/lang/ - language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your chino language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your chino own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free chino on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?
Old English
Old thread

Attached: paul.jpg (288x288, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.rs/books?id=C3NLAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=An Introduction to the Gothic Languageby Thomas O. Lambdin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJoPe-__rjAhWnyqYKHYfYBZoQ6AEIKzAA#v=onepage&q=An Introduction to the Gothic Languageby Thomas O. Lambdin&f=false

Translate into your language:

Yes, I love Asian girlfeet.
And I’m not ashamed to show it.

Oui, j'aime les pieds des filles asiatiques. Et je n'ai pas honte de le montrer.

Oui j'aime les pieds féminins asiens, et je ne suis pas honteux de le montrer

Ja, ik hâld fan Aziatyske famkefoetten.
En ik skamje my net om fan it te genietsjen.


Hitler die neat ferkeard.

Sì, mi piacciono i piedi delle ragazze asiatiche, e non sono imbarazzato di mostrarlo

Я пoeхaвший кpышeй пocтep из тaйвaня кoтopый цeлый дeнь и кaждый дeнь пocтит пpo cтoпы

Ja, Ich liebe Asiatische Frauen Füßé
Und es ist mir nicht peinlich es zu zeigen

Oui, j'aime les pieds des femmes asiatiques
Et je n'ai pas honte de le montrer
>e non sono imbarazzato di mostrarlo
"e non mi vergogno di mostrarlo" would be better

Personal finance edition

>I am rich.
>I retired at 35.
>My family has 10 million dollars in our bank account.

>Credit cards make you prone to spending more than you should.
>Never spend your money before you have it.
>Save at least 20% of your salary.

>Becoming rich isn't so much about earning more, as it is about spending less.
>Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth.
>You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.

I elsk Asian quean-fit.
An I am affrontitnae tae kythe it.

You guys post some pretty terrible challenges, not gonna lie

>>What is the most useful language?
>>What language should I learn?
>Old English
There has never been a more based edition

You gave up that easily?
Don't worry, maybe try reading the basics of grammar again?
It will click eventually

Only because you are the sperg obsseesd with those language.s

>t. Scotsanon ruining every thread
Can't make this up

Daily reminder that you'll progress much faster by jumping straight into verbal conversations after learning a few basic phrases and vocab and then spending the majority of your time doing this rather than sitting down and studying.

Humans are a social species designed for verbal communication over more than 100,000 years of evolution and reading/writing is unnatural.

Has nothing to do with my ability, it's just clear not many people here have applicable knowledge in pedagogy. Im not gonna pretend i do either and formulate my own challenge, because if be a hypocrite

However the idea of our cultural being exosomatic launched our species into significant development so reading/writing is still pretty important

>Old English? Don't you mean Old Scots?

Attached: 64f501db467c44445285591ab8ca8512.jpg (235x283, 8K)

Well idk if you know any languages except for the one you were born with, but translating proverbs like ones in the "Hard" sections is actually hard
Only retards would translate those literally, and it shows
I visit some other language learning resources occasionally and sometimes people ask about ways to translate common expressions and proverbs and the most successful answers just provide them with the literal translation
That's retarded
Knowing a proverb with an identical or at least similar meaning in a different language, and understanding such nuance, is indicative of your proficiency of that language

>Only retards would translate those literally, and it shows
Then why post them as a translation challenge? If they're so idiomatic that a second language learner would find it impossible to form on their own, they are simply learning a fixed phrase. It would be fruitless to break down syntactic strings like that because the meaning is found in the whole phrase, not the single components.

Gese, ic lufie asianisce mægdenfét, ond ic þæs ne sceamige.

He said "your language". Your native language or the language of your country isn't old English.

