Woah, are you eating lunch by yourself bro? Come to our table, we would love to have you

>Woah, are you eating lunch by yourself bro? Come to our table, we would love to have you.

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When I die and will eventually be resurrected as a gigachad I will do that

>No thanks bro, I prefer to eat in a corner alone and listen to podcasts

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Chads are usually bros

>looks at you with disgust
>get up and move to a table further away

Once I was at Carl's Jr and this massive gymbro comes. NGL i was mirin'.
We both ordered our stuff and then he proceded to pour himself a fucking large diet soda from the soda bar. I stood there for a couple second and he said "Ay bro come over I'm done".
I approached the soda bar while checking his cup wich wasn't filled. I wanted to tell him that I was in no rush but he left real quick.
When I get back into shape I'll sure as hell be like him.

>podcasts? i see you're a subhuman. please forget that i ever invited you

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>Thanks, but I'd make poor conversation. I'm too engrossed in this manga at the moment

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Some girls did this to me when I was drinking alone at a party.

>drinking alone at a party

Yeah, I only knew a few people and was trying to get a buzz on before I started talking to people. It worked in the end though.

>N-no sorry I'm almost done haha *gets up and walks away even though I'm not almost done*.

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What was that? I couldn't hear you over my music.

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>Why no, i'm not waiting for anyone. In fact I came to this bar by myself looking to meet new people.
>Why of course, please have a sit at my table, both you and your friend. I just noticed there aren't many seats left available by now.
Did this every other night while in vacation with my parents and it would yield me some qt phone number every time, or a group of friend to spend the next nights with.

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i hate it when normies do this.
I am autistic, u can invite me as a nice gesture but honestly i would not be able to hold a conversation with u so i would just feel uncomfortable and hate myself.

>Yes i invite autistic to lunch with me so they can feel even shitier, how did you know?

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why so negative? you don't need to talk, just sit there like is nothing

>mfw mom found the gigchad folder and now thinks i'm gay

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this happened once in 4th grade and i just looked at the ground and kept walking and no one ever talked to me again

>Mom, please don't click that folder. There are things about me better left unknown.

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because it gets in my head dude i panic and get paranoid. and embarrassed, they invited me so i feel like i should contribute by making good conversation but i cant come up with anything

S-sure thing bro
>Proceeds to silently eat his meal and leave the table first

i ate alone most of middle school and then some people invited me to eat and then i just ate with them everyday and hung out, but still never talked to them. never really hung out with them in high school. then in high school 9th and 11th grade i ate alone most of the time
