Your cunt

>your cunt
>can you understand Europanto?

Attached: 1516046589943.jpg (992x744, 87K)

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Idk what a poquito is but apart from that 100%

About 95% yes.

Sounds like a retarded joke like this song


I recognize a lot of Dutch words in there.

Yes, but that sounds retarded. Interlingua is much more better.

Умeньшитeльнo-лacкaтeльнoe oт Иcпaнcкoгo cлoвa Poco - нeмнoгo, бyквaльнo знaчит нeмнoжeчкo.

Please kill that bastard child of a language.

Nice mongrel language.

Yeah, looks like a mix of english, spanish and Italian

Yes, I can understand retarded.

can understand
but its annoying

Kill it with fire

>Linguists determined how Europeans will speak by 2050, and it's beautiful.

It's like one of your grandparents doing a mocking impression of another language

> Habe your computero eine virus catched?


I would be interested in constructing a Germanic language that only has one grammatical gender like English, suffixes to indicate tenses, plurality, possession, articles etc. just like Scandinavian languages (houset and housen instead of the house and the houses).




Crazy language

why both modifiers?

Attached: vom.png (501x427, 76K)



> Habe your computero eine virus catched?
> Habe your computero eine virus gecatched?

I wonder if the last one is more correct


why the fuck does this """language""" exist

Why not all of it...
English+vacation Spanish
and you are setup to understand all of it.

As an English speaker you basically automatically understand the dutch words.
As a guy understandng dutch you autmatically understand German.

Your Vacation-Spanish also helps you in getting the itallian words right.

I can but damn is that ugly. It’s just a random hodgepodge of different languages and adding an ‘o’ to random words.

Here is Poul Anderson's essay "Uncleftish Beholding" ("Atomic
Theory"), reprinted from the revised edition appearing in his
collection _All One Universe_.

For most of its being, mankind did not know what things are made
of, but could only guess. With the growth of worldken, we began
to learn, and today we have a beholding of stuff and work that
watching bears out, both in the workstead and in daily life.

The underlying kinds of stuff are the *firststuffs*, which link
together in sundry ways to give rise to the rest. Formerly we
knew of ninety-two firststuffs, from waterstuff, the lightest and
barest, to ymirstuff, the heaviest. Now we have made more, such
as aegirstuff and helstuff.

The firststuffs have their being as motes called *unclefts*.
These are mightly small; one seedweight of waterstuff holds a
tale of them like unto two followed by twenty-two naughts. Most
unclefts link together to make what are called *bulkbits*. Thus,
the waterstuff bulkbit bestands of two waterstuff unclefts, the
sourstuff bulkbit of two sourstuff unclefts, and so on. (Some
kinds, such as sunstuff, keep alone; others, such as iron, cling
together in ices when in the fast standing; and there are yet
more yokeways.) When unlike clefts link in a bulkbit, they make
*bindings*. Thus, water is a binding of two waterstuff unclefts
with one sourstuff uncleft, while a bulkbit of one of the
forestuffs making up flesh may have a thousand thousand or more
unclefts of these two firststuffs together with coalstuff and

Food for thought

Nice mutt language

Is this the autistic version of English that removes all Latin influence?
I'm pretty sure Scots has a verb similar to kennen, that's cool

basically German words translated word by word to english.
Sauerstoff = oxygen = sourstuff

Woher kennst du "kennen"?

I'm not a purist guys, I just like accuracy. It's an interesting exercise of lingua.

the language of the eu

You know that linguistically contemporary English isn't a language but actually a "creol"
= a simplified form of the original language with words of other languages mixed in.

Ich habe ein bisschen Deutsch (Deutsches?) an der universität gelernt
Which I should really get back to because classes are starting in a month and I've forgotten most of it

Attached: 1559705459139.jpg (2048x1536, 720K)

>using both du and your
Just stop
Other than that it seems like it would be very easy to understand for speakers of two or more of those languages. It's just not very enjoyable to read though, so I would never use it.

