Do american cops really

do american cops really

Attached: cops_national_lampoon_crossover.png (1190x914, 699K)

Attached: 1560633007601.png (423x567, 187K)

Leave Sudanon alone, fatty

one time event, police brutality against citizens is going answered everyday

thanks luv

>one time event, police brutality against citizens is going answered everyday
only after the AU threatened to invade

so how will american cop brutality be solved?

Seems like a pretty simple mistake desu. He also apologised and his partner said it was alright because it was an understandable accident. Plenty of things to criticise American cops for but this video isn't really one.

I know but it has comedic value and its american, so naturally it aligns with this boards culture

Yeah fair enough mate

2nd amendment solutions :DDDD

nah just comply, hope you emerge safely and then do whatever in court. that's the safest option

on that day it sucked to be Nick

bretty based. hopefully both cops realized just how shitty it is to get tased, and they probably shouldnt do it when it's two full grown men jumping on top of an 18 year old girl. unnecessary brutality. also the way she screamed bloody murder, that should be the reaction when the "protectors" of the citizens come around

honestly feel bad for starting this thread, sorry

dont be, our police force needs to get exposed. they murder, exploit, rape, lie etc, everyday and nothing can stop them because they police themselves. they are basically a cartel that can legally kill and extort

isn't it just media sensationalization? Negative experiences are prominent, I am sure plenty of americans ITT have had good experiences.

Leave sudanon alone. He's the only good person on this board

honestly not, I attacked your country

there is moresly good cops i guess. but for real cops are weird and errible way too often. a cop kidnapped me when i was 10, drove me all the way across town, got a call, then shoved me out of his cruiser in some giant parking lots and i had no clue where i was. this was in 2000 and i didnt have a smart phone. getting home was a bitch. had to beg for money and ask directions and almost got kidnapped again by pimps

jesus christ did you report him

Everyone shits on this cunt
btw I am the slovenian America. Hope all is well. I have missed you :D

Thanks bro, likewise :3

nope. i was 10. i didnt even tell my parents. idk why. i didnt want attention or any drama

you should've told someone, that shits insane