Why do germans dislike almancis so much? they dont walk around wearing burqas, explode around infidels like arabs...

why do germans dislike almancis so much? they dont walk around wearing burqas, explode around infidels like arabs. they dont involve in high crime (human trafficking, hard drug trade) like slavs. all they do sell doner and weed, drive bmws and occasionally bang a thick blonde. they seem pretty ok to me.

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it is almost russian young bydlo starterpack

They are seen as uncle tom pussies. If you are foreigner and aren’t religious fanatic or hardened criminal, then the germans conclude you want to suck up to them and nobody respects the guy who tries to suck up to you. People daydream about being infidel slaying fanatics or gangstas, not suckers.

They're loud and smell like shit

its verboten to talk against any other minority but turks by order of german government

turks are the new jews of germany, new punching bags. germans commited 4 terrorist acts against turks, turks did 0 terrorism in germany in 40 years.

i think couple of bombs in g*Rman neighbourhoods will make us untouchable like refugees

>don't beat up gays on sight
>don't suckerpunch elderly people walking alone at night
>probably even speak German to some extent

based czech telling the truth

turks aren't that bad, compared to the others, that's the general opinion here

you losers really overthink this shit, go outside and smell the roses


turks run the bigest mafia like clanfamilies in big citys and controll alot of the drung and whore stuff
I know alot of nie turks but slavs integrate much better in general

>they dont involve in high crime
The answer has a lot to do with the fact that you only excluded 'high crime'.
>victim complex
Stop whining and learn a lesson from e.g. Vietnamese immigrants. Today, there is zero to none resentment against east asian people here even though the cultural and religious differences are also huge. Why do they get their shit together but you don't? Could it be because you're whiny little bitches ? hm ?

one almanci told me that shit is mostly run by eastern german racist motorcycle gangs cooperating with slavic mafia.

slavs are alcoholic criminals i never seen or heard anyone defend them they are even worse than refugees rofl
its because vietnamese are bunch of tinydick people who pose no threat to native germans. you fuck their wives and they hold the tissues for you to clean up the cum from their daughters pussy

asians are bunch of spineless bastards insect subhumans

how can a man be respected if he isn't explodable

You are fucking retarded, tell your garbage diaspora to go back to their own country

rofl mad hapa incel

mommy fucked a wh*Te boy ha ?? hahahha 3 cm penis subhuman no wonder europeans love you
you are an eunuch

> asians are bunch of spineless bastards insect subhumans

Must hurt a lot that they send their children to universities to become scientists/medical doctors etc. whereas your people clean toilets or sell fast food at the shitty joint around the corner their whole life.

Fix your attitude, stop being whiny niggers and people will start to respect you. Simple as

do you have an idea how much those doner shops make? what's wrong with owning your own business anyway?

i rather clean toilets 25/8 than to have 3 cm dick, small statue, and getting laughed off by every women i met while my sister gets pounded by tall white chads

what they do is they try to compensate for physical inferiority rofl

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wh*Tes like asian immigrants because asian men cant get native women, they just betabuxx maxx and marry up used whores who would end up single mothers, and their sisters fuck white guys and marry them

asian immigrant basically means free pussy + a betabuxx who will pay taxes and support an old used up whore

They are extremely insecure and take even light jokes as a personal attack, they have to constantly prove themselves and reassure their image

can confirm. We used to have one Turk in class and two Egyptians. I once remarked that that's uncommon because there are many Turks in Germany but few Egyptians. He felt insulted and started talking shit about me.

Yup. They love to talk shit, but as soon as they have to take some flak their selfimage crumbles and they need to demonstrate how "manly" they are

There is nothing wrong with that but then please stop complaining about social immobility or 'muh germans don't let us become successful'.

