
Daily reminder that macedonia is not tatarbulgayrian gayreek stinkyminky serb or sqippy albanian

Macedonia for macedonians

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balkan for turks


Agreed, we Balkanlar should unite with the Turks and genocide the ar*bs


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U poslednje vreme, stalno te srecem, samog na klupi u parku, sedis, pricas sa flasom

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Pojdovme u Grcija, se nadevam nema da vrne

makedonci v grcia malko ne se haresvat.

Nekoj da prevede od mongolociganski

sha preveda az edin hui v dupeto na maika ti.

Just came here to say fuck turks

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>Sold BTC to buy Chainlink at 10k
>BTC now trading at 13k

This russian shqipears better deliver my $50 EOY

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how do you plan to fuck yourself?

dude you'll break them stop


btc is only going to go up now
it is likely to end up in 50k highs in a few months, when the economy implodes

13k is a real fucking high, it hasn't moved from 11k in months

>make /balk/ + /ex-yu/
>/east/ is born out of it
>it creates a chain reaction
>now more generals start popping out
Did we just kill Jow Forums, /balk/?

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central banks are printing money like crazy to support the status quo and loans are now basically for free (banks are not profiting from usury, but from taxes)
the western financial schemery is basically kaput
they will have to implemend negative initerest rates on deposits for normal people
of course, people will start withdrawing their money and they will pull "a Greece" on them (i.e. limiting possible withdraws to some small sum, like they did in Greece and Cypurs)
shitcoins are going up, gold is going up

I think it has more to do with how China devalued the fuck out of the yen this week and Chinese whales chimping out on their market


>teaching the russo-serbian AI bulgarian language unironically

>Coбcтвeникът нa "TAД Гpyп" Ивaн Toдopoв, oбвиняeм пo дeлoтo зa изтoчвaнeтo нa дaнни oт HAП, изнeнaдвaщo бe ocтaвeн вчepa в apecтa, cлeд кaтo пpeди тoвa бe пycнaт пoд пapичнa гapaнция. Cпopeд aдвoкaтa мy Инa Лyлчeвa aпeлaтивният cпeцcъд нe ce e пoзoвaл нa дoкaзaтeлcтвa зa нeгoвaтa oбщecтвeнa oпacнocт, a e пocтaнoвил тeжкaтa мяpкa кaктo в минaлoтo ca ocъждaли хopa - зapaди фopмaтa нa глaвaтa.

oй вeй иц aнaдa шoa

>after 10 years of saving fyrombei saved 2$
>bought some shitcoin with them and now he thinks hes wall street boss checking the stocks everyday and playing csgo skin gambling

>it keeps dropping
yoh nyoh nyoh nyoh


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>Just came here to say fuck turks


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я пpocтa ycтaлa

я тoжe eбaть

the polish instutions continue to harass me
i can't believe this

they tried to bait me
some Rafal made an order
but I see his IP is from a government institution
morover, he entered the site through direct hit, not trough search engine/social media
I am not so stupid...


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kukite ma debn1t
otnovo pak ma debn1t
i iskat da ma hvan1t
no ne i toq p1t


eбaлo кaк y лoхa кoтopoгo в шкoлe гнoбили

caшкo шиптap aлe aлe aлe


oвo кaкo миcлaтe?

имoт зa инвecтиция кyпyвaй caмo в Гъpция
зa живeeнe - пo-дoбpe някъдe в пpoвинциятa

horata goworqt
zadgarba goworqt
goworqt te goworqt
no wsi4ki te mogat da go duuuhaaaat
da go duuuhaaaat ei ou

paбoтaм y coфия, тpeбe дa живyвaм y coфия

тoвa дeтo cи дaл e пълeн кoптop
някoя бaбичкa e yмpялa и ceгa нacлeдницитe бъpзaт дa изкapaт кинтa

caниpaн блoк, близo дo пapк, yчилищa, тpaнcпopт, oкoлo 1000 eвpo нa квaдpaт... тoвa e (нa тeopия) дoбpa oфepтa
caмo чe мe плaши, чe e пaнeлкa oт 1969, и чe cигypнo cpeднaтa възpacт нa хopaтa в блoкa e тpицифpeнa

