This is legitimately accurate for 90+% of the American posters on this board

This is legitimately accurate for 90+% of the American posters on this board

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So what

If you don't see the problem in the pic you are part of the problem

Suburbs are the worst
If you're not living in the countryside what's the point

The problem is carelords like you who think they're above it all and if IF you ever move out of your parents' home that's exactly where you'll be living

>$950 for 1 bedroom studio
at least it's affordable and the air is good

Based mud eating retard

what the fuck is a "carelord" you sperg
imagine thinking that it's bad to hate souless suicide inducing architecture

imagine modernity

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>what the fuck is a "carelord"

not every fucking place you see has to have impressive architecture and if it did no one could afford to lease it much less shop there

>IT'S COMPLETELY OKAY to live in empty feeling suburbs and to shop at stores that all look exactly the same you CARELORD!! wanting to change that is BAD!!

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change it to what? and how much are you willing to pay for that?

how old are you bro? be honest. you think they're going to contract an architect to design hundreds or even thousands of completely unique homes? the people who live in these places don't care if their home looks like frank lloyd wright, and why should they? these are just places where people live and buy groceries and shit. i lived in a neighborhood just like this for years and there was nothing suicide inducing about it. it was just the place i lived

>change it to what?
To something that's not cookie cutter towns owned by big corporations, like people in other countries

lmao this is jacksonville

nuke this country

>towns owned by big corporations


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Suburbs are based because they are like roach motels for wh*Tes

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There is literally nothing wrong with suburbs the only people you see complaining are continental europeans because they live in apartments.

yes it's affordable to live in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and no job opportunities and everyone is a weird soulless drone! it's great!

Turn off your proxy ramirez your boss needs another deepthroat bj

Check the % of Irish living in apartments
We all live in ‘suburbs’ here

I live in a comfy medium sized (100-200k population) city far away from any suburban shithole

>no trees
come to the deep south, they're everywhere

but white-skinned individuals make up about 70% of this country, I wouldn't be surprised to see that its suicide rate is up way more than those three. indians though? blame reservations

wrong. the opposite of suburbs is not a shitty little city apartment. its naturally grown villages close to cities. the only bad thing about american suburbs is that its too uniform and that there are few businesses like shops or restaurants within walking distance. the problem is the planning not the concept.

This is American culture. You are an authentic indigenous American living an American life. Tourists visit places like these to get a taste of Americana. You basically live in a movie.

Very close for me except the 15 car dealerships.

The problem with American suburbia is its all built around cars. Lots of places in the US dont even have footpaths, its fucking dumb

There's nothing wrong with driving places

nothing wrong with walking either. both should be possible. hell kids cant even go out to the shop to buy icecream in your suburbs without being driven. it just seems extremly inconvenient.

t. carelord

these threads are the only reason I browse this board

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The problem is ethnic minorities

He thinks we still live in company towns like it's the 1910s. Euromedia thrives on outright lying about the US.

>hell kids cant even go out to the shop to buy icecream in your suburbs without being driven
it stops them from being shot

>t. carelord

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Why are we like this?

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it's not the 1950s where we walk to the diner for a malt before the sock hop

you can't get kids to go outside now b/c they're always fucking around online or playing video games or they're literally autismos


Looks comfy.

Kill yourself, Jew Yorker scumbag. Don't lump the rest of us in with you.

$950 a month with a $500 deposit isn't bad for that apartment. Granted it is a studio but the building is very modern.

I'm looking at places that look a lot shittier for like $1100-$1300/mo with a $2000-$3000 deposit. I guess that's Connecticut for you.

seething s*Burbanite

The Suburbs make look like trash in scheißeholes like NY and CA but they are different in my state.

Unironically every fucking town in Colorado including mine except for Colorado Springs and Denver.

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why is he purple

I don't like to swear, nigger scum.

it's per 100,000 you idiot

where's walmart?

Nah, this board is 90% urbanites LARPing as something else for (You)s

And I thought I live in a bleak hell

"Up and coming" = Californian apprently. Midwest Suburb look nothing like this minus car dealers I guess down Ogden Ave

of course you can. you walk to the nearby store get some snacks and go back home. regardless of kids playing video games all day they will still go outside to buy snacks or get ice if its within walking distance.

I hate it so fucking much, it's amazing how many people are in denial about the country being soul crushingly depressing. Got to put all those taxes in the military instead of infrastructure

>there are rural and suburban retards on MY Jow Forums

why is buying junk food necessary or even beneficial to a community

It's not the government's responsibility to make you smile

It's literally the government's job to act in the interest of the people regardless of actually doing it. Ours bends over backwards for the military and businesses instead of doing anything to make life for citizens better

>It's literally the government's job to act in the interest of the people regardless of actually doing it.
That doesn't mean it's the government's job to make u happey :-D

If things are so bad here emigrate, oh yeah that takes a modicum of effort on your part so I guess that's out of the question as well

Fucking LOSER

I live in something akin to this

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Finishing my MSc first and trying to convince my family with some success to go with me. I'd have been gone 5+ years ago if these weren't an issue

i'm jealous

poor fag?