The EU translates everything in all official languages

Thats how gypsies speak foreign languages.
Do you understand Kobaïan language, Jow Forums ?
Rë ẁï lᴧë ẁï soï rë ẁï lᴧë ẁï soï
Rë ẁï lᴧë ẁï dü
Ëẁïlëh ẁï lëhnsᴧë
Ü malaẁalaẁala ẁᴧë sïẁëlï ẁëlohndaï
Dᴧë ẁï ẁëlï ẁëhnsaï
Ëẁëlëh dᴧë ẁëlïẁë sï lëhnsaï
Ëẁëlëh ẁë dᴧë ẁëlïẁë sï lëhnsaï

Well "a ball point pen" is more accurate than "ein Kugelschreiber"

What if it was used in touristic areas for like street signs or info points?

He must be an idiot, I understood almost all of it

BIG cringe and a large YIKES on the side

Just use english since that "language" requires the knowledge of it

Ia! Ia! C'thulu f'taghn!

Attached: will never die.jpg (1552x873, 308K)

Attached: mfw.jpg (838x559, 41K)

why on earth are the names of languages all fucked up
if it's a big meme mix why not at least use the native words for languages


Maybe that would work, but you'd still need to have mastered at least two of those languages and you'd likely already speak English by then.

Can you read the fragment using only Italian? I for sure can't do it with just Dutch, I need to apply my knowledge of French, German and English too.

ken in scots means know, unless there's a secret kennen that I've never heard of

Learned French for 4 years...all active vocabulary gone.
I'm pretty convinced learning these languages that you can't activlely apply on a regular bases is basically wasted live time...
But I guess It will be enough to convince some tourist girls into getting to know the country and the people better.

I don't know, I feel like I would have absorbed foreign words anyway. I can get some of the German words from the context

Italian and english are enough

But 4 cases are more precise than no case!


there is an ur-association with sex. In a verb, to "know" someone.

Attached: 5.jpg (960x884, 259K)

A UK is leaving
my proposal would be to have a Commity to formalize an official EU-English variant, with unified spelling
Where the writing 100% instructs how a word is spelled
And where the Spelling only allows for 1 way to write the word.
Take care of homonyms and homophones.
Especially have distinct words for "will" to form a future sentence and "will" when it's related to willing...
Also most irregulars should get eliminated.
Not to mention rules impossible to the order of adjectives....

Order of adjectives is just something you have to get a feel for. I'm sure a lot of native speakers aren't even aware that the rule exists.

Yeah, so why not just use English and leave this weird mutt language for what it is? The vast, vast majority of bilingual people speak that already anyways.
Maybe, maybe not, it wouldn't read very easily though.

>rules impossible to memorize
They really are, my English is pretty good on account of application and exposure, not by rote memorisation. The same reasoning must be the cause of all of German tv being dubbed.

This so much, also let it have actual rules for pronouncing words.

>implying it won't just be Amerilard English

>why the fuck does this """language""" exist
I don't know, swedes should've genocided native finns so thei language would be forgotten

You act as though the reason amerilard English is the lingua franca of yuropoors is some conscious decision. The forces which caused this development will still be very much in play even if you come up with some new gimmicky system which everyone will ignore as it has no litterature, no current people familiar with it, etc.

how can germ*ids understand that?

Ahl wëhr ïss ün ëhr êm !

Just sounds like swenglish in my head

Sounds like Belter creole lmao

Attached: 6qp4l38wn3w01.png (1920x1080, 753K)

>formalize an official EU-English variant
That would be so typically autistic EU when there's no such thing in English.

How are we going to understand your Hindi-Urdu-Anglo creole when you brexit?

t. apezilian

you can have english. we shall speak anglish, a swotel tongue for the anglosaxon folk, furbed of fremd and ellendish words. it shall be an undertoken of our freedom from eu shackles.

I doubt it.