How do you legally fuck with a boss that's an absolute cunt?

How do you legally fuck with a boss that's an absolute cunt?

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I need to know too

Manipulation tricks also please.

Quit and feed an absolute dipshit the answers they need to get the job

take as much sick leave as you can get away with, visit doctors, etc

what's your job? you gotta provider more details if you want quality answers.

Taking care of animals.

Get them to have sex with you.

Usually, you quit at a crucial time.

But that's only possible if another job is a given, or if you're doing something else on the side, like crypto.

I got something on the side, I was sick of my job and I was never going to work again on the area anyways, so I left my company job at a crucial time when they needed me to do the job of a whole department for pennies.

Felt really fucking good, and I wasn't even rude about it so there was nothing they could do about it.

Just stop showing up, tell him to mail you your paycheck or you're sue for withholding wages.

Just put the fucking bear in his car then and leave for the day.

fart in the office.
silent but deadly ones, of course.

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Military fag here. You simply find things to make fun of them for.. it’s just little things you can be smart about. Understand your boundaries but don’t be afraid to speak up or call out bs. For example, I typically find things that irritate the fuck out of them but are not grounds for dismissal. So my old supervisor has a Chevy tattoo on his chest, so naturally I’m inclined to tell that chevies are POS and Ford is king. The reaction is priceless

>The reaction is priceless

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Quit and become your own man, my man

Carefully email him pictures of hairy assholes. Get convincing email addresses set up, preferably with the likeness of superiors, and send those things once a week/month. Tub girl should be the standard of quality for these pics and links. Do it

This guy wageslaves.
Take workers compensation as much as possible, this really pisses them off & you can't be fired while you're "working impaired/on light duties", because that's bullying & harrassment.
Your employer has a "duty of care" user, remember this.

Get child porn into his computer. Done.

Pic is missing a player.

The following are good, as long as you have a backup source of income:

- Corrupt other employees, generally talk down about the establishment and help people get other jobs. If you can, recruit them to the firm/business you are moving to.

- Keep little or no records of your work dealings for when you ultimately vacate. Save fucked up versions of quotes, estimations and contracts so errors live on long after you have gone and are actually processed/initiated by others. Start this as early as possible so they can't easily restore backups from any set date.

- Ignore any and all policies on attire, sexual harassment etc... say whatever you want but keep it classy while making a mockery of the establishment.

- Leave the office to play golf/tennis etc. Arrive in sports clothes.

- Use up any sick leave accrued, make it known the reason was trivial.

- Crank call them at weird hours to fuck with their head.

All the above will undermine your manager/boss, and most are not mentally equipped to deal with their own job let alone a renegade. Obviously the more responsibility you have, the more fun it is. Used all of the above when an employer wouldn't release me early from a contract but still insisted on being a c#nt.

>buy gift card with cash
>buy cheap burner phone with cash
>activate a cheap wireless account on it with the gift card
>keep all of the above strictly to yourself and secret from all others
>call 911 on burner phone as boss heads to car
>report that you are a pedestrian or driver who almost got run over or hit by reckless driver who's clearly either drunk or road-raging or both
>provide color, make, model & license plate number of boss' car
>mention that the driver also said some really racist shit and yelled death threats out the window
>do this whenever your boss is driving around
>alternatively call 911 and claim that he tried to rape you or diddle kids or some other bullshit
>decline to provide contact information because you are a refugee or illegal immigrant or something
>alternatively just say 'wat' alot if they ask questions you don't want to answer, then start saying how 'cell phone reception is terrible here' before suddenly hanging up

put penis in cunt

>This guy wageslaves

only when i'm not off "sick"