You should check out HIBT exchange not to be confused with that garbage exchange hitbtc they are killing it. It is the next BNB check for yourself. Fast withdrawals, daily massive dividends, their exchange coin is up nearly 300% in less than a month. We both get rewards when you are verified and we make trades.Check out the exchange for yourself this is not some chink scam they are based in malta. Get in or get left behind. Here is my link to get perks for both of us.
Made $300 in dividends and $13000 on rise in prise in 1 day
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Remember to remove referral codes from URLs in threads.
That and fucking sage!
you guys wanted proof I provided it. I can answer any questions. I wish someone had shown me early myself.
I will be back tomorrow to post another fat dividend pic..
The next coinbene
pls dont
They have real partners.. Coinbene is a scam.
fuck of with this shit you idiot
It is basically Fcoin (CET) just better designed. Keep in mind that coin went up 100x
tell me more, how much did you invest for a 300$ dividend per day and is my money less worth when i put it in there, is it locked?
Literal scam shit. Mods need to get their act together and start banning pajeets or just IP ban India
Paid daily. No it is not locked. I put in 20 grand to get 300 daily.
I am not from india you stupid pajeet and I won 13,500 off their trading contest today with funds already cashed out of coinbase so stfu noob.
sure you did, Rakhesh
u mad??????? go check and see the results of day 1 trading contest winner payout amount.
>0.0000000003 dogecoin has been deposited to your PaShill account
Soon you will save enough for a toilet
5 seconds in ms paint
Also op confirmed faggot by based id
lol I really do not care if you believe me. if others want to check the link and check it out for themselves be myself if you do not.
>op getting a raise.jpg
shoo shoo
I don't trust any exchange and I'm glad to be late to the party if that means security.
I am not saying you have to put your kid's college plan in lol. I do not trust exchanges either. So far they cashed me out 2 times for large amounts and have paid me all my dividends. I have some super fat ones coming soon I locked in a bunch of tokens short. I was getting justed hard by this market but finding this exchange early has been amazing. I used another buddies link and we share mining benefits just like I am offering here. obv I am shilling but its for something legit unlike 0XBTC etc.
thread saved :)
>Fake tits
night bros. for the one guy who did use my link you should see some dividends coming after you verify for using the signup bonus plus you will get a percentage of whatever I trade everyday.
curry smell intensifies
I will admit I laughed. Fun fact curry is my least favorite smell in the world. Would rather sit next to a dumpster truck than pass by a Indian restaurant.