An Asian slurps loudly and aggressively on a fucking noodle in your proximity

>An Asian slurps loudly and aggressively on a fucking noodle in your proximity

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move out of your parents house then, ricecel

Your Asian sister slurped loudly and aggressively on my fucking noodle in my proximity last night, leaf

Why do asians have absolutely zero table manners?

Like this?

They do. They just don't consider slurping rude, is all.

I am a French Acadian.

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can we draw and quarter whoever made this terrible pepe.

you look so soft. i bet you'd make a good twink slut.

No this extends well beyond slurping. They reach across tables, burp, chew with their mouths open, talk with their mouths full, everything. They are absolutely disgusting to eat around.

>t. weebs

>An Asian slurps loudly and aggressively on a fucking noodle in your proximity
That's the manner for Japan…please don't be racist on Asian people

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I'm not soft and I'm not a twink.
kys, nasty faggot.

In middle school I was seated next to an Asian kid on the bus who used to eat his breakfast on the ride to school, and he did the exact same thing and his meal smelled really weird too.

you're a little softy twink or you're underage b&. which is it?

That's the manner of uncivilised animals...please don't be fucking disgusting you varying flavours of chinksects.

>be an obnoxious, incredibly annoying retard with no self awareness in another country that doesn't share your customs
>it's everyone else's fault for finding it annoying
This is logic I'd expect from us

>I respect his culture

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Hello Zainichi
반쪽바리 새끼

Keep dirty talking and I won't be able to stop myself from raping you

I am a FtM transgender, now kindly fuck off.

Die of AIDS, rotten faggot. You will reincarnate into a worm.

stop doing in my college library
dogs have better manners than you lot

Keep going, I'm rock hard

You are gay by choice.

>Calls someone a nasty faggot
>Is transgender
Really makes you think

I agree, its my choice to fuck the shit out of faggots

I am a spiritually enlightened volcel. That is a hedonist with no self-control.

Fuck yourself.

I mean, I don't disagree with them (anyone really) having to make an effort if they come to the west, whether it be permanent or not. But if we're talking in their own countries, it's a little ridiculous. What disgust people is more that fact that it goes against expectation.

Well that explains it, doesn't it. Also why would you discard your female privilege?


bully me

I want to fuck u instead bby ;)

Because I am a superior lifeform and I am not going to waste my potential leeching off others when instead I could earn all my power and glory through hard and honest work. Fuck women, fuck immigrants, fuck welfare leeches. They are beneath me.

Show bobs babe. Show buttcheeks too babe. Do milk


what is it babe? me want see u bobs. me like you. do milk me drink

>I am a FtM transgender
So a woman?

Sure, whatever you want to believe, user.

You look cute show benis and tummy.

Also what is that circle of shit in your eye?

show bobs i am waiting bakayarou! konoyarou!

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>Also what is that circle of shit in your eye?
That's pretty rude of you to say. Especially coming from a shitskinned non-white who definitely has brown eyes himself.

you write like a man there is no way you're ftm

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Did you have a dick yet?

I was socialized from birth to be a man so that makes sense.


>New World mutt
>calling anyone a shitskin

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Spaniards aren't white.

Thank Allah

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Pics or gtfo. You're just gonna keep attracting gays at this rate

I am pure Northern (Nordic) French, and in the past several hundred years my ancestors kept to themselves in what is likely the whitest province of Canada. You are far muttier than me, in fact your ancestors miscegenated with MOOR BVLLS.

Fair enough

Let them at me, I'll knock them out.

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You are literally my most favorite Jow Forumsposter - I stay up late at night just to read your posts

I'm flattered.

very aggression in here please be nice

Dine at Japanese noddle restaurant. Try to make sound to show appreciation to the noodle as part of their culture
Dine anywhere else, no sound no open mouth no big movement.

So I am not spiritually Asian then?