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oxford nigger

>no edition
>american OP
someone make a real one as i officially deem this thread nullified

like what you see, rorkeypops~?

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Ever get about halfway through a relatively normal day then feel a strong urge to crawl back into bed and sleep until the next day

Something bizarre about big companies having departments in really rural parts of the country and the 'urban, diverse, representative' token quotas in media and advertising still being used.
I see advertisements on posters for banks and supermarkets that feature an all-black family, or young Chinese professionals, in a part of the country where people are 99.5% white and it's very rare to see a minority

get aids

That's what French roiast is for!

>someone make a real one as i officially deem this thread nullified

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looks like a tranny lol

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Would make him suck my dick

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this is an insanely good set for 3 people with a 30 minute space.

tbf tho in terms of dnb, wilkinson and dimension are so far ahead so.

*struggles to avert gaze*
f-fuck off poof, we dont want yo- um uhh what was I saying

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Diversity and Tolerance are Based my bros!

Oxford bender looks like one of those people that smell like poo

im just a rorke boy, nobody loves me
hes just a rorke boy, from a rorke family

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Jow Forums x for some reason is now updating the thread every 5 seconds instead of every 30 seconds like it used to and frankly i'm not a fan

all gays need to be killed on the word of god


complained in tesco earlier about how the self-service machine voice is gendered and how incredibly insensitive that might be to gender non-binary entities like myself

Spare him his life from this Rorkestrocity!!!

as long as said diversity is kept away from your leafy 99% white middle glass suburbs amirite

reckon porn is the #1 cause of people being cuckolds
literally programming yourself to get hard watching another man fuck a woman you find attractive

This but unironically.

Want to go out and take some photos but not sure where to go, maybe canary wharf.

Rec me some peng areas in London lads

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hardly a startling revelation is it

How do I get a British gf?



>this is how they spell Wharth in the north

Quite surprised that the Irish self service checkouts sound almost exactly like the UK ones
I swear it's the same voice actor just doing a slight Irish twinge

yes it is

go to knightsbridge and take photos of the saudi princes parking their ferraris like dickheads


big slags with big chebs and big pets skengalengalengaleng!

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have heard that jfs think that english is a hissy language

>sex before marriage

i'm no anti-semite, but it's pretty obvious that the world would be a better place without jews

The area where the Globe is at night has a pretty nice riverside, nighttime atmosphere. You can just walk up and down the thames

>I swear it's the same voice actor just doing a slight Irish twinge
Ireland in a nutshell

think this image is dave's magnum opus

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can’t wait till the lads crush engl*sh fucking shits at rugby once again

i'm no racist, but it's pretty obvious that the world would be a better place without blacks

If I ever saw myself shag I'd probably cringe
While the sex feels good, I can imagine my body looking stiff and awkward and ungraceful from a third party observing perspective. My lanky figure would also be unappealing to someone watching

Did 4 years of Comp Sci in uni and can't even get an entry level job doing IT support in a tech. Honsetly feel like I learned nothing from uni except how to scrape together work just before a deadline and how best to google things.

based and volcel pilled

pretty sure the voice here is a legit Irish accent. you really can't fake our accent, even the regionally neutral one they use on ads and TV etc

im not racist BUT [insert racist statement here]

white people ladies and gents

mikey manages to fake your accent pretty consistently

My potions are too strong for you, they would kill you.

remember shagging this girl who had a massive mirror in her room and she would often look into it while we were shagging, once looked at it while on top of her and honestly cringed. Almost killed my boner right there and then

Had a mad night last night, met a big mad scouse who me and him almost scrapped with 2 poofs that were acting the dick, felt he would have my back even tho wed only met that night, good guy

hungover tho my dayzz haha

It's the 60s. You're an actor down on his luck and then suddenly you're offered another shitty italian western.

kill yourself nigger

Two double cheeseburgers and 20 chicken nuggets, down the hatch

did you go to tower hamlets uni

i'm not racist, i just notice that niggers cause a disproportionate amount of crime and violence

prostituting myself again lads

Dipping sauce?

how tf cant you find a job with a comp sci degree

that is legit one of the best degrees for finding a job bc not many ppl know it's a growing market and that there's ALWAYS jobs available for it

are you like a gigasperg and that's why you did comp sci?

why are all school shooters white then

what did you have to drink

Think I've got a stalker on /brit/

town isn’t big enough for a maccies and the kebabs are fucking well expensive can’t even be a fat cunt properly in this rur*l shithole

I went to a Russell Group uni.


ummm sweaty... x

their ear-assault of an accent is due more to being around only each other all the time and not being part of society though rather than being a specific locatable accent they're putting on

Could just be a computer
I'm convinced it's the same person

either barbecue sauce or fuck off

so that'll be a pumpkin spiced latte please

white people ladies and gents

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town isnt big enough for the both of us
*puts my hand on my big mac belt*

ok. don't reply to the tripcunt, he's a complete failure in life

can’t help but think good for them when ever i see an ugly incel has managed to become a passable tranny at least they’ll be getting regular shags up the arse and attention from people online instead of being ignored

Got no time for those sugary little shits

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Wasn't talking to you was I? Jog on wankstain

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Liberals genuinely believe in a Russian version of the Jewish world conspiracy even more than ardent Nazis do in their respective theory.
Can't wait to see "The Protocols of the Elders of Moscow" become a NYT bestseller

all gays are mentally ill and must be culled for their own good

just remember it was white people that ceded ground and gave all these dindus power in the first place


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name a more cringe accent than the belfast accent genuinely sound like sameheads

>(((white people)))

anyone actually read the protocols? should be mandatory in schools but THEY won't allow it

Mad foreigners don't have a drink with their meals. Chinese will literally swallow live rats and not wash them down with anything

white people aren't white

*re-do a high 5 because they missed the first time*

white people ladies and gents

makes you wonder who’s really in charge

Bradford is still an amazing city

Rochdale and Blackburn have fallen, Luton is miles away from its potential

the chinese aren't human though

I'm not antisemetic but I've notice that an overwhelming number of high up positions in global corporations are held by jews

got this little point in my hip that hurts sometimes when i walk, like i'm being poked with a nail

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can’t eat without some kind of soft drink always end up spunking money on glasses of coke when I go for a meal

Team leader at work referred to me as "she"