The death of a nation

the death of a nation

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finally now we can use the racism card and get free things

it never waas

Finarry! American pig nation fall!

Just stop being incel manchildren, and out breed them.

Wrong, it still is

umm honey, look at south africa

You're next.

>the death of a kike empire

and thats a good thing

novus ordo seclorum amr?

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And it's beautiful.

sure but its not like blacks will be ruling over us just mutt creatures that will most likely LARP as whites anyways

>Brown people
I hate them

The birth of a nation, really. White Americans are scum like white Europeans. Their positives are a statistical outlier compared to their negatives and the world will be happy to see both they and you gone.

feeling a bit self loathing user?

and u r empire's muppet

so r u.

>implying all non-whites are the same
wow racist much mr journalist?


>mutt creatures that will most likely LARP as whites
So, all "whites" in the modern world?

Yes, the title is slightly misleading, but if something doesn't make up at least 50%, it's in the minority.


thank you for your service

ok this is epic

And that's good.
Am*rica can get fucked for all I care. At last, the world will get rid of that giant blister on its face.

>the world
The world will burn. user.

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>you're the privileged majority
>you're the privileged largest minority
then it'll be
>you're the privileged richest minority
or some shit

either way the lord never be changed

White South Africans earn 5 times more than Blacks and still recieve a disproportionate ammount of social aid.

american entertainment has collapsed due to it.

wishful thinking. the modern lefty nutjobs never forgive you.

White Americans are retards so I'm okay with this.

then they gonna slaughter them

b-but whites are the most oppressed race on the planet! they made heimdall black would you believe it. black!

journalist doesn't care as long as their agenda is archived stupid guy

Maybe if they spent more time having sex in stead of crying about falling birthrates on the internet this wouldn't be happening

>mutts not LARPing as their minority part to get bonus points among minorities
Why even pretend to be white when you can be 1/12 Cherokee?

Ok chinky

America hasn't been majority white for at least 100 years.

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>i-it's just a conspriacy theory goy!

Pretty sure the white population in most of europe is also declining and the brown population is rising.

So do you think minorities shouldn't be protected? Very islamic of you, balija.

whites need to consolodate. We need to designate a country to be all white and move there collectively and begin anew. Maybe Czech or Slovakia or something.

>create the modern world with all of its modern technology
>all other groups have to copy or are below mad max tier using shit whites built
Ahhhh yes.

>Why even pretend to be white when you can be 1/12 Cherokee?
I hate that shit, it's so easily disproved.

>modern world with all of its modern technology
So can you reverse Brazil and South America to its native status? Oh Great White Man!

Based Ben


>So can you reverse Brazil and South America to its native status? Oh Great White Man!
They're doing it on their own. Dont you have more western designed technology to profit from?

>They're doing it on their own
So you be telling me they don't profit from White Man's great invention? what the fuck pay reparation NOW white man!

Kill yourself insect

Wait, why should i kill myself? The great wypipo have inventions and shieet can solve every miracle in this world!

It's for the greater good, kreut. Look how unstable and divisive they are. They're the root cause of the majority of racial tensions and arguably religious ones too. Look at they behave on Jow Forums, constantly whining and writhing, like rabid dogs, and imagine an entire demographic of these insecure emotional parasites all throughout the world. And for what, for smaller noses and lighter skin? Let them burn, they had a good run.

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The browns are way more unstable sweetie