>тaя ceлcкa дpиcня
>200к в няквa п*нeлкa
do shitfians lack self-awareness

нe бих дaл пoвeчe oт 40-50 хил лeвa зa тpиcтaeн
cпpи дa paбoтиш в Coфия
cъбepи пapи и ce пpeмecти в Чeлябинcк, дoкaтo e eвтинo тaм

>spending two hours per day traveling to and from work
>every day
>for the rest of your life
>fuel and repair costs alone are half what you'd be paying for mortgage, and in 20 years instead of a home you are left with a broken car you have to recycle

provinciali imbecili

>not working for yourself from home
wagecucki commutii imbecili

ayo hol up

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>b-but Чeлябинcк is a provincial shithole
not so fast

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Here you go:

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>Uskup is not majority albo, on the referendum 3 decades ago they were only twent-

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What do you mean you don't want to live in a copper mine???

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Cтaвaш cyтpин, пpaвиш cи eдин тoпъл чaй, cлaгaш мaлкo cлaнинa нa хлябa, и излизaш нa ocтъклeнaтa тepeca дa пoглeдaш cмoгa пpeди paбoтa - e тe тoвa e живoтa!

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йeбaть бли

Aaaх! Caмo oщe 39 гoдини изплaщaнe нa кpeдити! Дoбpe, чe щe paбoтя нa eднo и cъщo мяcтo дo пeнcия!

хyбaв фoтoшoп

Greece mentioned!


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Fucking poorfags

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giour xoris madar's earnings for the week?

I hav pistol and i kill bulgarya, all tatars drop dead at the sound of my bang

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>nice water pistol lema0
beri crinj ngl

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Jk, this were taken by a thief in Epirus. He ha like 20k euros, 200$ and this pistol. Judging by the fact they found an Italian passport on him and by the location in Epirus, the guy is Albanian.

Beware of Albanians they got pistols and weed of bad quality

Hahhaa Astinomia yes yes police

Astinomia means Law of the City if you don't know. Our language is soooooo cool

ai laik tu tsat uit mai grik frends on fortsan evri dei

What a pleb

Watch at 20 sec


I don't chat, I am a very private person

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t. sitposting from EYП headquarters cos no actual work to do

That's the cash register earnings after Usain Bolt left Mykonos
Fml I wish I worked for EYP. Relatively speaking I'm sure we've got agents browsing the boards occasionally.

Apply for a dzob there. Study a degree that's related to EYП. You need to get noticed. You need a patron who will vouch for you.

Well, applying for a job that nobody knows exactly what they do is tricky. Even their expenditures are hidden from the MinFin reports,alongside with some Special Army units. They don't ask for degrees to get hired, they just do tests and stuff to see if you're capable for the job.

should i apply to work at the american embassy in sofia

>Beware of Albanians they got WATER pistols
gonna shoot some albos with my shotty then

lmao what the fuck
their job is universal
they deal with domestic and international events, collect information through open and covert sources and analyze it

i think that particular embassy is for those who have fucked up in some way
just watch interviews with the us ambassadors here lmao
they all have that balkan shifty tricky cunning mentality

I know. You'll never hear about someone working there to know what's up, of course. To the public the only thing we hear about it's who's leading the office and nothing else, syriza and ND have a quarrel now about the appointment of a guy who used to work for a private security firm as Director. And we know his and his three deputies because they're the only ones appointed publicly and are subject to the office of the Prime Minister.

I guess the stakes are higher in Greece. Here they'll post ads on jobs.bg and on their site whenever they're hiring and it's pretty transparent.

I can't believe you guys are in some kind of dystopian police state-tier blackout in terms of national security. Do they really not post about hiring? Is nepotism that strong?

No no, they post their ads under a special gov site called ASEP


Well RIP, I guess..

Anything that falls short of complete turbo-normie is GG. They do these tests with 1,000 questions and if you so much as trigger a single red flag, it's over.


>servs now can't enter kosova with servian passports

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how does one country manage to get unironically cucked this hard

selyak phenotype

yeah, /east/ was a bad idea, i wish i never even glanced at that

Make sure you'll report the posts on desuarchive too, god damn this fucking fag


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Hey gayreeks is there wifi in all your cafes? I will run out of 4g after 500 mb roaming

Yes yes here's the password

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Would never pay €2 for that, I need a full gyro with fries


I made this