Can we talk about something other than the USA for once. It is so tiring.

You aren't gonna do shit lol

>look i know a german word for shit
you are a fucking poser.

they are not in "denial". they just have a different opinion than you circle jerking faggots who create these same threads for years as if you had a stake in the construction business or something.

Probably but I'm going to hit a point in my 30s where I'll either stop caring or get off my ass and do it
Why do I never see these posts when it's a non-US flag making 20 threads about us an hour

why has the American centre of gravity moved so far west so fast?
It seems like even in the 00s America was New york and the rest, but the rest were new England the eastern mid west mid cities.
Now everything California and the rest. I haven't heard a single thing about New York except occasionally feminists getting their tits out for years.
Everythings California and those desert air con suburban blocks with 1 shopping centre a 15 min drive away. All media seems to be set there now.

No you have to talk about USA and you are only allowed to talk about the same 3-4 topics that are being posted every single day. Thats literally hell and you can't wake up.

>I'm proud of my ignorance
I was posting this same shit years ago and desperately tried to convince myself otherwise but I was wrong. You complacent retards who think we're the best country ever is why nothing improves

You don't even have to leave the US, just move to NYC, Chicago, or wherever the fuck has neighborhoods that don't make you frown

I agree. Alas, this board is very limited in its imagination and interests.

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Cause you are closer to California, look at the map. Obviously you get the closest news to your location.

Real answer: It goes back and forth, it's an ebb and flow

>You complacent retards who think we're the best country ever is why nothing improves
What the fuck are you doing that's so impressive

>or wherever the fuck has neighborhoods that don't make you frown
So nowhere here or other new world anglo countries

so you fell for your own memes. kek what a faggot. everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as they what they like and don't do what they hate. you are just an insecure retard who succumbed to peer pressure.

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I can't wait until you get to wherever you're going and realize the problem isn't everyone else, it's yourself

Hard part of growing up

I moved to CT. East part of the state is pretty much perfect, classic New England. You can always move, and having been to Europe, "walking everywhere" is a stretch. Sidewalks were empty and it was more walking to public transportation.

Architecture here is great, lots of old houses with classic Victorian, colonial or cape cod design. True america. West coast is soulless I'll say.

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Suburbs are a huge waste of space, and they always end up in shot regions where people shouldn't build anyway.

There was a japanese flag thread last night but on this board at this hour you have to take what you can get

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>$950 for a studio is affordable

I live in the KC area $950/month could easily get a nice three bed apartment or duplex. You could get a studio for half that. I don't care what people have to say about muh flyover state when I have twice as much spending money as they do. Still plenty of people here and plenty of both blue and white collar job opportunity's.
OPs pic is pretty reminiscent of the town I grew up in though, aside for housing cost. Top middle definitely hits close to home.

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>Suburbs are a huge waste of space
We have plenty of land

>they always end up in shot regions where people shouldn't build anyway
Around cities you mean

why was this so hilarious lmao

>No trees
I have my own forest in my backyard
and Im a 10 minute drive from downtown

Dude why the fuck are you shilling so hard for suburbs. Actual rural America is a really nice and interesting region but suburban America is a hellscape of McMansions, Applebees, and strip malls. It is utterly devoid of high culture and mostly devoid of low culture as well.

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There's nothing wrong with them at all, they're just one of many things en vogue to hate on

Because they're complete shit. There's absolutely nothing to do within walking distance and only brainlet tier shit like shopping and movies within reasonable car distance. There's no great expanses of nature like in the rural regions and no heights of human culture like art museums and orchestras like in cities. Unless you need somewhere cheap to live in order to work, there's no excuse for living in the suburbs and not either a city or a rustic rural area.

Shit man, how do I move to a place where this isn't like this, like Japan, Europe, Korea, etc.?

It means that your only options to go shop and eat are franchises aka corporations.
Imagine being so retarded that you don't understand this.

>go live with minorities in the cities and raise children there

we'd do the same in europe if we had american demographics

>no public transport

oh my god

What about the Adult store for passing truckers?

Lmaoing at all the burgers defending this.
Cognitive dissonance might apply here. Maybe just denial.

why do american suburbs not have fences?

i lived in the usa for a year. suburbs make sense when you have so many minorities who also have guns

europeans don't understand because europe is mostly white and turks aren't dangerous