Poster from non-native English (UK)-speaking country says "Lad"

>poster from non-native English (UK)-speaking country says "Lad"
>poster from non-native English (US)-speaking country says "Lad"
Double Yikes
>poster from third world country says "Lad"
Triple Yikes
>poster from native English (US)-speaking country says "Lad"

Attached: source.gif (500x500, 1.48M)


get the rope lads

>any poster from anywhere in the world says"y'all"

There's nothing 'yikes' about it. It's part of the language and depends what kind of English you learned and where. For example a poster from any of those countries might have lived in England for a while. I know it's unfathomable to a yank that someone would leave their state but try to picture it.
Besides, most people here are already speaking international English, wihout even realizing it. International English is set to become the most common form of the English language within this century and belongs to neither England nor the US.

>diaspora poster says "yank"
BIG yikes

Piss off lad.

Also not diaspora

Sometimes it's useful. Y'all, youse, yousins etc are ugly, but they can be useful to distinguish between the second-person singular and the second-person plural, since otherwise they're the same word in English (you).

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You guys ever heard of a non-Brit/Aussie say "Lad"?
>mfw I have

Attached: pablo.jpg (101x105, 5K)

whatever mate


I agree

y'all is the correct 2nd-person plural


post fucking machines

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Loathe that word, one of the many reasons I don't have twitter


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no i mean while theyre fucking

I cringe even more when a non-North American says dude or awesome or any American slang at all outside of North America

the dutch and scandinavians are extremely guilty of this btw

what are the acceptable slang phrases we can use? a wanker? or rather superfaggot?

this is SFW board , i suggest you google it or ask on a NSFW board.

oi m8 you got a loicence for that opinioun?

Is awesome supposed to be slang?

dude, relax. I think it's awesome that non Americans are using American slang.

israeli defense system

Nah, you just shouldn't use regional slang when talking to an international group of people, it shows a lack of knowledge and cultural understanding. You should speak neutral, international English in this context. Avoid slang terms as much as possible.

Awesome is a predominantly North American word, so yeah by definition it counts as slang.

Nah, too often Europeans think it is acceptable to learn American English and call it a day, not realising their Americanisms are as foreign to British ears as French or Spanish. Slang has no place in a formal, professional or cosmopolitan environment and incorporating it into your regular vocabulary is a surefire way of confusing and notifying natives that you have no actual understanding of their culture or desire to integrate. Imagine a Mexican learns English through Doctor Who, moves to the US, and thinks that British slang is good and appropriate English to be using. The moment they call you "mate" or ask you if you want to go to the "funfair" in their thick Mexican accent, your ears will prick up in confusion and you will know they have no familiarity with US culture. You will mark them down as foreign mentally, conscious or not. Now imagine that same Mexican claims to be fluent in English and has a perfectly good understanding of American culture. This is a scenario that is very common in the UK, and something I think that most Europeans who move here would like to avoid.

I'm not trying to be rude btw, just trying to give legitimate advice to people learning English. It seems pedantic but these minor things are what separates the people who simply know a language and the people who are truly fluent in a language.

>Slang has no place in a formal, professional or cosmopolitan environment
>Jow Forums
Oi mate

It used to be known as how cowboys talk.