See you all at $6K

Gonna go all in at point

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6k, then 6.5k, then 3k. Fuck this stupid market.

I've been watching the market since 2013, but I'm new to trading and memes lines. What causes this level of support? Just a self fulfilling prophecy? Psychological barriers?

nice cherry picking

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>mfw I bought at $20k

doesn't bother me, losing money is part of learning when you start to invest. that's why one of the basic rule is: don't invest what you cannot afford to lose.

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Fuckyou dirty imposter thats my ta from yesterday

Fuck off I made this TA

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I just post a link you dirty litle scam cunt

So why didnt you all in last time it was 6k faggot. Yup you thought it was going to 4k. Bearfags never learn..

there's a "rule" that says we "can't" go below the start point of the previous bull run. Which in this case, it was around 6k.

Too much volatility in the swings, bull run will start soon one last shake out to go

This implies that there's quite a lot of downside to be had, but your placement of the numbers for 2018 seems arbitrary

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It has to crash harder or go way up but it's just not worth it for me to buy extra at these prices.

I short against the alleged certainty of shorters being short being right

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looks like a star destroyer

depends entirely where you decide to measure it from. you could easily argue it was 1k at the start of 2017

my target is $5800

The btc "bubble" hasn't really popped in a tradition sense until it loses 80% of its value, so ~4k. Once it gets there, we'll see the real alt purge

you're flying dangerously close to the sun
chinese winter starts in a couple weeks brah

100% there's going to be a "flash" crash down to $3000 because of "tether"