Best possible interview ever

>best possible interview ever
>doesn't press Elon on any of the questions to give a definitive answer
>Joe Rogan decides to get stoned instead

fucking hell

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what, don't you like being a normie, how do you feel user ?

watch bostrum or kurzweil dude

The parts after elon hit tha blunt and started talking about how isolated and tires he was were the kino parts though worth it just for that

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Yeah this guy is a fucking assclown. I wish someone would take all his weed and flush it down the toilet.

Joe Rogan started rambling on about love. I don't even think Elon was that high, he's just being his usual autistic self. Joe on the other hand was being a total jackass.


the best part was joe talking about magnets

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I feel that Joe tries to act and speak "smart" when he has intelligent guests on. In reality, he's a dumb jock.

i guess.. he means well and is likeable though.

Not really.

I don't like him because of all the conspiracy theories he spews.

Is this the first podcast you've ever listened of his? That's far from the truth

you and him are in a room and a group of people take turns talking to both you. if you surveyed them after they would say he is more likeable 100% of the time

You can't expect Rogan to hit Elon hard.

Despite the relative softballing, the fact is that Rogan has done more to destroy traditional shitty mainstream media with this single podcast than someone like Alex Jones or an entity like Jow Forums has ever done or ever will

Also, the weed smoking was an obvious calculated PR move. Get the narrative away from the pedo shit. Score a homerun amongst millennials and under.

He's always like this. He serves as a "bridge" between "intellectuals" and "idiots"

you must be braid ded


a pseudo-intellectual you mean

>a talk show hosts acts dumber to get answers out of his guest
Literally the job of a host

using the word kino is a litmus test for lack of taste though, so in truth you're telling us the whole thing was crap