Tell me the truth is chainlink a meme or no?
Tell me the truth is chainlink a meme or no?
If you're a faggot: yes, it's a scam to fuck with newfags.
If you're cool: no, it's the cornerstone for the next generation of financial infrastructure
Since ico its had a 1.56x roi.
Yes, its a scam. A fun pnd coin while it lasted nonetheless.
Yes you retarded you really think these random no name developers are gonna solve the hardest problem in crypto right now? They don't have any legit computer scientists on their team. Sorry an "advisor" doesn't count cuz they aren't writing code.
Yes, the bagholders are getting unironically delusional and cringy
Theres a reason it hold steady when everything else dumps
Theres a reason it doesnt pump like crazy when coins like trx pump
Computer scientists are a fucking meme. They're pretentious cunts who think they know everything and write papers with theoritcal bullshit that often never translates to code.
Engineers are the real OGs not fucking computer scientists.
Don't make me fucking laugh.
Mostly a meme. Its success depends on a ton of factors that are completely out of the dev’s control and the space appears headed towards other solutions to the oracle problem.
ChainLink is the biggest meme in cryptocurrency right now, just like Trump was the biggest meme in politics during the last Presidential election; $1,000 EOY is FUD.
You realize you can't engineer the problem they are trying to solve right? They need an algorithm, which is my the linkpool review of chainlink specifically asked:
"If you know how to solve this problem please contact me."
It's a complicated problem that you can't just engineer around. This is a fundamental CS problem that needs a an algorithm first that an engineer can then implement. What they are trying to do has never been done before.
This isn't some dumb webapp they are building that has been built hundreds of times before, just sightly different. But yeah, go ahead and just use a little elbow grease you fucking retard to solve the Oracle problem. Fucking brainlets.
Why would any western company utilize something created by Russians. Use your fucking head. This coin is only a nice PND coin. Sell early to avoid being a bag holder.
This user has me intrigued. Anything else?
Its a fucking meme
Or is it
100% this.
im getting to the point now where i am very selective with WHO i even tell about chainlink.
i'd hate to think i made some shithead faggot rich if he actually took my advice and bought 10k LINK.
seriously, dont tell anyone about this shit that you dont want getting crazy rich.
I have a brother-in-law who is a shithead faggot and I'll be fucked if i'm going to tell him.
we won't know if it is a meme until it's too late
this is such fucking retarded fud. the main thing in the whitepaper is the pseudocode for the algo. kek im actually gonna be rich
wait really? I guess I need to read WP I have only skimmed the parts without the tech
You have to realize Jow Forums is filled with retards who failed at life and sucks people here with vitriol of the worst kind.
They want you financially ruined and neet so you can post here more.
Buy MCO.
Chainlink is the real deal. $1000 EOY is a fud meme. $2500 EOY is more realistic
t. user who wants you to miss an opportunity so he can mock you more
Opinion discarded.