You know what's going to happen next.

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Thanks OP just went long 100x

I actually don't know what happens next, can you please tell me?

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What will happen is exactly what you don't expect or plan for. Good luck.
The Bogs.

oui oui

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Could go up or down. Might not though...

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last bottom took a week to develop. this isn't the worst of it lads.

Kek. Right now there are more open shorts so I'm thinking we bart up

A Bart down, no doubt.

Sometimes I wonder if whales liquidating shorts is the only thing still keeping this FUD bukkake-storm market propped up.

I personally think whales are trying to wipe out these margin traders so we could experience despair in order for institutional investors to buy up at the absolute bottom. Noticed how we've been going sideways for nearly a day now? Margin traders got FUCKED yesterday so no neither shorts or longs are loading up right now

smart money, not institutional investors

then you are a moron. it's not whales that are liquidating the margin traders but exchange bots trading between themselves (basically a zero sum game it all belongs to the exchange anyhow) so what happens is fake traffic created by bots transfers money from deluded cucks to the exchange that makes money on every trade anyhow.

You're the moron. Whale wars are constantly going on because it's fast easy money in crypto

you do understand there are sites that track this info right? Hurr Durr

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site link?

nah its all just getting chinked actual whales only want the price to ever go up

Chinks hold most of the bitcoin so maybe chink whales

Normies can't know

damn i wish china will open back to business, that's where the whales at

fuck you i found it

Sell now, the proof is in the digits

kek, now u have a headstart

thanks anyway, really helpful for getting sentiment feed.

Looks like alot of longs have been liquidated.
Time for bobo to get rekt.

Don't know who is doing these ridiculous bart patterns, but I would think someone is losing money.

Wait, I almost forgot. The margin trading.

Almost impossible not to take Bitcoin to the moon with this scheme in place.

A dude wouldn't open 10,000 shorts at once just to let himself get fucked.... would he?

check out that juicy weekly MACD

bonjour, my lord

Goddamn she’s looking fine.

protip: if a dumbass like you can predict whats going to happen next it will most certainly do the opposite

See you on 9k.

The bart zone will be from 6200.
After that we dump to 5900. If we hold we bounce and go to 11k.

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reverse bart?

We barted you cunt and now bobos coming to finish the job.

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Very likely. We had a dump of $1000 in just two days. Movements like that usually are followed with a correction upward.

This is a bear flag OP. This is actually bearish. TA brainlet.