Are we being jewed Jow Forums?
Are we being jewed Jow Forums?
Landon Hill
Jace Morales
yay casual antisemitism and stereotypes!
Jayden Perry
You need to go back
Josiah Perry
I agree, he should be less casual.
Henry Adams
>yay casual antisemitism and stereotypes!
Imagine being this big of a faggot and still going on Jow Forums
Michael Roberts
wow found the plebbit nigger faggot
Camden Moore
where do you think you are, niggerkike?
Isaac Jackson
BTFO jew
Gabriel Sanchez
>falling for bait this obvious
Michael Butler
>twenty-something year old men behaving like literal children on an anonymous imageboard
never change
Easton Sullivan
I'm 30
Jacob King
fucking kys.
Elijah Morris
haha, took me second.
Thomas Peterson
Nolan Morris
Lincoln Kelly
Lincoln Cook
Eli Jones
Luke Reyes
Fuck off to reddit kike
John Ramirez
You HAVE...
Ian Carter
>Greatest transfer of wealth
Nicholas Cruz
That's a bull pennant
Adam Edwards
So when do I open my 25x long?
Carter Sullivan
Children are antisemites?