Western "males" be like

western "males" be like

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What do you think he promised to give his wife for this?

mason jar full of bbc cum fermented in hops

Isn't that like $2000? I can see why he needed the wife's permission.

10 bulls


What a loser. Hopefully he never procreates. You just know his son would end up being a mass shooter.

>White men would rather play with Legos than have children
And they still have the audacity to blame minorities (who actually reproduce because they are fucking freaks) for "white genocide." It's laughable at this point really.

Do north americans really do this?

The Chad soiboy

the virgin oni ons

1) anyone who cares about star wars in 2019 is low iq. disney killed star wars, it's stupid now

2) it's a fucking lego set, what is it, a couple hundred bucks at most? why would you need permission?

>Needing to sweet talk your wife for two years to buy a fucking lego set
How do we save white "men"???

wow he bought lego and is considerate to his wife. this is the end of the white race

Why the fuck doesn't he just buy it? It's probably his money.

It became extremely common, almost natural, to "do what you enjoy :)" late into your 50s and look down with disgust at family life, like something corny and outdated that people in the past were doing because they "didn't know better"

He has a wife and legos. Why do you have?

Lego has a whole line of large and expensive star wars sets that 30-40 something losers collect.

props to his wife for not leaving him, also props to him for getting a wife despite being an ultimate soyboy


He's a beta who married the first pussy he ever got

I never knew Americans can built up LEGO

he's probably one of the "smart" ones

You're just jealous he could afford it.

>props to his wife for not leaving him
she 100% fucks other guys behind his back

How does a conversation like this even go ?? Why would his wife care so much if he buys some toy and why does he care if she says no and not just buyt it anyway.

Spending $800 isn't that big of a deal user

well atleast he is fucking her too, that's good for him, he can just compensate it by fucking whores

Why do you say western when you clearly mean wh*Te?

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The vastly superior Simpsons lego sets

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LEGOs are fun though
Haven't done it since I was 10
But, it was fun

Why you say wh*te when you clearly mean Burgerstanian?

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If you aren't rich spending $700 on toys is definitely something that you should discuss with your partner.

The houses look like total shit but those characters are fucking cool

Pretty much this. His life looks pretty chill compared to mine.

It is in Russia.

His wife is probably 300 lbs. Lots of "nerdy" couples are like this. Whoever loses the weight first will cheat as soon as they are able and they will get a divorce.

Having a plastic model of Zero fighter

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why are people infantilized like this all of a sudden?
I grew out of video games at like 20, and got into motorcycles and having sex instead.

don't you make that in a week in america, also i didn't assume lego would cost that much

>complains other people are immature
>rides motorbikes

Spending an entire week's wages on something useless is something you should discuss with your partner, if you live together anyway.

Has it ever crossed your mind that the infantilization and the mongrels are a part of the same equation?

cool set desu

Mongrels aren't a problem unless you want to promote white nationalism.

Lol absolutely true

yes, it's fun.

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Can you get a hunting gun with that money?

beta orbiters and white knight deserve nothing but bullet in the neck

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so true :D

In the US I could buy two ok quality hunting rifles or two AR 15s of marginal quality for that price.

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You could get a shotgun and a rifle

Or a couple of pistols

Nice, I think I'd go for that, better to spend my free time outdoors

>big toys manly

>there are children forced to work like adults in 3rd world factories just so they can make toys for adults in the 1st world to act like children

I don't know user, all that leather seems kinda gay to me...

Lego is made in Denmark

Is there a Sneed’s Feed & Seed set?

aye love me some LEGO bricks but had my time to get them as a child

If you're a manchild, yes. The only real difference between you and the guy with SW Lego is that your toys cost more. At least he can enjoy his toys quietly in his own home, without bothering other people.

i still play with legos
I'm almost 30

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yes, interest for mechanics and locomotion is almost exlusively a masculine trait.
not as gay as seeing women drop their pants when they see my arms filthy with motor oil

>disney killed star wars

george lucas killed star wars 20 years ago, zoomer

>*happy soyjak*

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I'm aware, credit to them for not just outsourcing to China but I was referring to manchildren in general

you mean subservient. Why would he need her permission to waste his money

Because they rely on his income?

Why assume it's his? Even if he is the main breadwinner (not all that likely if you consider his appearance) married couples tend to both work and make financial decision together. Would you want your wife dropping hundreds of dollars on useless shit without checking with you first?

>he has a wife
>you don't even have a gf
explain yourselves
inb4 she cucks him

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kek needing wifeys permission to buy things. glad I dont put up with that bullshit mindset

This. So glad I don't bother with women anymore.

>pretending that's your choice

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before reading the text I was going to say that having a hobby to get your mind of things is great, especially something creative like Lego and shouldn't be frowned upon

but yeah after reading it's a big yikes from me

kek brits talking shit... what's a matter? you jelly some people are so over females shit and dont care what they think and you're still trying to get your hand held at age 20+ you're bitter is obvious
yup.. ditched the dating game and fast forward a few years buying a house and investing money in stocks/bitcoin/altcoin/gold/silver/misc. Alot happier these days than ever

No I've always done fine with women. I understand that guys get frustrated with them, but if it's gotten to the point where you just give up entirely that tells me more about you than about women, and none of it reflects well on you.

I'm often puzzled. Are wives considered equals somewhere else?
I mean, I'd rather pay alimony for the snot machine

>this shit costs £650


>Ooga booga me masculine
Very obvious that you have insecurities.


I prefer tank models but that is very based and divine windpilled

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>disney killed star wars, it's stupid now
It was always stupid you fucking manchild.

I cannot imagine actually being an adult male and thinking that I need to 'sweet-talk' or gain 'brownie points' from my wife in order to purchase, with my own earnings, something I desire

Just tell her you're getting the fucking thing and to shut her fucking piehole

What even is brownie points? Sounds retarded

luv me wife
luv me Legos

'ate askin permission
'ate soy

It's basically a colloquialism for 'social currency', from the Brownies (Girl Scouts) where they have to do good deeds and whatnot in order to earn badges

It's always bizarre when 17 year old incels try to imagine themselves in relationships.

*tips fedora*
*grips menorah*
*quips the torah*

>get tired of entitled female demands and lack of loyalty
>focus on investments and money and fixing my life up
>doing better in life now and buying a house and enjoying life
>dumb brit online goes you're something bad cuz you gave up on chasing pussy and instead improved your life
>dumb brit is probably married with a fat cunt of a wife he hates or is a bitter virgin who cant get laid in some females slag 4 guys a night britland.
>dumb brit freaks out because some not him/her decided to not follow the life script atm and instead focused on himself
>dumb brit having this much class and it's all low

guess who got blacked that night


Was it me?

Why is everybody getting so booty blasted over some guy buying a toy?

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I'm not into his hobby, but what's wrong with it? It's more productive than posting frogs on imageboards.

It's the fact that he has to ask his wife for permission to buy something is the soy part

Where’d you get it from?

My woman does what she's told and the only time I explain myself to her is out of courtesy

imagine being this much of a deluded cuck s*yfaggot