>Je suis riche
>J'ai pris ma retraite à 35 ans
>Ma famille a 10 milions de dollars dans notre compte en banque

>Les cartes de crédit vous rendent enclin à dépenser plus que vous ne le devriez
>Ne dépense jamais ton argent avant que tu le gagne
>Mets à côté au moins 20% de ton salaire

>Devenir riche n'est pas question de gagner plus, mais de dépenser moins
>Investis dans toi-même. Ta carrière est le moteur de ta richesse
>Tu dois gagner control sur ton argent où la manque de ça va te contrôler

i always posted pretty good challenges but i took a 4 month break from /lang/ since im not a NEET anymore

Is Wheelock's Latin good? I found a copy in my parents' house. It's from a few years ago, but I don't know how much the edition matters.

Pretty good desu.
t. used it

Does it matter if the edition is probably from the early/mid 2000s? I doubt the vocabulary has changed much lol

You can use a Renaissance grammar and it will work kek

yeah bro! its totally different! latin from the 2000s in not legible in todays latin!

how do i learn gothic mr based serb?

Highly based

Check this out: books.google.rs/books?id=C3NLAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=An Introduction to the Gothic Languageby Thomas O. Lambdin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJoPe-__rjAhWnyqYKHYfYBZoQ6AEIKzAA#v=onepage&q=An Introduction to the Gothic Languageby Thomas O. Lambdin&f=false

I think some pages are missing though, sadly

lol i actually bought that exact book, but after begginner's level its impossible to find intermediate/advansed resources, and i cant even find a gothic dictionary with explanations of the cases

That book explains the cases though? No need for a dictionary to do it. The best bet is to just read what little material exists in Gothic desu and grind vocab that way. Read that Bible and it's pretty much it kek. You can read about its developmental history if you are into autism I guess

𐌰𐍅𐌹𐌻𐌹𐌿𐌳𐍉 𐌸𐌿𐍃 𐌼𐌰𐌽𐌽𐌰

Adapting a sentence or a phrase to the target language is part of the translation process

Don’t call yourself an english speaker until you can use the long s in a sentence.

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

>don't call yourself an english speaker post
>by a flag who tops the charts of mistaking you're/your they/their/they're to/too etc

I can't even do that intentionally how retarded it is

>he didn’t use the long s
>he deflected and went on some other tangent
>his second post is missing a word, yet he criticizes another user’s grammar
>but that other user didn’t make any mistakes

1410 m. līpas 15 d.
Grunwāldas (Zaljameddjas) / Tannenbergas walinsnā.
Zuwwa zūrgi 8000 Ōrdenas zmānes be zūrgi 14000 Ōrdenas zmānes pastāi pergabtāi.
Kaddan gi prūsai karjaūwa iz abbans pāusans - kāigi en Ōrdenas karrju, tēt digi en Leītawiskai-Pōliskasmu karrju, pēr mans šī walinsnā waidinna tēr aīnan pawīstin - ik prēi ten pergūbi ōkupantjai - ni prawerru ēitwei dēlatwei prei tennans, walnan bēgtwei be gēistwei kaddan būlai mazīngi nōpaltwei. Ni ast eīsku kelli bēi prūsai iz stans 8000 zuwwusins, -- mazzi būtwei zūrgi pussin?

Attached: Hrunvaldzkaja_bitva.jpg (1000x866, 598K)

>some dumb wandering american still can't get into language learning so he decides to flex with some retarded archaic shit that nobody knows about instead of joining the language learning conversations

what lang?

I'm developing a very easy to learn language based on proto-indo-european. It's called "Dengwe" (from PIE *dn̥ĝʰwéH2" meaning "tongue"). I'm kind of following the Esperanto model of regularity, but that's where the similarities end.

