Currently a neet

currently a neet
uni starts in a month

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don't forget lads, subscribe to pewdiepie!

How old?

20 years

same but two months
what will you be studying? and did you do military service before?

Same but I'm starting next month
Also 20

mechanical engineering
yeah i did military service
it's kinda interesting how so many people dodge it nowadays, out of my 10 or so friends like 4 so far have either managed to terminate their service midway through or been exempted from service

Same here
2 moth of neet lifestyle made me dumb

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how long did you serve and in what kind of unit?
I did voluntary service in the medical corps after school

Engineering is based, it pays really well here. My goal is to enter the medical field in some way, probably as a nurse

Arw youa girl,? Nurses are girls

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No, in my country that stereotype has died down in the past ten years or so

just six months as a mortar man
wanted to get out before the semester starts so i don't have to have a gap year or start uni in the middle of a semester so i didn't stay a full year
i have sometimes entertained the idea of moving to the US but i probably wont do it even though it would probably triple my expected wage, immigrating to the US seems exceedingly difficult even if you're highly educated and shit

Isn't that gay if a guy makes you ass injection

I only did 7 months too, my "service" was basically a glorified basic training
good luck in uni

>see Finnish flag
Why is it always like that?

>glorified basic training
really? even though my service was only 6 months i can say with confidence that i would be able to function in my wartime position as a shell lobber

after basic training I was sent to work in the warehouse of an army hospital
those that do only 7 months like me aren't worth to be "invested" into much, so I wasn't sent to further training
could've gotten in a combat unit if I had asked but meh

20 yo (NEET) about to start uni next month as well (international student).
There probably isn't something more opposing than these things together in one sentence kek.

where are you from, how long are you in Germany already, and what are you going to study?

same but it starts in a week and I just quit my job yesterday so I only get 1 full week of true NEETdom

7 Months NEET here.
College is a fucking meme if you don't have connections.

Same bro
Trying to find a job for this period and part timing later but it seems so impossible