Eurofags will defend this

eurofags will defend this

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thats not a muslim dick on the right though

this right there, first post: mentions dark cock
everytime, no matter the subject there's always an american that comes and mentions black peepees
why are they like this?

european transpostation

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it's their "cult-ure"

He was actually defending the yurofag transportation by implying (correctly) that reliance on a car makes you a slave to the sand nigger tribes

Great mind

never seen a crowd like that in transporation

check flag

Imagine living in a country where you hate your countrymen so much you can't even handle being in their vicinity, and have to spend a tonne of money on a shoddy, fuel-guzzling, gaudy piece of shit your masters told you was a car, just to commute to work.

When I went to university every 2 minutes a long bus went from city central to the university. As one bus leaves the next one arrives.
And there were still masses of people waiting.

Where's the fat guy on a scooter?

but can he do it without mentioning nigger cocks?

Not sure what would happen if everyone on a bike or bus here would try to take the car. Because the city is already stuck in the morning.

Enjoy being stuck on the same avenue for 20 minutes

He typed muslim. A nigger can be a muslim but not every muslim is a nigger.

>cuando el camion va pasar por centro
aaaaaaaaaa no que no

ant colony

The main road through my city doesn't allow personal vehicles so everyone is biking here, it's really nice. But we have an issue with bikes getting stolen, very often.

But that's the metro, user

I hate driving so much, I just want to sit in a tram or cab and relax scrolling through my phone until I get to my destination

That's because you don't have a VEE-ATE

We also have a lot of car parking spaces outside of the big cities. And if you park there you get a free public transportation ticket into the city.

Having to sit in traffic and slowly manually drive yourself to work every day is nothing to brag about.

Driving in Americas fun and we have great transportation infrastructure. I visited Egypt and realized they have no laws and everyones batshit crazy so I see where you're coming from

I live with rolling hills, bike riding sucks. Used to bike to work. 15 minutes one way, 45 minutes the other.

>p*blic transport

In high school I had to bike for 45 minutes to school. It was pretty nice, past the canals and stinky cows.

having to sit next to mouth breathers twice, sometimes more, everyday just to take longer to get home is nothing to brag about either, Nigel.

I will

Attached: transportsss.jpg (650x1002, 265K)

Ah yes
>rolls on a highway, engages cruise control

Is driving the ultimate american cope for how boring living in amerika is?

If you had first world public transport infrastructure it wouldn't take longer.
I sail past the packed car-cels in my bus-chad lane every morning.

That sounds great, would be a peacefull day to start the day. I was by a 4-lane road going uphill the whole way, just chugging car exhaust while pushing my bike. Eventually I got a foldable bike and would bike there then car-pool back.

We've got a fast lane if you pay for the pass :) Still gets stuck in rush hour.

It's comfy

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I imagine most people wouldn't bike here if there were hills. Or if you'd be breathing exhaust fumes all the way. The bike lines also help a lot. Cars also actively watch out for bikes, as legally cars are always responsible for every traffic accident with a bike.

I love driving my car

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The only way a car can avoid liability is when the car is standing still. Otherwise they are always for at least 50% to 100% liable.


>slower than a minivan

You know we use cars too, right?

I don’t live in some over-populated shithole so there’s no need.

Can't even drive front wheel here

I think that cars are always legally for bike accidents here too, but my area has no idea how to deal with pedestrians/cyclists. I've gotten visible looks of confusions when crossing the street before from flustered folk. Cities are a lot better at driving around pedestrians.

so wait for the two-ton death machine to go by before you cross a street you faggot

>I think that cars are always legally for bike accidents here too
pretty sure they aren't

Autotragics have more drivetrain power loss and can't launch properly. The manual is a lot faster with a 14.8 vs 16.5 quarter mile, which is faster than any minivan I'm aware of. My car has about +20hp, a bit of weight reduction, and stickier tires, so I bet I could pull off a 14.3 or so. Slow but not minivan slow.

lol, here if you enter a residential zone people often walk, bike and play on the streets. Despite that there are side walks, there is no need to use them. As cars don't have any right of way. Traffic rules don't really apply to pedestrians and bikes there. So cars know how to deal with it lol.

Video literally does not contradict a word I said.

Pedestrians also can't walk through a red light. But pedestrians are allowed to cross the street anywhere they want, except on highways.

how silly

flatland=werster land

The amount of SEETH itt HAHAHAHAHA fucking monkeys

Is that before or after you go to a populated area where muslims bomb, slaughter and rape freely?

I was at a cross walk with a traffic light, the street I was crossing has 6 lanes though. They can turn on red and never look. The confused looks were also from cars I was riding along side, even though I'm 20+ feet from em.



Okay, retard

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"Always" was a stretch, but cyclists would be responsible if they didn't signal or were engaging in dangerous behaviour. The majority of bicycle-vehicle accidents hold the vehicle liable. And for crosswalks, pedestrians always have the right of way when they're within one lanes distance of the crosswalk.

that's the way to go if you work in a metropolitan area, unless you own a compact electric or a scooter

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>american transportation

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>americans and their retarded ideas and fascination for interracial sexual relationship
Really weird

First post, best post (the ground post was pretty sad)

Please excuse my retarded country men, they can't help themselves.

>American posters

I'd use public transportation if it wasn't so expensive to travel foreign.

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Wouldn’t American public transport just be filled with nogs and spics?

brilliant analysis

Pretty based post from a frog

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Do American drivers even understand why there is a problem with huge traffic jams in major American cities such as : New York or Los Angeles?

Here it is the best explained , unfortunately this is written in Polish language so try to translate it in Google Translate or DeepL Translator

Attached: welcome to Los Angeles.jpg (1200x800, 230K)

I don't live in either of those two cities and 90% of american's don't either

Didn't you think about the problems of those poor Americans and Americans who have to deal with the problems of road traffic in these cities, which are so important for America?

Wait is this true? There's a lane in the road reserved for people that pay?

>not my problem
Dumb boomer retard

mutts are sickos abominable disgusting fat creatures

ground post worst post
first post best post

Mental illness

US gets hardly any oil from the ME

Can't say the same for Yurop

that's why we avoid it at all costs

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