Orthography & sounds

Aa, Aa /a/
Bb, Бб /b/
Cc, Цц /t͡s/
Čč, Чч /tʃ/
Dd, Дд /d/
Ee, Ee /e/
Ff, Фф /f/
Gg, Гг Jow Forums
Hh, Хх /h/
Ii, Ии /i/
Jj, Jј /j/
Kk, Кк Jow Forums
Ll, Лл /l/
Mm, Mм /m/
Nn, Hн /n/
Oo, Oo /o/
Pp, Пп /p/
Rr, Pp /ɾ/
Ss, Cc /s/
Šš, Шш /ʃ/
Tt, Tт /t/
Uu, Уy /u/
Vv, Bв /v/
Ww, Ўў /w/
Zz, Зз /z/
Žž, Жж /ʒ/

Attached: dengwe_flag.png (697x349, 8K)

The grammar is quite simple.

Things like tenses, cases, etc. are all expressed via suffix particles. They never change, no matter what the condition of the sentence is, so it isn't quite as grueling as learning different forms for every word.

For instance, our second person singular impersonal pronoun, "tu" can be modified into a genitive form by adding "-me."

"Ki ast tu-me nome?"
What is you-possessive (your) name?

It does not vary by any personal pronoun and is used in the same way with all.

Man, man-me = I, my
Tu, tu-me = Thou, thy/thine
Le, le-me = He/she, his/her

Current particles are

-e (-je if the noun ends in a vowel) = possessive for non-personal pronouns, for instance "strateje ters" where "strate" means "army" and "terse" means "land/country" so "strateje terse" = "the country's army." Similar to the -e ending in Persian, e.g. "madar-e to" = "your mother". [Note: Also works for the English equivalent to "of" in some cases. "Amikeje manušiš" = "Friend of the people"]
-me = possessive for personal pronouns, as explained above
-do = "to" e.g. "Man ejmet manme domedo" ("I'm going to my house")

More particles will be added as needed, we are in the rough entry-level stages at the moment.

All verbs except "ast" end in -et, and most verbs can be turned into a noun by dropping the final "t," for instance "ludet" (to free/liberate/save) becomes "lude" (freedom, liberation).

Verbs have their own particles which are prefixes and denote tense.
pri- = past
bu- = future
no particle = present tense

"Man prijaknet pane." = "I ate the bread."
"Tu bukrinamet nowi kowe." = "You will buy a new cow."

Most, if not all nouns end in -e, so telling the difference right off the bat should be easy. Amike = friend, dome = house, Deiwe = God, dengwe = language, etc.

To make a noun plural, the -e is dropped off the end and -iš is added.
Sword = klade; swords = kladiš
Shoe = kerpe; shoes = kerpiš
Food = paske; foods = paskiš

All adjectives end in -i, and whether they precede the noun they're modifying is up to the speaker, but keep in mind context, situation, and how understandable it would be for the listener/reader when playing with word order.

New = nowi
Beautiful = čajsi
Stupid = malaki

One = Ojn
Two = Dwa
Three = Tri
Four = Kwat
Five = Penk
Six = Sweks
Seven = Sept
Eight = Okt
Nine = Newn
Ten = Deken
Eleven = Dekene ojn
Twelve = Dekene dwa
Thirteen = Dekene tri
Twenty = Dwid
Thirty = Trid
Forty = Kwatid
Fifty = Penkid
Sixty = Sweksid
Seventy = Septid
Eighty = Oktid
Ninety = Newnid
One-hundred = Kemtom

who are you quoting
ive done other things on here too
i was just having some fun
why are euros so mean
this is why americans are insular

There is also a word with no direct translation to English which is used before a "yes or no" question. "Koj" is how you'd begin a sentence when you're asking someone something that they can (mostly) only answer yes or no to.

Koj gnosket tu manme brater Egdemos?
[interrogative] [know] [thou] [1st person sg.-genitive particle] [brother] [Adam]?

Due to the simplicity of the grammar, I think it would aid a lot in clarity for sentences, because without it

"You know my brother Adam"


"Do you know my brother Adam"

have essentially the same meaning and context clues would have to be used to discern whatever meaning the speaker is trying to get with the sentence

>Most, if not all nouns end in -e, so telling the difference right off the bat should be easy.
There's no gender like there was in PIE? Strange choice.

