Is anyone on this board actually stupid enough listen to the garbage crypto advice that gets posted here every day?
Is anyone on this board actually stupid enough listen to the garbage crypto advice that gets posted here every day?
id let her shit in my mouth
I'd eat her shit from your mouth
I'd just fuck her while you two play.
you don't belong here
I'd eat your shit after you ate her shit
I'll just sit in the corner and wank to what you guys are doing.
I'd eat her ass after she shit in user's mouth.
Sauce on brappess plz
id stand next to you and touch rub your earlobes while i jerk off
id eat your ass whilst fucking her whilst you eat her ass after she shit in anons mouth
Ok I don't know where to fit into this.
Can someone please draw a diagram?
You're the faggot who doesn't know how to research crypto. This is the best place on the internet for that.
Masha Babko
Ill fuck both if you while she shits on us
i'd let her suck me while i fuck her in the pussy
user I wouldn't go that far, like what the fuck, it's not like it's Taytay, now I would let her shit in my mouth
soi: the post
What? How?
fuck im lonely
LMAO what a cuck
I'd space dock her before you
>Letting a flat skinny bitch shit on you
I’ll pass
(you) deserve this for effort, even though i don't know what I'm looking at.
Jow Forums is the real /b/
Guy eating girl poop, pooping into another guys mouth whilst that guy fucks the girl. She still has open hands and a mouth, and the bottom guys butt so there can be at least 4 more anons in this to start.
Liza De La Sierra, don't fap too much now guys.
I'm going to eat a big booty black girl's asshole tonight, you gaywads jelly?
she looks very similar to my wife, even the ass
Please diagram this one user because I'm confused as hell over here
wtf am i jerking off to now
my god sergay is looking worse than ever
Black women are like tauntauns. If you think they smell bad on the outside...
nigger lover
I've just done shit, what do I do now? Should I have taken my jeans off first? It's making me gag a little.
how much btc for her?
YES and if you need evidence look at the RETARDS shilling LINK here everyday.
You fuckers have no basic understanding of math or how anything is done.
how many LINK to rim that asshole from now until next tuesday
Fuck you. I'm probably on some list now.
Fuck off pedo cunt.
Fuck you OP I didn't want to fap today.