
King faisal edition

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fucking hate every old subhuman because of the fall of monarchy

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This guy is the founder of the Iraqi kingdom he is the son of the leader of the Arab revolution he was the king of Syria later Iraq
Pic Syrian kingdom it was destroyed by France

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was he really now? i thought he had a lizard training farm

Monarchy was corrupted (not the king himself) that why it died sad How ba'athist savages murdered the royal family in Bolshevik Leninist style

They were the best and the most stable part of modern Iraq history kings are better than dictators and democrats

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grandpa called me from his retirement home in shitcanistan so the FBI sent me a letter asking me to tell them about the call (it was just twenty minutes of him and my uncles swearing at me). Also I'm apparently banned from entering India

>that shit, awful feel when your cousins unironically enlisted in pakistan's army

In 5 years just like the rest of us your dad’s gonna find your 31 year old dried out ash mom uglier and they’ll cheat on each other.
This is mena household 101
You should stop being gay before you’re going to get aids at the age of 17. I care about you

Monarchy was based as fuck.

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Is shitcanistan india pakistan or afghanistan
At this point I can’t tell what’s happening.

>noooo we cant just let the most powerful country(Britain) that just went on a rampage on north Africa rule us! We are iraqi subhumans and we wont accept this! Time to murder the family who literally did nothing wrong

Fuck old people and fuck abd al karim, since you reminded me now i wanna piss on his grave

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there's no border if you're a servant of god

there's also no border because beatings done by my cousins in india is somehow known by US troops in afghanistan which is why my grandfather had to leave. It's all retarded 2bh

What are you two talking about ?

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The FBI really, really, really, really, really does not like satphone calls from Pakistan because that's how Bin Laden operated. Satphones are banned in India for this reason too, and the recent move to lease them to government-aligned journalists is an open move at censorship.

My grandfather knows this and hates me for leaving his club so every now and then he'll just call me and create a situation where my life is interrupted until I tell the FBI what happened.


What does /mena/ think of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk?

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True but Abdul Ala'ah and Nori Sai'd ruined it
Hell their flag is the most based Arab modern flag comfy and recognizable

Also I want to ask you why are obsessed with Syria ?
Abdul Al-Karim was better than any Iraqi monarch his successors were the start of the bad times

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He's based

we don't.

Absolutely B-A-S-E-D

Eid Mubarak!

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you too

Eid mubarak

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Aidkom mebrouk

>yes I want to live beneath a monarchy installed by foreign invaders. WHAAAT WHY ARE YOU FREEING THE COUNTRY SUBHUMAN BOOMERS

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imagine just imagine being a monarcuck who believes that someone should be born superior to you just because his father is the king
hang all monarchs and their cucks

I am angry dutch politicians nor municipal never wish this for us. The Uk, bush, bama, trap etc all wish this for us.

praise our lord Sisi

Iraq has not been good ever since, everytime i hear an old person saying how bad this place has become makes me wanna punch it to death

nice quads, bro

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Hi and why "lol"
He was a decent leader and saved Turkey from total humiliation and ofc he loved his people and cared for them

Mistakes he did were dismantling the Caliphate and giving the army the right to do coups to protect secularism (sadly they abused that right and harmed Turkey)

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this, those three were so kind to the muslim world too and sympathetic to da cause

Iraq has never been good. It's an artificial state bound to fail.

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Eid mobark (in Shia faith it is in Monday not Sunday)

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Based and revolutionpilled
Cringe and monarchcucked

macaws are dope, do you plan to rape them ?

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The opposition were literal socialists + the kings cared about Iraq but accepted British superiority
I'm not a monarchist though but I wished the monarchy survival
We experienced good and bad times user you are just ignorant about our history

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What is paki land like? Are you really subhuman barbarians? I watched hotel Mumbai last week and all the Mexicans that watched it hate Pakistan now

did you know birds piss, shit, and, for males, ejaculate through the same hole?
crazy world we live in

Mosul Vilayet should have been an independent Kurdish state.
Syria, Lebanon and Jordan should have been one nation.
Iraq and Kuwait should have been one nation.

There, I've fixed the Middle East.

you are just retarded about history, no matter how bad you think the monarchy was, it didn't come close to what came after .

Wtf senko san is a muslim? I love islam now!

you forgot the Zionist entity

why are you here?

What do you think about the Ikhshidi kingdom ?

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>why yes my idea of freeing the country involves installing a military autocrat as a leader in place of the parliamentary system we had before

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No, I plan to rape you, motherfucking retard.

did this mutt map name sousse but not mestir ?
subhuman map kek

shit lads
got drunk again
I wasn't ready for this

Why are you?

