I have a feeling the first 10T company may be a crypto one. Altcoins will take over the tech industry, now that the growing demand has stressed BTC’s network to become less efficient.
My is bet is on ETH with a built-in programming language, although still using PoW, NEO with the consensus protocol called delegated Byzantine fault tolerance and SKY with the Obelisk consensus mechanism and the Skywire having the highest estimate for technology. One of these 3 will become the machine economy for the upcoming internet of things.
Are u implying that the actual battle is between NEO vs. SKY? PoW stands no chance, Byzantine and Obelisk are alike so it stays
Landon King
It's tron you dumb faggots
mobile gaming Jack ma Currency and a platform bittorrent alibaba third party app currency china snap chat alibaba
what else do you need
Luke Martin
Fog computing will eat cloud computing(mostly)
Jose Collins
I am talking about future fren. Just look around how crypto is spreading its tech industry all over the world and fields. Blockchain technology is far more advance in thinking and develpment than any other tech. The possibility for the 10T is there, I am sure.
Wyatt Peterson
grats you're betting on shitcoins that either have no use-case or have failed abysmally at their use-case.
bitcoin's the only secure blockchain. suck it
Josiah Smith
LINK, anyone not seeing the writing on the wall is going to be sorry soon.
Brody Gonzalez
Maybe, the best will come out. If they will add that something which will revolutionize the market, something which will make the difference and put them on the first place.
John Sullivan
Hmmm, not really, no. First of all, the growing demand has stressed BTC’s network, making transactions expensive. with only 7 transactions/ sec. Nonetheless guzzles electricity owing to its consensus protocol, proof of work, designed to make mining labor-intensive. PoW is not the answer anymore, sorry mate.
Christopher Bennett
fuck off with that nigger shit, "marine"
Thomas Williams
An actual product.
Angel Davis
you're probably right, I just haven't seen a product able to outpace traditional systems yet amazon has government subsidies, massive data collection, and the best logistics systems in the world bezos saw this coming 20 yeats ago when he collected data on the types of books people purchased, I assume he's on the cutting edge of any new technology that'll compete with him
only way to stop him is localized trade wars, government intervention, or something
Jack Cox
Nah, Blockchain 3.0 will be a true succesor to the current tech. Cosmos / Polkadot
Colton Sanders
btc has lightning network, side chains, and mainchain optimizations like transaction batching the 7tx a second is an outdated meme
Benjamin Davis
lol, blockchains have a limited use, stop preaching that they will "replace" everything
Logan Brooks
so how is Skywire going to help SKY become a 10T company?
Lucas Turner
3.0 won't replace everything but anything can be built on it at its highest and still working smoothly, that's the point faggyfag
Nicholas James
There are certain factors which has to be taken into consideration while examining cryptocurrency technology. The potential of the blockchain 3.0 is so big we don’t even realize it yet, because it is not the conventional type of tech and mindset. And yes, I am talking about altcoins, because altcoins are those who are focusing much more on developing new technologies, devices and a new type of establishment. It is all about mass adoption and reaction, which in this century can happen over night.
Dylan Wilson
It is not about replacement. It is called progress, evolution, development, or call it how do you prefer. Look at this for example, who would have thought a few ago that blockchain can have a word to say in eradicating poverty.
This. Scalability, interoperability and PoS are the next big things.
Jonathan Thompson
No way. Completely different. Neo is highly centralized same as Pow. If you exclude Pow because of this argument then Neo is dismissed too. except Obelis that seeks decentralization true a new algorithm. if u wanna compare neo with smtg do it with eth, not sky.
Jace Fisher
>>Neo's gas is similar to Sky's coin hours, there could be a comparison between the two. Both of them allows to keep a base crypto while earning them passively. Also, both dBFT and Obelisk are trying to overcome misbehaving nodes before it can affect the system
Charles Green
Just look at the market they're going after
William Stewart
u sit on small pieces of info cause when u go deeper on skycoin u'll notice there's a lot more to it. u're info just scratched the surface. skycoin's coin hours can be used within skywire, can get monetary value, buy items in apps, pay transfers, exchange and purchase online goods. sky's nodes can never ever affect the system cause any sign of rebelliousness triggers a shut down or the node is ignored, either way the activity continues
Landon Perry
this is whats really exciting on SKY, I tell you that fren. the web of trust regulating nodes activity, so Fkin juicy tech
Oliver Price
the only attempt of real decentralisation is made by SKY, ppl too busy with mooning and shit, they should take a deeper look into things
Charles Price
>>any sign of rebelliousness triggers a shut down or the node is ignored
You don't mean a system shut down, aren't you? Cause that would be stupid.
Some official information for a better understanding
>>every node has a list of other nodes that it subscribes to, and the density of a node's network of subscribers determines its influence on the network
>>as all consensus decisions and communication occur through the personal blockchains of each node, the community can very easily audit nodes for cheating or collusion. How decisions on the network are made and which nodes influence those decisions is completely transparent
Justin Scott
nope.. SKY will be going strong in 2019, the best 3rd gen coin there is out there
Benjamin Wilson
XRP? Why would I give my money to billionaires, fucking retarded user
Julian Scott
You're not giving your money to billionaires...
You're buying something which will appreciate in value as the company expands into trillion dollars per day markets
Or you could just choose to not be part of the most massive revolutionary change the banking world has ever seen