The people of Hong Kong are amazing

The people of Hong Kong are amazing.

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admirable but they're going to get stomped because the western world cares about cheap products more than values

The west isn't real.

The reason UK could not
do shit is because they were in the wrong from the very beginning

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artificial protest manufactured by Western imperialists

The people of Hong Kong enjoy a very high quality of life
They have absolutely nothing to complain about

somehow this idea has been planted into their head by obama that they've been treated unfairly

It's cringe and I can't wait to see their little protests crushed

Reads like a Chinaman wrote it. First of all, it would pretty amazing if the West could turn out millions of Hong Kong protesters against their will. Secondly they are complaining exactly because their way of live is threatened. Thirdly you're probably kidding because you mentioned Obama, and I automatically assume that's supposed to be ironic.

Meh when I went there to visit my cousin I saw cleaning ladies sleeping on the balcony like dogs. They seem as humane as any other chink


They do seem to have a large underclass

int is pro xi

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He didn't say force the people of Hong Kong against their will. He implied that the West used the power of suggestion to plant the idea that they were being treated unfairly and to rise up against it. You can never make someone fully commit to doing something they don't want to do. But if you can convince them that it was their idea in the first place, then you're golden.

CIA is staging protests in Hong Kong to distract Chinese government for US invasion of North Korea

How do you suppose that the West could convince millions to be against Chinese encouragement on Hong Kong's sovereignty against how they originally viewed the situation* It's pretty obvious that Most Hong Kongers want to remain independent, and the idea that the CIA is orchestrating this is Chinese government propaganda.

encroachment* Fuck.

through Western media dumbass
what percent of Hong Kongers browse reddit?

>How do you suppose that the West could convince millions to be against Chinese encouragement on Hong Kong's sovereignty against how they originally viewed the situation* It's pretty obvious that Most Hong Kongers want to remain independent, and the idea that the CIA is orchestrating this is Chinese government propaganda.

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Why does the media call them "pro-democracy" protestors when they don't even want democracy?

This is getting stupid. This is getting into Jow Forums territory of conspiracy. It's obvious most have lived a pretty Western lifestyle and prefer that, it wouldn't be wild to suggest that maybe they are protesting because they prefer the idea that they can say bad things about the government without repercussions.


>This is getting into Jow Forums territory of conspiracy.
what, that Hong Kongers read Western media?

We're already in a trade war. you want the West to start a nuclear war over chinese treating people in a chinese territory badly?

Sort of. Democracy is a means to an end. they just want rule of law, akin to what they had under the british, and under the one-country-two-systems (in the beginning of it). With democracy, they'd be able to protect their legal system's integrity better than with beijing appointed candidates.

>peaceful protestors

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>We're already in a trade war. you want the West to start a nuclear war over chinese treating people in a chinese territory badly?

Yes, stop being pussies. China doesn't even have more than a few hundred nukes and none are long-range. It'd be an ez war to win, just like the trade war. Do something useful for once, fuck.

Or is all that hardware just for show?

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It's all for show. Amerishart empire is totally impotent. Did king nigger and the racist cheetoh not tip you off?

No, I was tipped off since they started losing to the Taliban.

The exact opposite, only lebbit rejects like authoritarianism.

Just another instance of people try to be more free and lose. Truly the eternal fate of our pathetic species.

>nothing to complain about
>most people there literally live in 5 square meters rooms or even smaller

yeah ok so they have an urban planning issue
that's more an issue with the British design for the city than it is with china's actions

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the world's only superpower refusing to support them in any way. Not even helping fund them or recognizing their independence. Taiwan is de facto independent and Amerimutts STILL won't officially recognize them.

There's little land in Hong Kong.

did you protest, user?

There is lots of land in the new territories.

how is it now bro? do you miss british hong kong?