
Makes you think doesn’t it edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


go and suck a nigger

Makes you think doesn’t it

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kek this is me

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toilberg is oiling his whip

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If you can't secure a marginally attractive girlfriend that means you're an incel and belong here with other sexless incels:

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not a clue about the social norms of romance so sharn't be making a fool of myself


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Sky apologising for the chants:

Salford fans: “Jimmy Saville, he’s one of your own”

Leeds fans: “Jimmy Saville, He’s shagged all your kids”

wanktoil approacheth

Incel who can't secure a mildly attractive girlfriend detected

>continually screenshotting and spamming this girl's pics that you don't even know and posting them on a chinese cartoon imageboard
incel behaviour

I'm a incel the same as about 75% of modern men

lookism.net come here and commiserate with other incels

white people ladies and gentlemen

was it really him?

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generally find white women more masculine desu

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All the qts and Chads are eating plant based, lads

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>muh b vits

She still has rather narrow nigger hips but less musculature than full on nigresses
Why are you posting a 50% white woman and trying to pass her off as a full nigress?

thought about going vegan but it’s going to be redundant soon as lab based meat becomes cheap enough

they're also having sex
you don't have to do everything they do

Ah yes the LARPing utd fans have jumped shipped from fc united to salford

Cheese is my fav plant

Meat of any kind is unnecessary

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when you think it can't get worse it does
me oneitis's last bf never did public displays of love or affection on his social media so i never knew anything
the oneitis's new bf does them constantly so i am constantly aware of what's going on
the pain is tremendous

tastes good though.

75% of men are incel and will never have sex with tepidly attractive women (without paying for it).
That's female hypergamy for you.

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>last bf
>not dating a virgin
What's wrong with you?

*heads ball directly at goalkeeper*


You’re literally doing it to yourself you cuck. Having no social media is great for this reason. You can’t see what your exes are up to, and they can’t see what you’re up to, which drives them crazy more than men

who honestly gives a shit if you're paying for sex or not sex is sex

So does this

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i've not fapped for months now

well i had one fap with a girl over snapchat but that doesn't count


tell me the logic behind this

pornstars that don't kiss

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i can't get over her
oneitis never my ex

Having a oneitis is beta behaviour.
I hope for your sake you're just a dumb 17-year-old and not a full grown man.

wait you haven’t even dated her? Lmao get the fuck outta here kid

I'm 27 with a oneitis

im 30

They probably see kissing as too intimate in their weird pornstar logic, same with orgasming during a scene apparently a lot don't like it because of reasons.

>Having no social media is great for this reason. You can’t see what your exes are up to, and they can’t see what you’re up to, which drives them crazy more than men

no lol, if you don't have social media, girls think you're weird.


hey lads

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Seek help

>well i had one fap with a girl over snapchat but that doesn't count

>getting intimate with a guy who's paid to shag you

this is very virgin behaviour ironically.

Lot of guys and gals have gotten off social media. If anything it’s a good conversation starter when they ask. You get to pretend like you’re interesting for a few minutes

Sad cunt

Worst part is she's still but I can't bring myself to ask her out almost 10 years after meeting her

You don't know her.

fuck off back to /eire/ you vile nonce

>social media is so basic
>proceeds to talk about social media 'for a few minutes

literally stop being a tryhard, they think you're weird if you don't have facebook/insta/snapchat.

>I don't use social media
is code for "I'm an argumentative fuckhead"

>she's still
Like in a wheelchair?


I had them in my early 20s but when you grow up a little bit they stop giving a shit about that. You’ll understand soon enough

*Still single

Stop pining for an old roastie

just designed a poster i'm pretty pleased with.

if only wageslaves and NEETs knew this satisfying feeling of putting your brain and creativity to good purpose and bettering your ability, whilst also having fun doing it

Why must it loom?

Man wasn't made to toil, one yearns for the day toil is outlawed

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you lot wont believe me but I shagged cara delevinge round the back of 'spoons in central manchester yesterday, even got a little prod up her arse

shes proper filth

Leave while you still can.

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Believe every word of this

When does a woman become a roastie?

Been here since 2006. Maybe YOU should leave.

>implying it's not already far too late for anyone here

yeah anyway lads did you see this cat?

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>mate asks me to machine something for him
>mhmm sketch it up with him
>send the sketch to some indian on fiverr and he makes cad drawings for 5$
>send the cad drawing to some chinks on alibaba
>total cost 20$
>never got my hands dirty

What a time to be alive

Kinda ugly cat

how much did your mate give you

I feel like women are still young until 35

*blasts off*

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Can I pass as a local, lads?

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feel like tim byrne's trying to look like adrian belew circa 2003

This ugly fuck looked better shaven

Oh no no no no


Not only still young but vastly more interesting. Spend 34 years of my life with vapid young idiots before I met the gf. Was a torture. Gf is not only sexier but also accomplished and funny and smart.

I post here all the time though

He's been in uni for 5 years now

thank god everyday he didn't make me look like that

oh no no no no

ain't that like a tenner

you look like you just shaved off your pubes and superglued them to your upper lip

what was he thinking

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Didn't ask you, you creepy weirdo

don't care as long as it ain't anime

might do something drastic

Memes aside I feel complete. It's like my upper lip area was naked all this time. Got plenty of female interest at the airport and at the bar too.

A female is past her best at 23. By 25 most girls are a shadow of their late teen self
More than one ex bf is a roastie. Consider that most women nowadays have slept with dozens of men and ridden on the Chad cocktail carousel throughout their twenties before settling in their thirties for a cuck beta provider

god i wish that was me

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First wank of the day over and done with

In Tunisia maybe

33.359700000000004 gbp

but doctor....... i AM mentally ill people.........

Honestly thats an incel/pua line of thought.