fuckin hard for it...I didn't see him for 1-3 months regularly when i was a kid...its just the arrogance that makes me mad.

What if Switzerland and sad with 76k/year?
Still have depression and stuff. But everything costs so much in Geneva...

Still sweden seem to push salaries down. A higher education does earn you a lot more money than a job with lower education. The only way to earn good money is a business on the side or good investments abroad.

Same same fren. Our countries are the closest in term of ideals. I am sorry to read that.

socialism is what keeps africa down right?


fuck off, commie



"oh no I'm too stupid to utilise compounding to make over 2 million from 25 dorrar. capitalism is rigged" ...

you are a fucking inferior subhuman retard/ kill yourself.

>a dumb american argues about stuff
Yeah no go back to mc Donald and shut up

jaja, sehr amerikanisch bin ich kurwa

lrn2embed you literal nig-nog

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Being american is like being a nigger. it's not about your passport, it's about your mind

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Whats the point in been rich if your grandsond its going to waste it all

>the absolute lack of arguments

fick dich weg du homo

Just buy DAG dafuq

your point m8, is to have as many grandsons as you can with as many women as you can. think Genghis Khan or Bill Clinton

Weren't Jews all slaves/peasants until like the 17th century?

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No they were parasites the whole time, they just got exiled every time. The problem is that when they spread across the globe and now its impossible to exile them. Now they are in every country in the world, and have their own country.

What's stopping you from practicing conditional acceptance in contracts now? Have fun taking the lawyer's oath. Being an attorney is the most soul-sucking job I know lololol

>also if i were you guys i'd forget all about crypto and coins and blockchain. no one needs it.
how do you send money to a sanctioned country?
how do people in venezuela and turkey preserve their wealth? leave the country without taxation or seizures?
how do I get a kilo of coke without meeting my dealer?
I can go on.

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Serfs are poor by birthright. Modern day people are poor because they’re family and friends are poor and even if they were to break out of serfdom their friends/family/environment would hold them back.

just like computers were just a meme
nobody needs a computer

My mom always wanted a family home so her kids can inherit it, she goes to church with me.
My dad left my mom for another woman and spends all his money on vacations, won't leave me a penny. He never went to church growing up.
>The first shall come last
Those who are poor but are rich in Spirit, Jesus is always there.
Also having a lot of money isn't a sin, it's what you do with it. Greed is a sin
Set up a good career, going to be rich and donate and help dumb ass kids on finicial information.


People in Venezuela have no wealth to preserve. It was stolen before crypto could get to the state it's in today. Now they are a nation of 30 million communists, everything is provided by the government and if they are to work the minimum wage is 1.25 USD a MONTH!

They cannot afford the transaction costs of crypto.

think again


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wow. watched first 5 minutes then skipped ahead a few minutes at time. what an idiot.

> guy makes charming jokes
> says nothing about economics
> posits that a purely privatized world will be utopia
> that's it

a fully privatized society is utopia for the elites and no one else. we all know this.

Wow bud, two whole million bolivars and a book.

My point exactly.

Though I do congratulate you specifically for finding crypto and hope it goes well, if you are indeed venezuelan. Most of your people are headed for starvation and drowning in the literal oil in the streets, but you just might make it out.

In the days of serfdom, you were more or less property of the landowner (the landed lord). In return you were allowed to take your sustenance.

It was a very bad deal. Oftentimes the surplus would be taken and sold off and you'd have little to eat. During a famine (which was frequent) you'd be twice as fucked. Your wife and children were also property. The Lord could rape her or sell or trade your daughters. The sons were conscripted into the frequent bullshit medieval wars. This was considered a duty, you really had no choice. Nothing was provided for these conscripts either. You literally left home with the rags on your back, and poorly armed at the battlefield, if at all. You had to charge other foreign serfs, similarly poorly armed (often with picks rakes and sharpened farming implements). If you tried to flee you got gutted.

The sons were also bound to the land. Being total savage idiots, the english would simply divide a plot. After a few generations there might be 2*2*2 or 8 people all trying to survive on 1/8th original share of a plot (the density didn't get that high because of wars and disease)

This concerns historical English serfdom only. As for modern serfdom, I dunno but you really have to stretch the definition to fit anything today.

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Already made 100k cashed out last bullrun.fuck you asshole.