Be american

>be american
>kill yourself over medical bills

Attached: kek.jpg (782x835, 117K)

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It's not funny to me honestly.

>t. dialysis patient

Honestly leave schools alone and shoot up some hospitals or pharma headquarters, they deserve it.

Attached: CjKOSzwUoAI7nkq.jpg (480x640, 35K)

Some of my neighbors died like this and some acquaintances (I think) of my aunt died similarly. One spouse got something like cancer, they couldn't afford the bills or tried to pay them and couldn't afford anything else and were about to be evicted so they committed suicide together or did murder-suicide.

>bully highschooler
>get shot

>bully residents
>they kill themselves

That's the usual.

Well yes that would be better but the types of guys that do shootings are retards.

Jesus christ, what is wrong with the healthcare in your country?

How are yanks okay with this?

I have insurance so it doesn't affect me. Why would I care?

So do a lot of people who go into medical debt, dummy.

They literally dont care. Empathy in average usa male is removed few hours after birth where they circumise the baby without anesthesia and well women never ever showed mercy to thouse beneath them.

Attached: usa healthcare.jpg (572x1146, 99K)

selfishness. No one cares about any political issue unless it directly effects them. They won’t care until this happens to their own family members, and by then it’s too late. There is also the racism involved. People would rather focus on legislation to keep others down than bring themselves up. A lot of people who are vehemently against "muh socialism" are poor and unhealthy/overweight themselves, but still they vote for representatives who are against their own self interests. They would probably benefit immensely from a more reasonable healthcare system since they’re diabetic etc, but they wouldn’t want minorities to benefit so they vote against it.

It is funny to see politicians being more concerned about some pointless LGBTQ+++++ rights than healthcare.
But this is something expected from a country ruled by an oligarchy.

No, the only ones who care about gays and all that are leftists who also want medicare for all or are really trying to push healthcare reform. Right wing/Republicans are the ones who seem to refuse to address it at all.

That's the whole point. Identity politics is used to distract from policy here. Thus why Trump loves talking about muh Mexican invasion. Identity politics gets votes.

>shoot up hospitals
that wouldn't help anything
the people to blame for this are the insurance companies
or maybe conservative news media for somehow convincing half the retarded population that government medical care is evil communism

You had 8 years of obongo and all he did was a pointless Act that is shat on by your supreme court.

why doesn't someone go to a corporate building and shoot it up instead. maybe then the big corps will actually take action.

What there is a maximum out of pocket and theyd be on Medicare. I think he just wanted to kill his wife and then realized what he did.

Why Americans have guns for MUH FREEDOM but just use them to kill school kids and shoppers instead of corrupt businessmen and politicians is beyond me.
>be dictator
>take over the white house
>replace government with totalitarian dictatorship
>promise the conservatards they get to keep their guns
>they love you and don't defy you
>ask them to shoot people you find undesirable instead

that literally makes no sense

ACA gave more people basic healthcare (in many cases, at least emergency care) and insurance up to 26. Not all states took the medicare extension though and the entire ACA was limited due to big pharma/insurance meddling.

>>replace government with totalitarian dictatorship
>>promise the conservatards they get to keep their guns
>>they love you and don't defy you

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>go to school
>get shot
>get taken to hospital
>get shot again
fuck off


t. Proud MAGApeded supporter of privatized healthcare.

My buddy killed himself over student debt before he even graduated

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sucks if true

>permanent change in brain

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-09-22-13-50.png (540x960, 150K)

>anyone I don't like is a trump supporter

Obama was a neoliberal “centrist”

I believe him because something similar happened in my friend group too. He jumped off of a bridge that leads from campus to a parking structure. Pic related is the bridge.

Attached: 8CCDD982-E5D0-4F36-9653-E68500751842.jpg (1024x768, 198K)

>Let the bill go to the final notice
>Call the hospital,
>Inform them you don't have insurance, negotiate the bill down
>Set up a payment plan

Or let it sit on your credit score for a year, the collector will bring it way the fuck down.
Having insurance is a fucking scam.

Not that funny. At least they had eachother in the end.