This retard called flood is the best indicator in crypto

this retard called flood is the best indicator in crypto

Attached: fld01.jpg (1460x870, 263K)

Yes. He is literally braindead and Low IQ. Even five years old should be aware that the whole market is rigged.

i'm honestly impressed

Attached: flood02.jpg (1799x876, 186K)

Attached: 345353453.png (2095x1232, 1.08M)

Now take all his calls and average them out. Is he better or worse than random? i assume he's made some correct calls as well, otherwise he wouldn't have lasted this long.

>Now take all his calls and average them out
Without knowing his entry/exit, how high his leverage, what his liquidation/stop was etc, you can end up with anything in between zero and billions.

These shills make money by being bullish and painting lines. They just entertain and make some money via donations, nothing else.

he's definitely not better than random. i've been paying attention to his calls since he was sperging bullshit in the bitmex trollbox over a year ago. funny how he's still a cocky and condescending dickhead even after being worse than a coin-toss indicator for so long

he's only got money because he bought btc and eth relatively early. now he makes money from referrals.

>crypto twitter
Why would you even? There is no value in almost any information out there just close the tab and don't look back

Attached: 0c482437b718bc4d24d4f294689bbde3eaf86b6bbb1f470784c5bac756919d09.jpg (180x282, 29K)

Twitter permabulltards who pretend to be traders make me chuckle. Damage control when bitcoin dumps 15% and arrogance as soon as they see a green candle, calling bears retarded low IQ idiots. This flood faggot, iamnomad and countless others, every time it's the same shit.

Yeah, this. I doubt these people trade at all.

I hate this faggot, but I hate the permabears just as much who call for a crash as soon as they see a small green candle. It's ridiculous.