Sorry, "bratere" should be the correct word, not "brater"

I have hopes of other people learning it so eliminating that would make it easier. I'm not opposed to instituting it, but I think it turns some people away.

another dummified latin/germanic conlang that completely ignores other indo european langs like armenian, hindi, nepalese, punjab, dari, etc

> ignores other indo european langs like armenian, hindi, nepalese, punjab, dari, etc

Most of the vocabulary comes from Latin, Sanskrit, and Avestan. You must not be familiar with those languages if you can't see that reflected in the vocabulary.

Stop making meme languages.
Actually try something new.

Np, lad

>Tak, ja kocham azjatyckie dziewczyno stopy, I nie jestem zawstydzony to pokazać

My Polish is a bit crap so if a native could correct me if I made a mistake that'd be great

what right do you have to tell someone what to do with their free time?

Those numbers seem pretty Satem though.

Disregarding the word for 100 ofc.

no, you cannot fuck your 5 year old sister in your free time

>Tak, kocham stopy azjatyckich dziewczyn. A nie wstydzę się tego pokazać.

Learning Gypsy talk so I can LARP as a gyppo whenever lefties call me racist.

Attached: das_duma_rromanes.jpg (640x480, 84K)

I nie wstydzę [...]

>Ich bin reich.
>Ich bin mit 35 in Ruhestand gegangen.
>Meine Familie hat 10 Millionen Euro in unserem Bankkonto.

>Die Kreditkarten machen man anfällig, für mehr auszugeben, als man soll.
>Bevor Sie es haben, geben Sie dein Geld niemals aus.
>Sparen Sie am wenigstens 20% Ihres Gehalts.

>Reich zu werden ist nicht in höherem Einkommen, aber in niedrieger Ausgeben.
>Investieren Sie in sich selbst. Ihre Karriere ist der Motor ihres Reichtums.
>Sie müssen die Kontrolle über Ihr Geld erlangen, sonst wird Sie der Mangel davon für immer kontrollieren.

Thanks. You should help this lad as well.

>Я бoгaт
>Я вышeл в пeнcию, кoгдa мнe былo 35.
>У мoeй ceмьe ecть 10 миллиoнoв дoллapoв в бaнкe.
>Лeгчe тpaтить дeньги, кoгдa кpeдитнaя кapтa ecть.
>Heльзя тpaтить дeньги, кoтopыe вы нe зapaбaтывaли.
>Coхpaнитe (probably the wrong verb), пo кpaйнeй мepe, 20% вaших дoхoдoв.
>Cтaть бoгaтым - этo нe зapaбaтывaть бoльшe, a тpaтить мeньшe.
>Инвecтиpoвaть в ceбя. Baшa кapьepa - иcтoчник бoгaтcтвa.
>Bы дoлжны кoнтpoлиpoвaть cвoи дeньги, инaчe нeхвaткa дeнeг вceгдa кoнтpoлиpyeт вac.

>I'm kind of following the Esperanto model
stopped reading there

>У мoeй ceмьи

This. Actually try to have a goal with your language other than "its cool".

his literal next words were "...of regularity, but that's where the similarities end"

tips on how tf to stay motivated? Thats my biggest problem learning a new language


nice one

Fake it till you make it.

target lang gf
target lang country moving
target lang passion
target lang autism

the last two I prefer

An autistic target lang gf who wants you to move to her country so that she can passionately teach you her lang

mfw you'll never experience that feel

Attached: iwantout.jpg (405x319, 11K)

too early for feels

Maintenant je suis en train de lire "Le Petit Prince" d'Antoine Saint-Exupery.

Before I started learning Polish, I had a Polish bf 6 years ago. I wonder if he would be impressed.

Kyllä, rakastan aasialaisia tyttöjalkoja.
Enkä häpeä näyttää sitä.

Are you male?



It's 7:22 PM nigga

way too early

I should have used 'sondern' rather than 'aber'.
How do I learn to associate this 'instead of' - type-of 'aber' with 'sondern'?

