Are we being jewed Jow Forums?

Are we being jewed Jow Forums?

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yay casual antisemitism and stereotypes!

You need to go back

I agree, he should be less casual.

>yay casual antisemitism and stereotypes!
Imagine being this big of a faggot and still going on Jow Forums

wow found the plebbit nigger faggot

where do you think you are, niggerkike?

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BTFO jew

>falling for bait this obvious

>twenty-something year old men behaving like literal children on an anonymous imageboard
never change

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I'm 30

fucking kys.

haha, took me second.

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Fuck off to reddit kike

You HAVE...

>Greatest transfer of wealth

That's a bull pennant

So when do I open my 25x long?

Children are antisemites?