I defended the monarchy in my post what are you talking about ?

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answer attentionwhoring spic

Ok rapist, how about you use that rape energy to clean the bathroom
You sound like a centrist retard

Foreigners are welcome here in general

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Thanks fren

don't speak on behalf of the general when most of it can't stand you.

Actually I don't care about politics in general I just like history
Iraq political history in a nutshell
Monarchs >>dictators >>>>>>democrats

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i still think /mena/ should be balkanized into /levant/, /egy/ and /maghreb/

There were never any real Democrats and never will be

You are welcome just ignore rude people
They like me user

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Not enough posters for that. /mena/ is a pretty small community desu

are you saying gulfis dont deserve a general to call their own? racist

doesn't matter the size. it reduces the shitposting.
i don't think many gulfies post on Jow Forums save for like 2 or 3.

Are Israeli BVLLS welcome here?

The infinitechan r/egy/cts are a big enough force to have our own general, it just doesn't fully stand all the time

You too user. I'm off to sleep. gn /mena/, keep this thread nice and clean, I'm glad it coming back to life.


What about /Arabia/
Also no /mena/ is usually about the Arab world it is basically /Arabs/ + friends also generals you mentioned will be slow and barely active due to the lack of enough posters from mentioned regions

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maghrebis, like the ones in these threads, don't even consider themselves arab. lmao

Yeah but be good poster
Goodnight and peace user

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I will sleep now goodnight and peace everyone keep the place clean and civil
Still the come here because they are part of our culture

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A reminder

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cringe moeshit poster

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RIP. He was a good man.


goodnight, user

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enver pasha was better

هاي مينا. صرلي شهر مالي هون يا زلمة
المهم كيفكن ؟ بكرا ايري العيد ماهيك؟ كسم النورمالفاغز وكسم وقفة العيد وايري بهالطقوس القرح.
مشتهي نيك كس عراقي يا زلمة بس صعب مافيي اطلع من سوريا هلئ... رح استنى للصيفية الجاي لنيك كم وحدة بغدادية..
تصبحو عخير وكسم الزوومرز ومواليد الالفين وبعد

Aden got seized by southern bvlls. Will Saudi finally admit the solution is partition or are they just going to keep throwing money at it?

reminder that west nafris belong to the east nafri bvll and fatimid empire says so
Tunisians should casually hand over their women to me

>وجلس على صدره وقبض على شيبته وضربه بالسيف اثنتي عشرة ضربة

defeating houthis and other mountain niggers is so fucking hard man
look at afghanistan funny how nature still proves to be extremely useful in war even til now

oh shit, really?

makes me kek everytime


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Lol, it is funny how we are not taking any real fucking stand til now, them Houthis can cut the southern entrance to the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and it is effortless due to the possessions of weapons stolen from the Yemeni army, and this is considered to be a real dangerous situation which makes it fucking difficult for the coming ships to cross in, it's fucking critical, its like they're sitting on the Al-Saḥel Al-Shamāly enjoying the beach, when in reality there are fucking wars 560 miles away

*Atashirk is burning in Hell right now

why would we
let them kill each other no need to waste money to keep peace, that a main reason of why egypt got fucked so hard in the recent years thanks to muh panarabism

saudi and Iran both seem to not care anymore too most yemenis will just starve and die of thirst and the rest will live peacefully after the agony

also about bab el mandab eritrea isnt easy do you think that houthis can fight them too? they cant control it

why is uae and sauds split ?

Yeah. Also china needs to wish uyghurs eid too.

>why would we
Because it is our fucking national security, look at the USA, their fucking national security takes them to fight terrorism in Afghanistan.
>What if we do not give a shit and let them fucking fuck with themselves and we do not do anything to assure that we do not affect by this whole fucking mess?
It will certainly not end, look at Syria fox example even after 9 fucking years with the world cooperation to make a difference in this situation and it didn't end til now, and there you got the immigration problem and anything related to it, moreover am begging to think that this is a new world order plan, like why the fuck did not Syria and Iraq, and Yemen's problems solved til now though USA and Russia and the world powers are cooperating to end it and its not?

my brothers if you cannot afford a sheep, slaughter a shiite

They are not; probably you are talking about the split related to Qatar? if not, I am not sure that Saudi and UAE spilled

I'd rather slaughter a salafi kaffir

UAE thinks the Saudi-supported government has no popular support and is too weak to accomplish anything.

They are probably correct.