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What does he do now that his channel's been scrubbed?

it has?

Larps as Gandalf on Twitter

It took me a while to find it because every twitter account that has Varg Vikernes in the name is in Spanish

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

This is the cringiest shit I've ever seen, how can he do this all day every day?

Attached: yikes.png (723x637, 278K)

You jelly mutt.

Leave Vargy alone!

I don't have an account, I can't make fun of him

Louis Cachet pls, this is worse than anything Nassim Taleb ever tweeted

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What is he talking about?

Nothing wrong with having a passion

I want to know what his wife thinks of his hobby

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i know this is some kind of race thing
but is he talking about any race in particular?
like, germanics vs meds
or is this about EVROPEANS against non-europeans?

Is this real? These are literally Jow Forums memes.

his wife is literally autistic, he mentioned this in one of his videos, who else could put up with this retard

>This is from Jow Forums that is from Jow Forums

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Attached: Gypsies are pagans.jpg (1366x768, 213K)

He just hates "brown" people regardless of race.

No he doesn't, stop spreading lies.

He also killed someone, right?

I guess Varg must be really fucking bored. Nothing else to do all day than LARP on Twitter?

Tell your husband to stop larping and get a job.

Some guy from his metal band.

His has no job and YouTube banned his channel. This is literally his life now.

how does he pay for his stuff if he has no job?

selling books and some board game on Amazon

His also enjoys shitposting on Quora

He lives off his wife's income and neetbux

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Damn. Do you know what his wife does?

He rises a family and this takes a lot of time when you want to make strong hyperboreans and revive elder's culture.

Don't be so modest Marie, we all know you do all the work while he sits at his computer.

It is factually a meme from Jow Forums you inbred spicnigger, and why don't you go back there to delude yourself that you're white and european

Now that I think about it, I also saw Varg use one of those Jow Forums strawman comics in one of his videos.
He must be aware of all the memes about him, I wonder what he thinks of them.

I dont hate gypsy lifestyle its pretty based. If I was in medieval europe Id rather be a gypsy travelling around with a troupe than be a christcuck serf toiling all day to pay taxes.

There's (unfortunately) a large overlap between Jow Forums and right-wing normie twitter, Jow Forumstards actually encourage them to spread memes that used to be Jow Forums-exclusive

He doesn't have to get a job, he can just keep reissuing limited editions of the albums he made 2 decades ago and people will buy them for 100€+. Unlimited income. Literally Life on easy mode

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I wonder if his children will grow up to be famous or just retard rednecks