Attached: 1512509016278.png (747x686, 44K)

Can you use this for things that will happrn in the future, in the same way as swedish 'kommer och (att)..'? is Tulen tapaamaan häntä ok?

Attached: 1565521126543.png (650x1070, 159K)

>Ich bin reich.
>Ich bin mit 35 in Ruhestand gegangen.
>Meine Familie hat 10 Millionen Euro in unserem Bankkonto.
Yes, but «auf» is the better prepoosition here
>Die Kreditkarten machen man anfällig, für mehr auszugeben, als man soll.
depends on the context but this sounds like a general statement, so you can drop the definite article. «man» cannot be used as accusative object, youd have to use «einen» instead. you also dont need «für» there.
* Kreditkarten machen einen anfällig, mehr auszugeben, als man soll(te).
>Bevor Sie es haben, geben Sie dein Geld niemals aus.
if you wanted to do it in this order, youd have to say it differently. there are some instances, in which it could work to use a relative pronoun like that, but not in this instance. in your order it would be like this
* Bevor Sie Ihr Geld haben, sollten Sie es/dieses nicht ausgeben.
but this doesnt sound very good to me, it doesnt get straight to the point and sort of all over the place because the order in which information is provided seems so random. it is better to make the demand the focal point of the sentence by saying it straight away, like in the original sentence.
* Gib dein Geld nicht aus, bevor du es bekommst.
* Geben Sie Ihr Geld nicht aus, bevor Sie es bekommen.
this way its clearer what you want and also makes the condition seem more understandable. there is no inherent logic in this, its just pretty much idiomatic word order, unfortunately though, i dont really know any way to practice this, youll have to observe sentences like these whenever you come across them, they all tend to work the same way.
>Sparen Sie am wenigstens 20% Ihres Gehalts.
Yes, but its just «wenigstens».

>Reich zu werden ist nicht in höherem Einkommen, aber in niedrieger Ausgeben.
very tricky, i think you cannot really directly translate this sentence with the same nomenclature. lets try it in a few other ways
* Reich zu werden hängt nicht davon ab mehr zu verdienen, sondern weniger auszugeben.
«von etwas abhängen» is pretty much the standard way to say that something depends on another thing. in this sentence i used verbs instead of nouns, but it doesnt really matter.
* Reichtum ist nicht abhängig von hohem Einkommen, sondern geringen Ausgaben.
same thing, but passive. and with nouns instead of verbs, which achieves the same common goal.
>Investieren Sie in sich selbst. Ihre Karriere ist der Motor ihres Reichtums.
>Sie müssen die Kontrolle über Ihr Geld erlangen, sonst wird Sie der Mangel davon für immer kontrollieren.
Yes. this is just a small suggestion, but its a bit cleaner to use «dessen» instead of «davon». you see this often in books or legal texts, it just sounds more "nifty".
just try to remind yourself that in most scenarios, «aber» just means «but». again, im sorry, i rarely know good resources to learn german with, as i never had to do that. you could try to look for regular textbooks and go to any section that trains conjunctions and subordinate clauses, i imagine this is a thing they teach. also maybe when you look for lessons on adjectives, this might be taught as a way to compare two things with one another.

all in all you did pretty good, as usually fren : )

>all in all you did pretty good, as usually fren : )
bro did i get literally everything wrong in that sentence that i couldve gotten wrong? but im sure you cant say «pretty well» so «well» alone should be enough, and «as usual» is a fixed phrase.
what the fuck is wrong with me man

Si, me encanta los pies de mujeres asiaticas
y to tengo verguenza ensenarte

>but im sure you cant say «pretty well»
you can. "well" is an adverb

any niggas here doing/done icelandic?

hm, but thats not a very common thing to say right? it sounds kinda weird to me, maybe im rarted

nope, I think it's perfectly fine to say. not uncommon at all in my experience