Holo Holochain


.....its growing on a scale that you cannot even grasp....

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This is unironically my suicide insurance, got 400k of them.


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>I stopped supporting Blockchain

We are transitioning from /gif/ to /webm/

Yep, this is it. Unironically, if you think decentralization is going to be big, and you think that you can make money doing it, this is basically your last chance. Ethereum is done for, it can't scale and it won't scale.

Blockchains are great for peer to peer currencies (well, kind of), but beyond that they can't scale to anything usable for other decentralized applications.

Holochain has been demonstrated to work. This is unironically the moon mission to end all moon missions, because if this one works then there are no more platform tokens or anything else needed.

pRetty craZy bUbBle

we did it Jow Forums!

at last, Reddit is finished!

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Split 75/25 Holo and Link, both should see pretty decent gains in the next few months.

>When your token has to ride the coattails of other coins to see even the slightest of gains

>No global consensus - Basically a worse version of a blockchain
>Doesnt require holoshit to be used - useless token
>Not even real decentralization
>Holo foundation can print as much "money" as they want
>Literally EOS 2.0

Realistically how long do I have to accumulate without it breaking 20 sats?
If it stays at 15 or so I can buy a million by 15th of September

how many to make it? i.e. never have to wagecuck again

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>>Literally EOS 2.0
>implying this is a bad thing
Even if you're right, all you're admitting is that this is a billion+ dollar coin in the future. Good job, retard.

at least 5m, less if you're ready to gamble in holochain icos

sweet got 5.6

whoa there buddy. it seems like you might be suffering from brain damage. let me help you
>No global consensus - Basically a worse version of a blockchain
implying this is a bad thing
implying this is not what keeps blockchain from scaling
>Doesnt require holoshit to be used - useless token
good luck getting your dapp to be used by more than 10 neckbeards without hosting it on Holo
>Not even real decentralization
>Holo foundation can print as much "money" as they want
>Literally EOS 2.0
literally not

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>>Holo foundation can print as much "money" as they want
give us the rundown

No Feeters stay salty, Holo is taking over deal with it your FUD is pathetic

well, he is partially right as holo.host will likely not remain the only hosting platform or dapp layer if the network should succesed. there is nothing stopping phd chinks or other autists from creating their alternative to holo.host which may devalue holo fuel.

what rundown besides the fact that it's bullshit?
the gist of it is that if a host is reliable in the network he can basically sell his hosting services in advance in the form of holofuel, thus temporarily increasing the supply. Once he provides the promised hosting, the supply decreases. The holo foundation will be one of those hosts in the network, hence the retarded fudsters came up with this shit that they can literally print money out of thin air. The holo foudation will be just another random host like everyone else, with no special privileges.

This of course assumes that the network succeeds at all, at which point everyone ITT who owns even a tiny bit will be filthy rich anyway

>expecting a zoomer to make a killer app


I doubt it for the following reasons
1. it's like saying everyone can fork bitcoin thus devaluing it; people have tried and the best they came up with was BCH or Litecoin, which doesn't exactly threaten bitcoin or it's marketcap
2. if you think the chinks can provide development and updates to Holo the way the original team can, I have a china hustle to sell you. I'm not saying we won't be seeing forks/clones of Holo, but I'm 100% sure they will in the same league as ETC, BCH, LTC.
3. don't forget about the incentives; if someone forks holo he needs hosts to support it. Hosts already earn 99%+ of the money. The foundation/team that manages the fork would have to settle for less than 1% to be competitive. The second problem is that developers that require hosting will most likely use the original network. If you wanted to provide hosting power you'd choose the network that has highest number of developers that require hosting so you can earn as much as you can.

>Holochain has been demonstrated to work
No it hasn't. Holoports haven't been shipped and fuel payouts haven't been defined. How can you possibly say it works before monetization has even been tested? People are not going to host dApps for free

He's referring to the code you can DL from their github and compile, what you're saying is true but their code is quite mature already and works very well

do you even know the difference between Holochain and Holo?
Holochain works right now. You can even use their twitter clone and see for yourself. You can even build an app on Holochain if you're so inclined. It won't be pretty or easy, but you can.
Holo is the dapp that bridges holochain apps to the regular web.
TL/DR: he's right, you're wrong.

Does a tweet like this constitute insider trading? And yes I know it's a massive stretch but this could be a very clear indicator especially if they list holo though I seriously doubt they would.

get in here fags holo is about to explode

Holochain without holo fuel would be completely worthless. Without an incentive only a few die hards would participate. Claiming that it "works" is just being deliberately misleading

Want more? This is ONLY from the greenpaper bro

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A reserve account doesn't generate holofuel. A reserve account redeems holofuel for another currency (crypto, fiat). You dipshits mixed the concept of a "host" with a "reserve account" to make it seem like the Holo Foundation can generate holofuel out of its ass. This is false.

