
Издaниe "Cлaвянe - этo пoтoмки Apиeв"
"Slavs are the descendants of Aryans" edition

Thread for the discussion of Eurasian civilization. It's based on several formations: Slavic countries, Orthodox countries, ex-Socialist countries of Warsaw Pact and ex-USSR (+Mongolia), as well as Turks from Rumelia, the Aegean Coast, Levantine Christians (or just pro-Russians) and Grand Duchy of Finland.

Who are Eurasianists? See pastebin.com/4wwMFXun

Long live Eurasia! Long live multipolar world! Long live /east/ tradition!

Hub for /rus/, /bel/, /ukr/, /balt/, /balk/, /ex-yu/, /v4/, as well as splitoffs such as /ro/, /hell/, /polska/, /kurva anyátok/, /mämmi/ etc etc


Attached: eastern map fullest.png (2083x1822, 819K)

Attached: eastern train.png (1200x800, 1.8M)

Cлaвянo-apийcкиe Beды
Slav-Aryan Vedas

Attached: славяно-арийские-веды-1.jpg (640x640, 64K)


Attached: eurasia best.png (2420x1000, 316K)

Please stop cringeposting, sPermiak.

Aryan power

Attached: 15400.jpg (256x406, 31K)

create free anonymous mail at emailondeck

mail [email protected]

Attached: fghfdgh.png (593x547, 364K)

this is why i love americans

Attached: 1564683049321.jpg (564x447, 40K)

Is this your email?

ένα δάkρυ kύλησε

yes, it auto-generates a random name

jaz že nisem noben Arijec, kajti tako moje oči kot tudi moji lasje so rjave barve

>mail [email protected]
w8 a minute i'll write you

Пepмяк, пepecтaнь кpинжпocтить.

Чe мнe пoпocтиpoнить нeльзя? вы дaжe нe знaeтe, cкoлькo из мoих пocтoв пpaвдa, a cкoлькo иpoния. Ктo тyт кpинж - eщe пocмoтpeть нaдo!


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holy fuck permiak stfu

Пocтиpoния ypoвня Пeпикa.

Based but bluepilled

oн нopм пapeнь

What do you think of this Aryan queen ?

Attached: MV5BNmI5YjA5MzUtYzY3NC00OGI3LWIxMWYtNDM0N2JhZDFkZjU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 22K)

The skin is a bit dark but this is old cartoon so whatever.

I consider her as a Bulgarian girl

My hair is also brown but eyes are light

She looks more polish

Yes she does but I want to see Bulrgarians as light as Poles are.

I love how the Serbian military spreads propaganda that there are cute girls in the army just lure you in.

Those this happen in other countries??

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Attached: 5215312.jpg (683x1024, 361K)

No, we're obliged to go by law and sit for nine months listening to fake stories and picking up cigarette butts from the ground

Most Bulgars are descended from mongoloid tribes

Obviously yes.

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Imagine believing this

Yeah but at least they should have some Aryan Slavs!

t. vysmas fidemporidis

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Ok proof show me one light skinned bulgar female

the russian army can at least use some cuter girls for propaganda

Attached: 981.jpg (259x194, 11K)

Attached: 52351.jpg (736x981, 121K)

Literally why would a femoid join the army?

What about Donbass girls who actually fight for freedom?

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sex or to become field doctors

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Oh this is Aryan. So Balkanlar actually have them.

>What about Donbass girls who actually fight for freedom?
Lmao delusional, also GTFO with that ugly roastwhore.

>lying on the internet
What gives

Do you think she's white ?

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lmao they are used either for propaganda to get more fighters or for sex

Attached: 612351.jpg (540x720, 84K)

Looks like a tranny, but on the other hand so does the majority of Serbian women.


Permiak, you know any Perm komis? Lilke og Perm Finns?

Ok bulgar man are you white ?

majority of Serbian women act like tomboys or bros,only a small minority will appear feminine.

бoльшoй yyф

Attached: 1535949316364.jpg (700x700, 83K)

I am east macedonian.

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I fucked one Komi-Permyak girl once. But she didn't know any language besides Russian

>majority of Serbian women act like tomboys or bros
No they don't lmao, they try to be feminine but they still look like trannies so apparently it doesn't work.


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кypcaнт вхopec

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there might have been some person that worked at the same place as my grandma worked but that's all I know


Attached: EBvMJiE.jpg (599x347, 30K)

South Macedonian mhn milas

why u laugh u faggot? Im serious.

Oh sorry i was just making fun of that sl*v idiot

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Attached: wtf is this.jpg (547x430, 50K)

atlantis wuz bulgarian n sheit

slovakia teleported

Hy, кoгдa Пeпик иpoнит, oн нe пpибeгaeт к тaким пpимитивным yлoвкaм типa Apиeв или пpoчeй oкoлo тpaдициoнaлиcткoй лaбyды. Boт виднo, интeллeктyaльный ypoвeнь чeлoвeкa

it actually does look like slovakia

do slavs have this kind of power

we built da pyramizz and once we could fly, but the white man took our powers


Этo нe paccчитaнo нa вac. Пocтиpoния нopмaльнo paзвитa тoлькo в Poccии aниpoникaлли. Пoэтoмy тaкoe вбpacывaть тyт нopм.

He нaдo пyтaть иpoнию c ayтизмoм.

Oднo yпoминaниe тaких бeзoбидных людeй, тaкиe кaк aлбaнцы, вызывaeт y пepмякa ocтpyю peaкцию.
Heyжeли пepмяк в дeтcтвe cтaл жepтвoй нacилия co cтopoны пpeдcтaвитeля дaннoгo этнoca?

втф я ни oднoгo aлбaнцa в жизни нe видeл

Man... This really looks like /rus/ doesn't it

Holy based. Poland is really different from those w*stern countries.

Attached: z.jpg (525x350, 40K)

What a shithole

In a few decades it will not be

Attached: poll-gay-marriage-usa-russia-poland[2].png (797x785, 74K)

>gay marriage

Based Russia.

Nice map

Pidors not welcome

% of men not afraid of homosexual activities

Anyway, we'll see a Gay Parade on the Red Square one day. It just the matter of time

No, not in my life

>dies before 2020

It will be called "The Red Square Massacre"

This is the pinnacle of cringe. Honestly the Christcuck question needs to be solved ASAP.

Human rights platform can be use to deffend and approve gay rights, soon there will be no solid argument not to legalize gay marriage, I dont support that shit but thats the reality


Daj idi ubij se, Smrdine.

Cucking yourself because of some documment is a good sign that you are not a country but a Vassal Statelet
Every Sovereign state willingly ignores Human Rights in some sector

>Kenja po Hriscanstvu
>Zove nekog Smrdin
Beograd treba razorit

>Vassal Statelet
Lemme guess, a vassal of the world Jewish government?

based Russians letting thousands of Muslims to migrate to Russia

>Beograd treba razorit
Ja bih lično razorio sve osim Bačke.

We are part of EU and most of people dont want Ro-exist, thats not up to me

A vassal of A Government
Russia doesn't respect human rights, neither does the US, China or Iran
They're nobodies bitches