The fact that the turks here apparently don't value education is one reason why they are in general not liked that much. Other things which play a role are that they whine a lot about muh discrimination, muh islam, muh Erdogan, muh honor killing, import their backwater conflicts here (turks vs kurds, turks vs armenians, turks vs turks etc...) and are resistant to all offers to integrate.
Again look at asian people, Vietnamese or Japanese e.g. in Düsseldorf. They keep their cultural customs (DD one of the largest buddhist temples in europe) but are also sensible to their host nation (always remember that's what you are at first: GUESTS). They don't whine about Buddhist customs not being a thing here, they live their culture in their private life and don't bother anyone with it.

say that my face incel potato


they got tiny dicks thats why you like them, you don't see them as competition

its why germans hate BLACKs and TÜRKs but say nothing to ARABs and asians raping their daughters

you are ok with your women getting raped as long as dick is smaller than yours

you got it wrong, the people of eastern Germany are the designated "to be shat on" minority
you can be openly racist against eastern Germans in Germany. Ironically the more left wing and pro foreigner these western Germans are the more hateful they are towards random eastern German people like myself

>why do people dislike lower class dickheads
you tell me, faggot

>do you have an idea how much those doner shops make
apparently enough to have 2-3 grown men stand around all day in the heat of the kebap thing and another one yelling at them

>why do germans dislike t*rks

have sex

When i was in Germany, turks tried to start fights with me two nights in a row, so that might be a reason

Here's your answer OP :
Many turks I met irl are like this. What's not to hate about them ? You tell me ...

why do people shit on these people?

if we are being honest wouldn't we all want to be good looking, having lots of fun and friends like them?

they arent like anglos. it isnt classism. you never hear germans complain about their white underlass like you and americans do all the time. an germanic neet gets more respect than turkish doctor in germany.

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get the fuck out of my country (germany)


don't worry user. Don't worry

well, turks and arabs are both violent so maybe your energy triggered them

>an germanic neet gets more respect than turkish doctor in germany.

lol no

send some mafia hitman after them, carlo. that would teach them.

Turks in UK are a bit better than Germany, but once I punched a turkish fat kid in his nose and it started bleeding and his nigger friends threw me to the floor and kicked me when i was on the grass but not that hard and not on my head

>turkish doctor
Bullshit. I had two turkish coworkers (work in science) and there has never been resentment against them. Your people aren't respected because most of you don't care about education. If there would be more turkish doctors instead of drug dealers or other lowlife scum, you'd be respected more. But that's not possible if you think learning german isn't necessary to integrate. That you try to make up your inferiority with idiotic hypernationalism doesnt make it better.
Stop whining and educate yourself, Achmed, and people will respect you.

you mean drug dealer right?


Nobody wanted or needed them but they were forced on us because the Americans wanted to have missile bases in Turkey. The turkish government gladly used that opportunity to send undesirables to Germany.

>Russians and Slavs integrate within 1-3 years
>Turks are here since over 50 years still dont speak german

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LOL that other thread god deleted/archived and you made another?

Cucked opinion

I always thought real turks fucking despise almancis since they tend to be hyper religious east anatolics without education

And that's a good thing. Berlin will be Neo-Constantinople.

they mad because they send their uneducated in some europe shithole and they ended up more rich than them.

Berlin is full of anglos and arab clans I bet there are more canadians in Berlin than turks


whats so funny faggot

you know im right

really? why are there so many angloids there

Tell me a nation that's not turkic and does not dislike turks.

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tech start-ups

#techno #vintage #art #fuckfascism #Kreuzberg

this #muhhipsterveganvegetableshop

>>Russians and Slavs integrate within 1-3 years
make sense since they already integrated their DNA in your women in 1945

wasn't it mostly mongols that actually raped

Berlin is the go to city for educated British hipsters. That or Amesterdam.

how do i become a hipster in berlin

what do these people even do for work?

Lots of people with remote jobs live in Berlin, on top of that it's a metropolis with shitloads of jobs for anyone with some (or no) skills.
Hell if you want you can perfectly go there, rent some awful studio and work as a bartender in some cool techno bar. Which is what some of them are doing.


Just follow this sluts channel she talks about everything you need to know

A bunch of whining little cunts.

I like how extremely basic/generic she looks. I doubt she actually fits in in Berlin and just runs some shitty influencer account for other basic bitches.

Sot around in coffee shops with your macbook

Are you implying people in Berlin are not basic?

shes living there since 3 years and works in a start-up