Guys I just went all in on holochain. Everything I made in 2017 and have been holding onto I bought it all just now

Guys I just went all in on holochain. Everything I made in 2017 and have been holding onto I bought it all just now.

I own 21,000,000 hot tokens right now.

Please I'm tired of not having enough money to make it. Will I make it with this many holo tokens? Can we really get to a 1 billion dollar market cap?

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is that the erc20 token that's gonna replace eth?

Have you not noticed all the forced shilling? Reeks of a pump and dump. All the same signs as Skycoin. I really can't say for sure but my Pajeet detection instincts tell me to stay away


Going all in on anything is a sure way not to make it. You're fucking gambling with no risk mitigation, enjoy being poor

No, it's the placeholder ERC20 token for the platform fuel coin of the Holochain mainnet that goes live in a few months, and will replace Eth for dapps, since Eth is a smart contract platform that doesn't scale sufficiently for widespread dapp use yet.

unironically yes. /biz is too stupid to realize it yet.

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I'm honestly livid, had a sell order for days and days for 20sats after I bought at 22sats. I had no hope in this shitty holoshit and my sell order finally went thru at a loss for 17 sats now it's running up LOL fuck my life feelsbadbro.jpg

Your pajeet detection instincts suck then - do pajeets normally shill platforms that are already in Alpha with a bunch of working dapps ready to go? And do pumps normally involve a token steadily rising in value over a course of 4 months?

50% Holo, 50% Chainlink. Fite me IRL.

Don't be greedy and stupid. Remember to take profit on the way up.

just replicate my pf OP, you will make it with in year

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What is with the 1 fucking ETH you faggot autistic faggot?

Are you a programmer? Not even a programmer, are you a mathematician?
Are you buying in because you have a deep understanding of the things they're claiming to do and you think they have a realistic chance of achieving them?
No. No, you bought in because biz faggots told you to.
Just like JNT.
Just like AMB.

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he is one of us now. back off no coiner. holo going to moon harder and faster than your dick can become erect.

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Bog would like a word with you.

This. You should have put your money into various different projects op. The more options you have, the more chance of success.
If holochain does not succeed you're fucked..

>posts nothing of substance
>thinks he has a point

kys street shitter, this isn't a chink scam

That's a nice folio user mine is almost the same but more LINK than HOT. You will make it with that much NKN alone.

I wouldnt sleep If I were you. HOT going to dump.

>buying a scam heavily shilled by Indian boiler rooms

Fucking moron

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Eh you should buy before the shill, not after. Sell before the dump, not after.