After setting up a GoFundMe page to help a homeless guy, you suddenly end up with $402,706 which you actually control.
What do you do next, /biz?
After setting up a GoFundMe page to help a homeless guy, you suddenly end up with $402,706 which you actually control.
What do you do next, /biz?
shoot it up your arm
holy fuck the donors are complete retards. they're the same fucking idiots who have been sending money to African dictators all these years
Use that money to go on luxury vacations with my Chad boyfriend, get sued by the homeless guy over the missing funds and ruin my life for being a greedy, brainless Stacy.
Move to afghanistan and live in poppy fields with a glock for protection.
Man I hate this shit so much. I'm currently thinking about how to fund my real project that I put a shit ton of effort into but all those retards only spend money on virtue-signalling.
You overestimate the general public. Grossly.
I need like 500 bux and watch people get even millions for nothing.
Your overestimate your judgement as to what your target audience wants. Brainlet.
Considering you don't know what my target audience is or what I'm working on, I'll just-
Invest it obviously
just 500$?
whats your project?
You where whining about lack of success earlier on you doofus. I just rephrased what you said without adding any new information.
Can't say. I'd need more than $500 but the first step would be that. Otherwise I'll have to spend 3 weeks waiting now for money. So I guess I'll wait while third worlders get more money thrown at them so 1st worlders can feel good about themselves.
dump it into bitcoin atms globally and wash into monero, you take a hit but you got it laundered
I obviously give it to the homeless guy...on the condition he buys me a lambo. He'll have to get the rest of the money together by sucking dicks.
You sound like a whiny little bitch thinking he's smart when he's not. No wonder you can't get funding.
Ahahaha. Whatever 4channer.
White people are snakes when it comes to money.
Any ethnic group that has money, can be a snake with money. You're just saying this because you're coming from an ethnic group that's poor. Look at what those politicians in the African continent are like.
Why can't you tell what it's for? If you need money, be sincere. I need 500 bucks myself. 270 to pay back some debt and the other 230 to buy whatever I need so I can start some vocational training and a few clothes. Reason why no one is lending me that is because money don't grow from trees.
Also be happy for people who get their lives back on track with some money. Yes, this gofundme got a lot of money, but it's not really for -nothing-. Try it yourself. Put a picture of yourself being homeless in there, see how that goes. I've seen some buddy on youtube begging for help. He got 1k in a matter of seconds. Not because people just give money away, he did things. He built something, he provides content that folks enjoy, even if it's not that worth it to you. Maybe this chick is really popular. You don't get popular easy. I tweet some shit out and 3 people see it on a rare occasion. Look at that number, 14,347 people. That's a lot of people, all of which have donated.
This reminds me of the Susan G Kong race for the invisible cure scheme. God did it make so much money....
Where do you think you are normie.
Haha yeah that's why we keep feeding and clothing your black asses
>Transfer all the money to the homeless guy
>Set up a new GoFundMe for myself because I'm broke but honest
The hobo kept getting absolutely wasted and didn't even attempt to find a job with the first batches of money.
Charity without conditions, that's what it gets you.
Give him 10k and set up a homeless foundation manager by myself dedicated to bringing attention to the problem
This is humanity in a nutshell.
1 homeless guy who probably lost everything due to bad life choices gets a 400k donation while 1 million babies starve to death in Africa.
Where do I donate to make another million niglets starve?
give 95% of it to the homeless guy no question asked.
also for those of u who dont know the homeless guy got $75k from the roastie fags, he spent it on a camper and truck. shortly after that he blew the majority of it on drugs, then when he ran out of money he sold the camper and truck, buying more drugs. currently hes in a rehab for 30days.
become homeless
It's a fundamental problem with the way humans are living, not anything to do with the fact that people in general aren't good hearted. All the donations in the world from plebs won't solve global crises like poverty. The solution is in the hands of the few, but unfortunately those hands belong to (((you know who))),
>I need like 500 bux
Get a job?
How poor do you have to be that you can't cough up 500 dollars? Why are you even on Jow Forums?
Lol fucking white people.
Kek, you could have made this up but it's accurate
Everyone involved in this is a fucking moron. The homeless guy, the retarded couple, and especially the fucking idiots who gave themselves a warm fuzzy feeling when they smashed that donate button.
Burn them all.
yea i wasnt memeing, thats actually wat happened. the homeless guy is supposed to appear in court soon to btfo the roasties that ripped him off. the argument seems to be that the roasties are saying they gave him $200,000 but the homeless guy says he only got 75k and the rest of the money is literally "gone" so yea, someone is going to prison for a few years on this one. and rightly so, who would rip off a homeless guy, srsly?
GoFundme the company is ensuring this case comes to a head btw. of course they have an interest in keeping their platform free and clear of fraud and it would plainly appear that fraud was involved in this case. i hope the assholes enjoy prison cock desu.