NPCs are the new word for 'normie'. Look how they react when you call them out. its almost like the program running that animal gets corrupted when an animal not affected by this 'program' affecting at least 70% of the Earth population. That is how (((they))) not running a NPC themselves, they are able to control the herd easily. Think of wagies, or 'people' literally following the normal way of life saying the same shit every day. Finally, npcs literally cannot function life as a neet, they need their life simulated at all times whether they work, go to school or watch tv full of commercials.
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No wonder no one honestly likes you. Cringe.
I just found out that a large amount of people don't have inner dialog. Pretty crazy.
Npc spoted
they are the people that die and turn into zombies during the end of the world
What? What the fuck do you mean that a large amount of people don't have inner dialogue?
that was based on a test of 30 people lol
Why do you plebbit NPC's constantly out yourselves?
Raste and bedpilled
I like him more than you should go back to red it you faggot
I agree with you OP. To the point that I'm convinced we live in a simulation. Most everyone we encounter is an NPC. It's the only way I can make sense of this world.
Checked digits don’t lie
Everyone is a NPC except me
That would make me an NPC. I am self aware though. It's possible the super computer can only handle so many super NPCs. That is why I'd our day to day life we interact mostly with lots of simple programs, but only a handful of the advanced ones. Everywhere you go, you are loading a zone. Nothing happens beyond your field of view.
Hmmm.... Would an NPC say this? Nigger nigger nigger chink kike pajeet nigger nigger fucking crusty niggers
Hello there, Anonymous! How are you today?
>new word for normie
ive been calling people NPC's since like 2015
This is what i'm using to think but can't voice it because nobody "real" would hear me
Genuine npc reply
This wasn't too difficult to figure out. What surprised me was the relatively high amount of people that lack this ability
Nietzsche once wrote, that a real thinker loves idleness, but a scholar hates it, cause he does not know what to do with it.
100% user stop them right in their tracks and see the limits of their world. Questioning boomers about their property and old cars about how the young people prefer shared transport and don't care about owning land and they shut down as if their plan for the future is worthless and they don't know what to do. Normative impetus carries them forward just like crypto does for us.
I actually talk to myself a lot. I’m pretty much the only person I talk to and I do it out loud. Am I retarded biz?
More like 80%.
Everyone with an IQ under 110 is a NPC.
What accounts for your aging and inevitable death?
common symptom of asperger's
i used to do it all the time unconsciously but i stopped sometime when i was a teenager
if im by myself or driving, i still do
What's npc mean in this use case?
No, you're just losing your mind.
Or you badly want someone to hear your thoughts.
Rant away, fren
Yeah I do it a lot when I’m driving. I’ve never been diagnosed with aspbergers/autism and I don’t have any other retard symptoms afaik I just like to talk to myself
Are you a nervous type? Do you talk more when under stress?
Think about it.
How many of you guys have Rh- blood types? 15% of the population but I bet it's 80% of this board.
They can't help themselves. They are only simulated persons after all.
so we're now at the point where you have reclassified your social ineptitude and anxiety as a literal mental deficiency on the part of the rest of society.
What's more, we get Penis Envy Round Two, because anyone who criticizes your diagnosis must suffer your ailment.
is this what holding crypto does to people
No shame in that.
Not really. I haven't felt nervous in some time, for better or worse.
I've sipped around the block enough to not give much a fuck about the cucks who run amuck
Nigger Pajeet Commie?
For every 150 people. Only 1 is born self aware. This is not an anomaly, this is natural. Think about it, if everyone is born self aware, who will be the slaves? 100,000 years ago, tribes who have a lot of NPCs and 1 self aware leader will always triumph the opposite as they are easier to command and manipulate
Yes, me too but I also self-censor this idea because it can be considered a symptom of psychopathy.
>NPCs are the new word for 'normie'
how new are you to think npc is a new term for them
If normies are NPC's are neets bugged NPC's?
>NEETs resorting to labeling normal people as mindless automatons in order to feel better about themselves.
This is actually very important information to contemplate and discuss so that we can reshape society for the better. Scientifically proving the ratio of npc's to people with souls will help us in profound ways. Just look at how societies are structured, npc's should not be allowed to vote or breed with non npc's.
Inner dialog is a symptom of low interhemispheral bandwidth. I can tell because when I'm really focused or on stimulants I don't have it. When even speech compression isn't enough people are likely to start talking to themselves. That's not insanity, that's because sound is another interhemispheral communication method.
I start talking to myself when I'm really tired or came off of stimulants, but never when I have headphones with music.
Google 'bicameral mind'
>this level of cope
this. inner dialog is for retarded people
npcs raging, good one
What makes you think you are not an NPC?
I think therefore I am, I don't just feel and react like an animal
Because I sense that I am too different from most people that I meet and the only people that are similar to me also agree that the way we think is different from others
this is a genius new meme