>can't sell your holoshit for bitcoin/USD or anything else without going through Holo organisation
what is an exchange? Binance will literally support holofuel from day one as well as many other exchanges. Reserve accounts came to be because the team was afraid that crypto exchanges would not offer support for holofuel since it's not technically blockchain. Now that this matter was sorted with Binance and other exchanges, these reserve accounts will probably not be used much or at all. Second of all, they've already said that the Holo Foundation won't be the only reserve account. In time they will allow hosts to become reserve accounts but they haven't ironed out the details yet.

- reserve accounts don't generate holofuel, they redeem holofuel
- reserve accounts are not the only way to sell holofuel; that's why we have exchanges
- only hosts can credit holofuel and the holo foundation is just a regular host like everyone else
- eat shit with your shit tier FUD that only works on brainlets that have now idea how any of this works

You're fucking retarded.
You give them $10 and they generate Holofuel equal to that value and give you. This is printing money. When you want to withdraw your old holofuel doesnt just cease to exist, therefore the supply has increased and the holofuel you bought for $10 is now worth $5

Holofuel will be centralized and if binance would even be allowed they would need licenses to act as a reserve bank which they havent.

The ERC token binance is holding now is not the same as holofuel and binance wont host holofuel

>- only hosts can credit holofuel and the holo foundation is just a regular host like everyone else

Can you not read? From their own greenpaper
"The Holo organization is also a special class of user"
"Holo holds host earned credits under reserve"
"Holo will be the only Reserve account"
"Hosts will be required to register IF they want to REDEEM credits for OUTSIDE CURRENCIES THROUGH RESERVE ACCOUNTS"

"blablabla... The exceptions to this rule are Reserve Accounts and the Holo organization, which acts as an INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDER" Basically no holo org no infrastructure, CENTRALIZED PIECE OF SHIT

How many holochain reserve notes to make it?

>Having this poor reading comprehension

You need as many as you need USD reserve notes to make it aka your digital number in your bank account, its the same shit except this is only for hosting "dapps"

>Reading the whitepaper
>See obvious flaws and red flags
>Call them out
>user says "Having this poor reading comprehension" when they havent even read the whitepaper
>Must be holofag

retard, blockchains are perfectly fine. successful interoperability middleware will solve most issues

You are literally retarded this has all been explained and debunked multiple times

>When you want to withdraw your old holofuel doesnt just cease to exist
another dipshit that doesn't know what mutual credit is. Start from there and then post here because you're literally too stupid for me to explain to you how this shit works.

Or better yet, keep posting this bullshit. It's intricate enough and requires people to know what a reserve account is, what a host is, how mutual credit works, that your FUD might actually work.
At best you could actually manage to cause a dip, in which cause I will buy it. At worst you will keep some brainlets from buying this and the world will be better place thanks to you.

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Yikes. This is doomed to flop hard but no one knows when it'll fall flat on its face.

So you need to pay to post?

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Funny, link it then

"huehuehue mutual credit bro look it up" meanwhile you can only deal with holo (bank) to fucking sell or buy holoshit making it a reserve bank (therefore they mention reserve accounts)
literally doing fractional reserve banking which is the reason we fucking want cryptocurrencies and not holoshit

This. Keep the brainlets out and we hit $0.10 eoy


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no you don't have to pay. stop wasting quints.

There isn't a fucking bank you fucking retarded faggot

Blockchains are not fine, they can’t provide enough throughput for decentralized applications. That’s why Ethereum failed.

You if you are a working node that has a high reputation you can give someone credit at a set price by you and transact with them directly. Not fulfilling a contract has you banned from the network and you lose you tokens.

I can tell you are that SKY faggot that says the same shit every time. It's so annoying, fuck off.

>doens't realize why it's called boomerchain

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Yeah, Ethereum sharding is very similar to a DAG/DHT with node clusters like Holochain or DAG.

All of those projects are acknowledge that they are in a race to beat ETH to market and establish a dev community so they can survive

I hate you fuck

Come on user you can do better that that. At least a million. I'm shooting for 10


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The devil's get

get agrip fag, holochain is the baselayer u troglodoyte, u can build ur own bitcoin with global consensus or anther stable coin clone on holochain, except u can also make it run fastet etc

No you can't, there is no global consensus on holochain and there won't be one which is one of the reasons it fucking sucks

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